How To Enjoy Assemblies By Being Rebellious

by metatron 92 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • metatron

    1. Go out to lunch at every session. Bring back bags of fast food that say "Burger King"

    or "McDonalds" on them. If you really have balls, have a friend deliver a Domino's

    Pizza directly to your seat.

    2. Buy and install those remote controlled "Fart" machines ( novelty store item ) around the

    assembly seating. Fire them off when the speaker pauses at dramatic moments.

    3. Wear your name tag-badge while visiting every adult book store in town.

    - and topless bars and gentlemen' clubs and gay bars.

    4. Use the contribution boxes as a voting booth. Insert green pieces of paper

    that boldly express your opinion in a single brief phrase. "Sorry, I gave your

    donation to Silentlambs!" or "Why are these meetings so F---ing boring?"

    would work well.

    5 . Knit a sweater during the sessions

    6. Always be the last person left clapping when cued by the brother giving the talk.

    7. Clap at inappropriate moments (" Many of our brothers are just giving up......")

    8. Show too much cleavage

    9. Play video games

    10. Scratch off reams of lotto tickets at your seat.

    Buena Suerte,


  • loosie

    LMAO that's just too funny.

    Clap at inappropriate moments. Maybe I'll go just to try some out

  • Stealth

    == Don't forget the laser light pen!

    == Get a hotel that is NOT on the WT list. It's your money, stay where you want! No crowds in the pool to fight, no waiting for elevators, restraunt or bar seating.... ice machines always full. And the best reason... no self righeous elders wifes to rat you out if you have a few drinks in the bar.

  • RichieRich

    Or just play solitaire on your palm pilot like i usually do.

    That pizza thing would be SO funny!

  • tetrapod.sapien



    (OMG, i have been laughing for the last 3 minutes/ wiping tears.) too funny. LOL!

  • 144001

    I'm going to go to the convention after eating foods that in my experience have caused my flatulence to simulate the essence of a rotten corpse, and I'm going to let loose in there until the whole place smells as bad as the message of the Watchtower. Then I'm going to poop in their toilets and not flush.

  • ezekiel3


    Is anyone interested in a fake check that "delegates" could drop in the contribution boxes?

    A "check" would not arouse the suspision of the attendant.

    The paper would not be able to be cashed so no fraud issues (clearly stated "THIS IS NOT A CHECK")

    Just something stating "We are among you" or some other unsettling message that would get the WTS attention. Any takers?

  • RichieRich
    Any takers?

    Hell. yes. I'll put one in every box.

    I love you sheepy avatar person!

  • ezekiel3

    Great, if anyone else is interested, PM me.

  • Sunspot

    (Now that I've stopped laughing so I can type)-----this thread is hilarious! Nothing like some wonderful last-minute tips before going to an assembly!

    Another tip might be to bring a gang with you and sit in the middle of the aisle---and one of you get up every 10-15 minutes for something or other! Or you could keep dropping books, pens, etc so that the folks in front of you will be disturbed and have to retrieve them for you!


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