"Feeling sorry for yourself" about being hit by your husband is not Christian 2/15/12 WT Page 25 P 12

by yourmomma 449 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • yourmomma

    funny sab would say that, i was thinking that as well. i do not recall anything as outrageous as this other than the rape articles.

  • N.drew

    There was another trend they had that targeted women's feelings. They wrote that rape victims were "ruined" or something like that.

  • steve2

    Like lots of "innocent" people who try to see the other side (e.g.,what provoked the violence?), they end up blaming the victim and perpetuate domestic violence. Did the Watchtower writers believe their wording would create controversy? Probably not - anyone who minimizes violence by blaming the victim has got to be a little on the dumb-side of the issue.

  • Hoffnung

    For comparison:

    The Italian & French translation literally translated the English "hit me" into their equivalent in the language. "m'avait frappé (has hit me)" & "mi aveva messo le mani addasso (put the hand on me = hit me)"

    The German and Dutch versions, toned it down to "flipped out - (fuchsteufelswild)" and "got agressif".

    At least some translators have some thoughtfulness, as both languages also allow for a more literal translation, but they choose not to use it. I definitely find this very disturbing, taking in account that the situation potentially existed for more than 15 years, and blaming the victim for it. Against all sound advice.


  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Many thanks to Jehovah's Celestial Chariot for providing this issue of Watchtower in PDF format on jw.org.

    As a result, I was able to share the two offending paragraphs with a couple of co-workers today.

    Their response? Apalled.

    Way to go Watchtower!

    Actually I am both thrilled and saddened by this paragraph. Thrilled that it may serve as a catalyst to awaken a fence-sitting JW or keep a potential convert away. Saddened that who knows how many JW women will take this third-hand advice and stay in a dangerous situation.


  • Open mind
  • Magwitch

    Open Mind...I shared this article with one of my neighbors this morning...This is the email he just sent me

    I must be living in a parallel universe somewhere. Let's see..... it's okay for a spouse to smack another spouse; it's acceptable for a "growed ass" man to shower with boys....... I just need to pray to Tebow.....

  • blondie

    It shows that in the WT world, the more things "change" the more they stay the same....remember that the people who write this crap are stuck in another century, another world protected from the realities that the rank and file have to face.

  • sabastious

    Zid, I am not in any way saying that the Watchtower's, past and present, have not been chock full of sexism, but if I recall correctly, they were much more expertly concealed than this recent drivel. It's almost like in two paragraphs they went from "in the closet" sexism to full fledged out in the open woman exploiters.


  • sabastious
    It shows that in the WT world, the more things "change" the more they stay the same....remember that the people who write this crap are stuck in another century, another world protected from the realities that the rank and file have to face.

    That, to me, sounds like the recipe for ultimate revolution from the inside. No way they can shield reality forever. Sorry! My conspiracies are showing again!


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