Explosions London Buses & Trains

by Crumpet 171 Replies latest jw friends

  • upside/down

    Wait till the Olympics...

    those bastards will have a field day...

    Maybe Paris should have won?

    u/d (of the sad for all class)

  • Crumpet

    Bad monkey! I don't wish anything bad on the French! Obviously all the Olympic celebrations planned today and for the weekend have been cancelled.

    I can't wait to get home to my own bed and mr crumpet and have a little cry. I feel so awful for the 40 or more families whose mums, dads, sons, daughters, hubbies and wives won't be coming home tonight.

    And upside down - each of these acts of militant blind destructive faith reminds me of how close JWs are to that level of fanaticism. I do see that absolutely, but I wouldn;t have seen it at all a few months ago.

    Al Q is just like;JW's....with guns IMO...can't you see that?
  • dorayakii
    Was that towards me? Perhaps I should clarify *historically* (as in, when it first started). Just as Christianity was an essential part of 19th century colonialism. Don't be so reactionary or easily offended.

    I fully agree with what you're saying classicist... the comment wasn't directed at you my friend... i read the whole of the Qu'ran when i was a dub, scouring it in order to prove a Muslim return-visit wrong. It didn't take much scouring... It is a book of violence and murder, on par or even worse than the Bible... These quote are all from my own personal copy of the Qu'ran...

    Before Muhammad came to power he wrote:

    "To you be your religion, and to me my religion" (Unbelievers [109] : 6)
    "There is no compulsion in religion" (The Cow [2] : 256)

    When he had amassed a sizable army at Medina he returned to Mecca and wrote:

    Drive the infidels (footnote: unbelievers) out of the places from which they drove you. Idolatry is more grievous a sin than bloodshed. (The Cow [2] : 191)
    Believers, make war on the infidels who dwell around you. murder them and treat them harshly (Repentance [9] : 123)
    Strike off the heads of (unbelievers) you meet in the battlefield, after you have made a wide slaughter of them, carefully bind the remaining captives (Muhammad [47] : 3)
    When the sacred months are over, fight and slay the Pagan idolaters, seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in ambush for them in every location. If they repent and trake to prayer and render the alms levy, allow them to go their way. God is forgiving and merciful" (Repentance [9] : 5).
  • upside/down
    I don't wish anything bad on the French!

    Me either... *****it was nervous..ackward...sarcasm...****

    u/d (of the always defaults to "humor" when things get serious class)

    p.s.- good luck and hang in there!.... and yes I'm a BAD MONKEY!

  • the_classicist
    I fully agree with what you're saying classicist... the comment wasn't directed at you my friend...

    OK, I was just confused, so I thought it was best to clarify.

  • calamityjane

    Thinking of you Crumpet.

    Stay safe.


  • jeanniebeanz

    Oh my God... I am just seeing this and am horrified. Crumpet, I hope you are safe right now, and for Pete's sake people, let's not be so insensitive that we start a big stupid argument right now in the midst of tragedy.

    To everyone going through this, my thoughts are with you. This is terrible...


  • Crumpet

    Folks I am going to calmly go and wait at the station and get on a train. We here are all being calm despite the tragedy.

    I'll try and post/or text someone who can post to let you all know I've gotten home safely. I'm more worried that I'm going to cry in front of people though! What a dummy!

    Love you all xxx

  • dorayakii
    OK, I was just confused, so I thought it was best to clarify.

    I think it was his name "freak" that confused ya classy, lol... i was just a bit annoyed that he was chatting &£#% and obviously about what happened up in town...

    I can't wait to get home to my own bed and mr crumpet and have a little cry.

    Hang in there Crumpet, i'm with you in spirit alt

  • Leolaia

    I'm just learning this, being on the West Coast....so sad and shocking! And so ironic that this is just the day after London's day of triumph in getting the 2012 Olympic Games....

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