"Feeling sorry for yourself" about being hit by your husband is not Christian 2/15/12 WT Page 25 P 12

by yourmomma 449 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • donuthole

    I just received a respnse back from the Women's Safe House of St. Louis:

    I read the paragraph and it definitely seems to reflect victim-blaming rather than placing the responsibility of the violence squarely on the shoulders of the perpetrator.

    There are individuals in St. Louis that provide spiritual counseling for women victims/survivors of violence.

    I also work with a group of domestic and sexual violence advocates outside of my office. We work toward dispelling myths within the Church about the teachings of Christ toward intimate relationships.

    Thanks again for the work that you are doing to end violence against women and girls.

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    interesting thought.... it may be one of us. Not me sorry when I checked out i checked out and I'm a girl....

  • JustThatGirl007

    I completely flipped my shit when I saw this. Totally freaked out.

    I'm on day 8 of a freaking migraine, so I'm not functioning well at the moment, but I will be looking into making this available to local domestic violence shelters as well as National agencies and seeing what happens. This is NOT ok. THIS SHIT is why my mother stayed.

    I have to walk away form this for the moment because, if I don't, I will lose it.

  • ziddina
    "Does anyone think it's possible that these paragraphs were intentionally put in the Watchtower to provide ammunition for people, like Mary, cedars and others, who have what it takes to figure out how to use it as ammunition? I only ask because the type of language used in this article is extremely outrageous even for the Watchtower. I have read them for many decades and I cannot think of anything like it. ..."

    Really, Sabastious? REALLY??? You can't recall ANY other article that was as outrageous????

    How about the 1950's article that mentioned that the Israelites used to STONE TO DEATH opposers of "Jehovah", and that if it wasn't for the "laws of Caesar", the Watchtower Corporation would probably be doing the same thing to apostates, today???

    How about all those articles about womens' dress, because you just KNOW it's the WOMAN'S FAULT if she accidentally "seduces" a man by the way she dresses, and ends up getting RAPED...

    Explains that "Little House on the Prairie" look that so many sisters seem to have adopted... And I've got news for them... PRAIRIE WOMEN GOT RAPED, TOO.... Didn't matter WHAT THEY WERE WEARING...


  • sir82

    Oh by the way, since it has been pretty well established that the WTS monitors this site, or at least pays someone to monitor it for them, it's pretty likely that the gist of these comments will find their way to the top.

    A thread this popular, with the threat of bad publicity, will certainly get their attention.

  • ziddina

    What Sir82 said...

    And that is why I hope my dayyamed printer reboots soon, so I can print out this magazine...


  • sabastious

    I'm a youngin' Zid, remember? Yes, there was equally or worse language in old WT's, but society was different back then. America especially, as more American's were conservative Bible types, that's why the Witnesses flourished so well. But now? In this day in age? It truly is unprecedented language and they are going to get massive heat for it regardless if they know it's coming or not.


  • sabastious

    Out to lunch, be back.

  • ziddina

    An assignment for Sabastious and anyone else with access to Watchtower and Awake magazines dating back 10 years....

    Please go thru the articles - skim, looking for ANYTHING that pertains to "modest dress" or "Christian morals", and see whether or not there are sniffs - hints - of these sorts of misogynistic attitude towards women?

    I would especially look for any indications - and they might be subtle - that rape is still considered to be a "woman's" fault, that women are to "learn in submission", and so on...

    And I seem to recall a thread within the last 3-4 months about the Watchtower emphasizing womens' inferior nature and submissive role, within a relatively recent Watchtower study article... Maybe Blondie could Help? Blondie, if you're reading this - do you remember that thread?? Thanks!

    I'll bet my right She-Demon horn that, once you start looking, you'll begin to see that this attitude has been there ALL ALONG - this article just went a bit further than usual, because it was supposedly "private"...


  • poopsiecakes

    I think this needs to go to the major news networks; at the very least The Huffington Post. Weren't they the ones who ran the story about the 'mentally diseased' issue?

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