So how do you explain this....

by loosie 113 Replies latest jw experiences

  • LittleToe

    Thought ya knew me better than that, by now, Jeffro

  • tetrapod.sapien


    your post cracked me up more than anything has in quite a while. it took me a few minutes to regain my composure. some of the highlights for me:

    leading to them being medicated up to the eyeballs by Psychiatrists
    (contrary to public opinion, exposure to a succumbus while sleeping does not break this).
    It also shows that evolution had clear reasons for evolving a "God-bit" section of the human brain, and that in the poor unfortunate throwbacks who didn't retain use of it are likely to be weeded out by natural selection.
    For some inexplicable reason there are high concentrations of them in Ireland, Canada, and the West coast of the USA, and other areas with low fluoride levels in the local water table.

    and your sources are funny too. none of which actually support your position, if i know it. and so the moral is obvious. unless we actually take the time to read sources, our assertions are second hand, and sometimes hot air. and i am quite concerned now about the corelation betwen high flouride levels and skepticism. i have no cavities, and a lack of belief. something's up! LOL

    classic... he he, thanks,


  • LittleToe
    and so the moral is obvious. unless we actually take the time to read sources, our assertions are second hand, and sometimes hot air

    Something I've been guilty of, myself, once or twice. I kick myself everytime I find myself doing it, though.

    The first time I truly noticed it was with an assertion I made shortly after coming to this board, where I claimed that the book of Daniel was written before the events it depicted. JanH kicked my booty good, that time, and I had an embarrassing climb-down to face. Hard lessons are sometimes the best lessons.

    Glad ya enjoyed it. Now I need to try and get Derek and REM to read it

  • loosie

    Ok Greendawn,

    Demons simply can't invade the material world

    So you believe in demons but they can't invade our world. Why do you say that? How do you know?

  • SixofNine

    It's funny how much people resist thinking that their brain could play tricks on them. Seems to me that recognizing the possibility of, and more importantly the reality, when it actually happens (and it happens to everyone), of a brain hiccup is a strong first line of defense against total bonkerazation.

  • heathen


    I notice it is always the jws that suffer these so called attacks from the invisible.

    Not true at all . Many religions claim the spirits are generally evil and attack the living . The catholics even perform exorcism and take it seriously . The JW go a little further tho with the belief that satan is manipulating people and governments to try and rid the world of their organization which they believe is directed by the seed of jesus christ or the holy ones .

  • Simon

    Things always seem to happen to people who really, really, really believe in it all or else have a vested interest in the being true.

    No supernatural event has ever been verified independently and scientifically.

    When people are not being plain dishonest or sensational (and attention seeking), the brain is a powerful computer and does it's best to piece information together and can easily fool us.

  • Simon
    In the home I grew up in, we had a ghost. I won't call him a demon, as I have no reason to do so. But it was a ghost, and looked like a man.

    Who first told you there was a ghost?

    Now, my mom and sister heard it, as well as saw, and all 3 of us talked about it to others before talking with each other. The fact is that it was in our home, and we all saw it. All our stories matched perfectly.

    DId you all see it independently and then report it or did you hear about a ghost and then all thought you saw it?

    Some of you want to say that I didn't see what I saw? Then you are foolish and ignorent, as you did not experience what I did. Just because you don't believe it, doesn't make it so.

    And just because you say you think you saw a ghost doesn't make the ghost real.

    Without question, I swear to God or whomever you believe or don't believe in, that is was true.

    I believe that you believe that you saw a ghost. I don't beliegve there was a ghost though.

    For those who don't believe in these type of situations, what say you?? You think I am insane, or we all saw things in our head?

    In case you are curious, our home was built in the 1880's, and we were only the 3rd family ever to live in that home.

    You have been put in a 'creepy' situation. Probably told about a ghost or pieced together the possibility (old house, only people etc.) and no doubt watched plenty of Scooby Doo episodes while growing up.

    I'll only believe in ghosts if I see one and I doubt very much that I will because I will not assume it's a ghost and be looking for the rational explanation.

  • rem

    I used to believe in ghosts and all that when I was a kid. I actually experienced some weird shit. But as I matured and did some research on the paranormal I learned how impressionable the human mind is. Once I stopped believing in the paranormal I didn't have any more paranormal experiences.

    That's not to say that I didn't have any more weird experiences... I just no longer interpreted them as paranormal. As recent as a year ago I had a sleep paralaysis episode. Had I still believed in ghosts it would only have solidified that belief. Since I don't believe in ghosts I was able to understand what was happening to me not jump to conclusions.

    Having a deeper understanding of human phsychology and strange phenomenon does not make the world less wonderful. On the contrary, science has made the real world even more interesting and awesome to me. I find it unfortunate that most people don't have the same wonder and awe in the real world and have to rely on their imaginations to create an alternate reality to give them this.

    It's almost like an adult who can't appreciate the beauty of winter without believing that Santa Claus is real.


  • Jeffro

    Well I now have a newfound appreciation for LittleToe's sense of humour anyway. The scary thing is that sometimes people do post such things as his humoristic piece in all seriousness so it really is sometimes difficult to separate the chaff from... the other chaff.
    Is it at all spooky that when I checked this thread the last post was by 'rem' and I just happened to be listening to "It's The End Of The World As We Know It" by REM? Obviously the demons planned it that way.

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