A newbie's impression on this board, pros and cons

by smelly onions 293 Replies latest jw experiences

  • JT

    They are shocked to find I am happy and in control of my life and I choose who to associate with.

    I believe that taking responsibility for how we conduct our selves now, is essential if we are to move beyond anger and bitterness.


    when my wife and i hold exit meeting in our home this is what we attempt to teach former jw,

    we don’t get to do it as much as we used to now that we are back in school for the summer

    you see that nothing confuses a jw more than to see you happy- smiling and enjoying life,

    sad to say in my exp many who leave are angry and feel no one is going to tell them how to live their life and so they chose either destructive behaviors or destructive relationship

    i have had pioneer sisters in my living room where upon leaving the org --were throwing "Coochie" around like it was going out of style,

    only to realize they don’t have to club it up now that they are our-

    instead my wife and i teach folks to use their life to its fullest and so folks end up getting back in college, pursuing thier dreams they put on hold as a jw, being an actor, singer, dancer, volunteering to work in an abuse center,

    going back looking at their cash and working on setting up a real retirement program, upgrading thier skills , and expanding thier circle of friends beyond jw and seeing that the wt lied about folks who are not jw as being wicked, yes there are bad folks ,but in my exp there are many more good folks

    i teach folks to reconnect with their nonjw family and tell them you are sorry for being so cold to them all these years, and let them know you have left wt and in my personal exp and the exp of every single person i have worked with, thier nonjw family welcomed them with open arms

    tell the folks on your job, you have left and they too will welcome you with open arns

    one of the most important thing wt does is trap you into only having jw as friends and it is conditional, based on how many mags you sell for the month

    the reaction of nonjw is amazing.----all my coworkers and nonjw family have been most understanding of how I treated them when they invited me to their functions and homes viewing them as Unbelievers or servants of satan as it were--

    the most important thing one Must do before leaving wt is to start building a new clientele of friends,

    for once jw find out you no longer want to sell books they drop you like a hot potatoe

    when we left they had rumors of me leaving Lady “C” for a white woman, we were divorcing, instead we would see them in the mall and they were shocked we would speak and smile and they could not believe it, as a number of them would say:

    “you all look so refreshed as if you just got off vacation”

    And we would laugh and tell them – since stepping back from the demands of the org our life has been more refreshing

    I used to ask jw, don’t we say we are the happiest folks on earth, Do you feel like you are one of them, can you name one jw who you know who feels he is the happiest person on earth

    Instead they drag to meeting that they hate, go in service that they hate and study the same material that they hate- smile

    As I tell folks the life of a good jw does not have any Down time, that is why they are always tired

    Jw remind me of living in a hamster wheel always running and getting nowhere-

  • JT

    Wow, JT, that was something else! I had no idea about the per publisher charge at the assemblies! Very enlightening. I'm gonna copy this link to show a couple of people. Thankx!


    this is why i tell loyal jw , they need to take the time and look at the "Man behind the curtain"

  • JT

    The reason for charging so much money is, I think, obvious --- it's all about money! The WTBTS is really a book-publishing company, and money is the bottom line, not spiritual concerns


    now i understand why it is called the WTBTS "INC"

    it is truly a book publishing company that masquarades around as a religion with a sales force who are under penlty of losing gods favor if they fail to report thier monthly sales quota

    wt a billon dollar company one of the largest in NYC

    REVnues of almost $1 billion dollars and not one ragged old yellow school bus to pick up sister old in africa so she doesnt have to walk 30miles to the meetings

  • talesin


    Good question.

    Actually, my personal term for it is the Lie. :)

    For me, that's what it was -- all a big LIE.

    When speaking to a JW, as I am in this thread, I may use their term, 'the Truth' (TM) <---- note the trademark denotation, that indicates I am using a WTBTS term, and not my own.

    You will find this method used by other posters as well, when [necessarily] using WT terms.



  • smelly onions
    smelly onions

    Hey JT you forgot to answer my questions thanx

    Do you mean that the society has a figure that it charges per publisher? I dont understand this.

    What is the purpose of this?

    How do they arrive at the arbitrary figures?

    What about the costs of the assembly?

    Who pays that?

    Who actually owns the bldgs. where the 97,000 congregations meet around the world?

  • FlyingHighNow

    Oh gee, Smelly. You like opened my eyes and stuff. I think I'll go sit in the corner. Then I'll lick those self inflicted wounds and cry. And I'll do that until I can ponder your pearls of wisdom long enough to get all well. Then I'll track you down in real life. I'll pin a medal on you and like shake your hand and all that for straightening up my life. Then I'll be eternally grateful.

    Such dazzling wisdom has never been seen on JWD until Smelly showed up. How timely. Just when all us clueless JWDers needed it the most, too. Edited to add: Welcome to JWD.

  • JT

    I didn;t forget to answer your question i do have a life outside of this site, despite the fact that most jw think former jw have no life--smile

    JT Do you mean that the society has a figure that it charges per publisher? I dont understand this. What is the purpose of this? How do they arrive at the arbitrary figures? What about the costs of the assembly? Who pays that? Who actually owns the bldgs. where the 97,000 congregations meet around the world



    i called my wife over to the pc for all i could do was smile for i see you have the same questions that I ASKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ok lets break it down for you:

    JT Do you mean that the society has a figure that it charges per publisher?

    ##### yes that is correct

    I dont understand this.

    ### neither did i--- tell i started asking around and cking- got dogged the whole while i ask questions which only made me want to know what are we hiding bro????

    What is the purpose of this?

    ### In business this is known as increasing profits my friend

    How do they arrive at the arbitrary figures?

    ##This is the $64,000 ??????????????????????

    What about the costs of the assembly?

    ### it is included in the per pub cost, problem is it way exceeds the actual cost thereby automatically prodcusing a surplus that is sent directly to

    And since the assembly hall belongs to the society anyway, the funds that stay in the assembly hall account belongs to bethel as well, so they are getting double and triple money off the poor backs of sister old all in the name of Kingdom Interest-



    Who pays that?

    ### as always the local jw pay for it, the wt don’t cut checks for NOTHING, despite that all the funds are from the friends to start with


    Who actually owns the bldgs. where the 97,000 congregations meet around the world

    ### The WTBTS<INC my friends

    Every since the little pow wow in TX the wt has taken over basic ownership of all hall or they fall under the branch offices ,and who owns the branches, does, smile

    Like I told you when you get to see behind the curtain, it looks very different and as long as you keep your mouth shut, all is well in PLeasantville

  • JT

    District convention in washington state i beleive you can chk the net for the news article

    wt cut a deal with the city for the stadium that included the price of the parking lot,- wt didn't tell the rank and file and went on and charged them for parking even though it was included in the rental price

    one of the bro on the committe, did like i did, ask why are we charging parking when we got the lot for free/included in the price of the stadium

    he got dogged, so he went to the press and sure enough wt made good only after they were Exposed

    look at the UN issue all your life wt taught it was unclean, yet we find out it was "Knocking boots with the beast for almost 10yrs"

    so my point is the wt has keep so much hidden due to instilling fear in its members at all levels

    pub, elders co, do evenbethelites are in fear, esp if you ask the wrong question from wt standpoint

    if you read rays book i find it interesting that you find the org to be harmless in how it impacts folks lives

    if you read my bio, you would know that a friend of mine went to jail due to wt bogus manmade dogmas and he suffered for it, only to be blamed that it was his fault

    take a look at the wt flip flop on Altenative serivice, the wt blamed all the men who went to prison and the sad part is even though wt has changed thier teaching on this, there are still young men in prision, they got caught in the dogma flip flop

    can you imagine how pissd you would be to have gone to jail on monday for 4yrs because you belived you were doing the will of god, only to find out on tuesday that you could have took the job at the hospital and not went to jail

    i find it very hard to belive you would not be a litte warm under the collar as Big Jim Bob asked you to rub his back down

  • talesin
    I hope the girl who was nitpicking me for my grammar, punctuation and spelling is now happy.

    Aw, don't mind hillary_step. She just gets a little nit-picky at times. You know, us wymmins and our little concerns.


  • smelly onions
    smelly onions

    thanx JT you're smart and funny.

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