pdf's of Raymond Franz's books

by Newly Enlightened 277 Replies latest members private

  • Finkelstein

    The question remains is this guy going to make some money from pirating COC. ?

    My personal guess is yes, the facts pertaining to the actual costs of printing are the deciding factor.

  • 1009
    Nathan Natas - Since you are not an American, it comes as no surprise to me that you have difficulty wrapping your simple, undeveloped mind around challenging concepts... Isn't it time to for you to feed your goats? .... No, but I do have a very limited opinion of goofballs like yourself who seem unable to think your way out of a paper bag. One minute you are espousing anarchy, the next you are "Schooling" me on your euro-weenie laws, as if they were novel thinking. Make up yer mind, laddie! ... Please don't hesitate to squeak up if there is anything else I can help you wrap your brain around.

    I've enough of your childish insults! Stop with that!

  • 1009
  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    I insult those who I diagnose as needing a proper insult as a stimulant to their emotional or intellectual growth, you simplistic, addlepated ignorant, boorish clown!

    If you can't take the heat, don't turn up the thermostat!

    What are you going to do to make me stop, put beans up your snoot?

  • 1009
    Insulting is not permitted on this forum. I will kindly request the moderators to remove your remarks.
  • slimboyfat

    Does that mean Cedars is interested in buying the rights? Is he in contact with Deborah? If he is making a better offer fine. Even though I don't think he's exactly "stable" to take over the Franz legacy. (Sorry people fed up reading this) I want to offer the copyright owner $8000 for the rights to both books. I'd keep them in print for a cheap price for good. I've tried sending a few PMs.

  • Simon

    1009: you have repeatedly advocated flouting authority, disregarding the law and stealing other people's content ... yet you now want to run to the rule book and complain about some mild language and have rules enforced?

    Seems a tad ironic.

  • Jonathan Drake
    Jonathan Drake


    there is no reasoning to be done here. These people dislike Cedars and the rift between them goes back a long ways.

    William James wrote that a habit is like runoff after rain. It follows the same course and it becomes deeper and wider over time. These people's dislike for Cedars reaches beyond reason. You can expect to be insulted and belittled if you are even tacitly defending him.

    I understand trying to reach them both as a defense of reason and as a desire to help the community mend - but I suggest letting this one go. Let this topic die off so that it can be forgotten. Let them keep their deeply held dislike, this transient drama will pass and everything will be as normal as can be soon.

  • 1009

    Nathan Natas - you simplistic, addlepated ignorant, boorish clown!

    You arrogance is bewildering.

    Simon - 1009: you have repeatedly advocated flouting authority, disregarding the law and stealing other people's content ... yet you now want to run to the rule book and complain about some mild language and have rules enforced?

    Seems a tad ironic.

    I did not "advocate flouting authority, disregarding the law and stealing other people's content".

    I gave my opinion that the copyright system needs to be reformed. And I said "it don't believe it's up to Ray or his (uninterested) heirs anymore to decide whether this lifesaving book should be reprinted. The contents of the book became too important to withheld." How is that the same as "repeatedly advocated flouting authority, disregarding the law and stealing other people's content" ???

    Nathan's attitude and your allowance just show what kind of people you are.

  • Simon
    there is no reasoning to be done here. These people dislike Cedars and the rift between them goes back a long ways.

    Actually, most of this discussion has been about the legalities of copyright and how we can make the book available in a legal manner.

    The only reason Lloyd Evans has been mentioned as much as he has is that he is the one involved who's done it. The fact that hie runs a company involved in the publishing space (translations) would suggest he should be aware of copyright and know the rules surrounding it.

    Other information just adds to the confusion. What are we to make of claims that he got permission from the daughter of someone who had no children?

    But still, most of the discussion has been about copyright because that is the main issue.

    Some people are refusing to accept the law is as it is and want to claim it can and should be ignored. Campaigning for change in the law is a separate issue and it comes across more as a way to excuse certain behaviour and actin than to genuinely campaign for reform of some issue with the system.

    Copyright is a law that has few detractors other than those who want something without paying for it. You maybe getting confused with patent law which is damaging and insidious.

    I did not "advocate flouting authority, disregarding the law and stealing other people's content".

    You have, multiple times. You can claim that a law should be reformed but until and unless it is you shouldn't tell people they don't need to adhere to it.

    I notice you changed your avatar to a pirate flag. I think that says everything about your attitude and your claims to the contrary rather hollow.

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