Explain you religion/beliefs in a nutshell

by devinsmom 67 Replies latest jw friends

  • bebu

    God is good.

    Expanded one step:

    Jesus is alive.


  • jaffacake

    I have recently turned back to the Bible but have never really believed in it literally. After a lifetime of doubting, I now believe the Bible, when read properly, does not teach that practicing homosexuas, non-Christians etc will be excluded from salvation. My eyes have been opened, and my faith strengthened by a book I read this week which makes sense of the Bible to me. Everything seemed to come together, consistent with the overiding New Testament message that God is Love. I mentioned this on a thread a few days ago.


  • love2Bworldly

    I went to a church called Christ Unity for a while, I'm not sure if it's the same as Unitarism. They taugh metaphysical non-denominational religion. Then I went to a Baptist church for a while. Sometimes I just don't know what I believe in. I've been reading the Bible more lately, and I do think it makes sense that there is a creator. But I feel confused at times. My husband is a hard-core Christian who believes that Christians will be caught up in the rapture at any time now, and then the anti-Christ will come to power over the world. He sees everything in black and white. I see big shades of gray.

    I know I want to be a better person in general, as far as the way I treat other people. I really get offended by judgemental religious people, which is why I'm confused and sometimes really turned off to the whole religion thing. I am really uncomfortable with churches who preach against gays and abortion and stem cell research or just too fanatical and emotional about what they teach. And I am reallllly uncomfortable with churches where people speak in tongues and cry and collapse and carry on.

  • JAVA
    I am reallllly uncomfortable with churches where people speak in tongues and cry and collapse and carry on.

    Hey -- Why go to church and drop a few dollars in the plate if you can't see a show? Shake the rattlesnakes out of the bag and let the party begin!

  • HadEnuf


    P.S. I'm gonna remember what you said about being nice to old people Brookie!!! HA!

  • RichieRich


    I'm an Atheist.

    And remember : Atheists are Beyond Belief!


  • jaffacake


    I was once where your husband is. Sounds like fundamentalism, I really do suggest you look into the book I recommended in above post, he'll wait forever for the 'rapture' if the Bible is really inspired!

    Same comments to whyamIhere & jt stumbler. Like me, your experience of the Bible tells you what feels right and what does not, but why so many apparent contradictions? I have found an answer to that this week through my reading. I am learning to understand what scriptures really teach, instead of what religions try to make it fit into, each selecting the texts that support their world view.

    Does the Bible really teach that only Christian's will be saved?

  • jaffacake

    In a nutshell, but I have only arrived at this point this week:

    The existence of a creator God, the revelation of the unlimited love of God shown in the life and death of Jesus, and the hope that all might share in the redemption of the world that is accomplished by God in and through Jesus Christ and the power of the Spirit.

  • DanTheMan

    I don't spend a lot of time thinking about whether gawd exists or not, but if pressed I have to answer "agnostic, leaning heavily towards atheism".

    I can't see any good reason to live in fear and awe of an invisible, uncreated, all-powerful being that supposedly exists but strangely provides no tangible evidence.

    The plethora of bellicose religion proponents making such a clamor here in the USA only convinces me more that religion is a crutch for weak-minded people. It seems that religion has become the end in itself, gawd just signs the checks.

    I try to have fun and laugh a lot, and be grateful for being able to experience this bizarre, sometimes awful and sometimes wonderful human existence .

  • JamesThomas

    I used to feed on words, thoughts, ideas and practices of religious, political, social, and self defining beliefs.

    Now, I feed on what gives all these existence: the silent presence of pristine conscious-awareness.


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