pdf's of Raymond Franz's books

by Newly Enlightened 277 Replies latest members private

  • paul from cleveland
    paul from cleveland
    SBF, If you bought the rights to the book you could then just offer it free as a PDF online. If someone really wanted a hard copy, you could just order one at a time through the many online "print on demand" companies as they're needed.
  • Simon
    Which gives me the brilliant idea of crowd funding such an endeavor. Credits can be given for all our names inside the book. Who would be willing to organize such a thing? I'm technologically illiterate so I won't be organizing it.
    In this day and age it could be possible to set up a web page where you'd get a paypal account and pay for access to the books read online anytime you wanted just type in your password/pin# and you have access.
    It seems to me that providing a legal way for people to access information online would an easy thing to set up nowadays.

    There are already places to do this but if the costs are prohibitive or the privacy a concern I would be happy to donate the necessary ecommerce coding and hosting to do this if the owners were interested.

    No logo or links required :)

    I would like to offer $8000 US for the rights to the books. If she's got a better offer or already given away the rights never mind. If not il like to buy the rights and make sure the books are in print for a reasonable sale price even if it costs me.
    If you bought the rights to the book you could then just offer it free as a PDF online. If someone really wanted a hard copy, you could just order one at a time through the many online "print on demand" companies as they're needed.

    Maybe the two things could be combined so they could be available electronically and in print (which I know little of the logistics of).

  • 1009
    Nathan Natas 1009 - Since you are not an American, it comes as no surprise to me that you have difficulty wrapping your simple, undeveloped mind around challenging concepts like "Wht should people obey the law?"

    Copyright is LAW in the USA - FEDERAL LAW.

    Simon has already pointed out the faulty mentation and hypocrisy behind you so-called "legal opinion."

    Isn't it time to for you to feed your goats?

    You have a very exclusive world view. During the Berne Convention in 1886 many countries have agreed to implement copyrights. It isn't a USA-thing.

    What is hypocrite is that many here use PDF versions of CoC, but are complaining about a printed issue.


    OrphanCrow 1009: I do not have problems paying a reasonable amount. The whole problem is that the book is not available!

    So what is your problem?

    Crisis of Conscience is available. Pay for it.

    I stand corrected about the availability of the English version.

    But really, CND$75? You call that a reasonable amount? And that money goes to the copyright owner? I thought you guys were against making profits of Franz' work? (The Kindle-version is NOT available.)

    Personally I'm not interested in the English version, I want the Dutch version because my father doesn't read English very well. We have searched: it isn't available anymore. There is 1 version in the library (for the whole of Netherlands) which we can borrow for a 3 week period (and no, membership isn't free).

    Simon - Only one or two people on this topic have offered to proactively purchase the rights to the books so they can be published. Would you contribute to help that happen? If so how much? If not, exactly what do you mean bu lifesaving and valuable?

    Yes, I am willing to contribute. Even to the promotion of the English version. How much will depend on my financial situation at the time.

  • paul from cleveland
    paul from cleveland

    Another option is to set up a Go Fund Me page to raise funds to purchase the rights. Then, once their yours, you can remove the copyright and let people print and share as much as they like.

    There are already places to do this but if the costs are prohibitive or the privacy a concern

    Go Fund Me charges only 8% for donations made through their site. 3% for card processing and 5% commission. Donations can be added manually for free. Also donations can be made anonymously on Go Fund Me. I recently used it to raise over $18,000 in two months for a project I'm working on.

  • 1009
    Can somebody please contact the copyright owner to discuss selling or removing the copyrights?
  • OrphanCrow
    1009: But really, CND$75? You call that a reasonable amount?

    The other link has cheaper prices, starting at 29.99:


    I want the Dutch version because my father doesn't read English very well. We have searched: it isn't available anymore.
    According to this website: http://www.raymondfranz.fr/index.php?language=EN
    Commentary Press, whose publishing rights passed to Cynthia, Raymond Franz's wife, confirmed that preparations were under way to release an expanded version of the book in numerous languages. This site will therefore be updated at regular intervals.
    The site was updated November 15, 2015. If you want a copy in Dutch, it appears like it will be available at some time...just not yet. Translation takes time.
  • paul from cleveland
    paul from cleveland

    When setting up a Go Fund Me page, you're required to link it to a bank account. The bank account can be Deborah Dykstra's so all the funds go directly to her and there will be no appearance of impropriety. Using a public service like this avoids a lot of questions about where the money is really going.

    An agreement can be made with Deborah for a dollar amount she wants for the copyright and once the threshold is met, she could release it into the public domain. Then no one will "own" it.

  • paul from cleveland
    paul from cleveland
    I think the key to setting up a crowd funding page is that it be set up by someone that is trusted in the community. People wont donate to someone they don't trust. If someone like Paul Grundy of JwFacts set up the page with all the funds dedicated to purchasing the rights to the book, I think it would be a success. He is someone everyone likes and trusts.
  • slimboyfat

    If the copyright owner has better offers fair enough. I'd like to offer $8000 US for the rights to both books. I guess in all languages - I hadn't thought of that. I'd keep the books in print and available as downloads. Something around $15 was what they were available for if I remember right. Seems a reasonable price.

  • 1009
    OrphanCrow - If you want a copy in Dutch, it appears like it will be available at some time...just not yet. Translation takes time.

    Yeah, they are saying that for years (the link to the Dutch example is death)... And the book was already translated in Dutch in 1998, so that isn't the problem.

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