Your Most DREADED Dub Word

by GetBusyLiving 134 Replies latest social current

  • truthsetsonefree

    Ah reading this thread takes me back a few years!

    How's "spiritual food." Or "higher education."

  • Gypsy Sam
    Gypsy Sam


  • Miss.Fit

    Bible trained conscious

    Aviod independent thinking

    "fleshly desires"

  • ed60

    The hierarchical ones

    Bethelite, Bethel-brother (as in Sue's going to marry a B-B...), CO (commanding officer?), CO's visit (stand by your beds), Body of Elders (Corpus Shifty), PO (Pope), pioneering, pioneer (pie and beer), spiritually mature (Ha ha!), Ministerial Servant (MS - a muscle wasting disease), Governing Body, Anointed (Brother Rutherford had a drinking problem - he was well anointed), Accounts Servant, Service Overseer, Attendant, DO (doh!), hours of service, field service report, branch overseer... BO! (Smelly lumberjack), microphone attendant (MA master of arsing around).

    And they always refer to the United Kingdom as Great Britain in the Yearbook. Not sure why that annoys me but it does.

  • Ultimate Axiom
    Ultimate Axiom

    Not a word, but a short sentence, often asked at the close a meeting – "What have you learned today?"

    "Nothing, it's been a repetition of the same boring old stuff" was the only answer I could ever come up with. Of course, only Jehovah knew I'd given that answer, as only he could read my mind.

  • Phizzy

    "Truth, when did so and so come into the truth. Makes me want to spew." Poster Big Dog, fourth post of the thread.

    I really hate to hear the Lie called the truth, it never was, never will be.

  • DJS

    Appropriate. The Borg wordsmiths were very well aware of the power that misuse and abuse of this word gave them.

    They used this word repeatedly to mke near rules, rules light, mini-me rules, seme rules, walk talk and act like rules to control the RIF and, iin a knowing and evil manner, set the RIF up to judge one another, often over the most ridiculous and mundane topics. Like music. Hair. Movies. Education. I effing hate that word now.

  • DuvanMuvan

    I remember on one of our congregation "get the young ones to come along so they don't realise how much more fun they could be having" get-togethers one of the brothers, in the middle of a random conversation, just says "this association, it's so refreshing isn't it brothers?" And everyone else simultaneously hums and ahhs in agreement

    Did I miss something or what, who freaking talks like that?

  • DuvanMuvan

    Whoops posted that twice and idk how to delete this one

  • Iown Mylife
    Iown Mylife

    Dizernment (discernment) - one convention made that the WORD for three days. Every single talk included it and pronounced it with a Z, at least a million times.

    Also the phrase Let's stand and sing as we TRANSITION to the Watchtower study. oh ICK!


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