How do you women feel about acting stupid to please men and the borg?

by Dragonlady76 97 Replies latest jw friends

  • wordlywife

    Oh my goodness. Even if the wife has superior abilities she should not use them, so as not to make her husband feel like he is less than she is????? Do I have that right?

    worldly wife, who sees she has a lot of back reading to do...............

  • Englishman

    She shows lowliness of mind by not trying to dominate her husband, even when she has superior abilities in certain areas.
    What a hoot! What a laugh! If it hadn't been for my Everlovin's superior abilities we would have been down the pan when I lost almost 5 months of work last year 'cos of me op.

    Instead, she brought the lolly home, and while things were bloody tight for a while, we survived.


  • IP_SEC

    I hope you ladys dont mind me posting here, hehe, but

    I'm still in there, but I don't act stupid. I say exactly what I think and how I feel.

    I betcha the elders in your hall smirk and shake their head ('no' fashion) when they talk about you. Are you married? They're like man, I sure feel sorry for that guy. LOL.

    Ahwell as a guy I cant really contribute a lot to this conversation. Yall Jezebel, Atilia, Jael, Deborah like ladys keep up the good work

  • Mary

    She shows lowliness of mind by not trying to dominate her husband, even when she has superior abilities in certain areas.

    Yes, but you have to remember that the bible was written by men at a time when women were viewed as little more than baby making machines. It's only been in the last 35 years that women have been seen as being capable of more than being barefoot and pregnant. You can't change people's views and attitudes over night; it can take decades, even centuries. When black people were given their freedom from slavery 140 years ago, it's not like their former masters suddenly thought "okay, they want to be free, so I'll treat them the same as I do white people." The attitudes were so deeply ingrained that it's still causing problems today, 140 years later.

    The Borg has always had a very negative view of "educated women". There are alot of men in the Borg that feel very threatened by a woman who's might be smarter than them. In that respect, the WTS is not much different than Islam when it comes to their views of women. And alot of Witness women's attitudes are surprisingly, no different than many Islamic women. If you're taught from birth that men are superior to you and that he has a god-given right to dominate you, then many women simply accept their roles as being directed from God, no matter how dumb or abusive their husbands might be. And who's in charge of this Organization? Uneducated men with a neandrathal view of life in general, not just women. I figure they're about 50 years behind the rest of the world when it comes to being in tune with what's going on. So if the Organization still exists in 50 years, they might actually concede that women aren't necessarily second class citizens.

    35 years of freedom vs. 6,000 years of've come a long way, baby.

  • Dragonlady76


    Even if the wife has superior abilities she should not use them, so as not to make her husband feel like he is less than she is????? Do I have that right?

    Yup, you got it, it sounds so rdiculous that it at first you think you must have read it wrong ,only to sadly realize that you read it right. When I first heard this talk it actually took me a minute to let it sink in, and I thought I must not be understanding something here, so I talked to my bible conductor. I cannot comprehend such a veiw myself, Imagine you as a female JW accountant, lawyer, Dr, broker whatever etc... not using her abilities or intelligence so as not to disrespect the husbandly owner. So that would mean you should let the man take the lead risking a poor choice from an uneducated or less able man, even though you the woman, may have a better ability or insight to make the right choice. Makes no sense what so ever to me.


  • wiegel

    I finally felt bad enough to leave - OMG, what a wonderful world awaited me! The clarity that comes with asking questions and getting answers.

    One event I will never forget: Circuit assembly at an outdoor arena of some sort. I prefer pants and a blouse for business attire, but wore a "dress" and feminine"open-toed" shoes (which I hated) with nylons (in the 70s). I was going to get on the escalator and the brother said "I'm sorry, sister, but you can't ride the escalator with those shoes - too dangerous." I got so hot inside I thought I was going to burst. What a *%#@ catch 22. I wore that stupid outfit because I was told to and now I was being penalized for wearing "vulnerable" attire. I left the assembly that day and am sorry to say that it took another 20 years for me to leave altogether.


  • Mamacat

    That view of women is just disgusting.

    I grew up watching my mom give into every whim my dad had and never questioning anything. It felt wrong, and I would be no part of it. She still asks his permission to do almost anything, and she even went so far as to say she didn't think my dad would let her drive that far by herself (3 hours) to come visit me at my new house. In the end, he decided to come too, and I don't think he would have had any trouble with her coming by herself. I really think she hides behind the "I'd have to talk to your dad" excuse, and I've pushed her on it a few times. I'll call my dad when she is at the KH, and he will tell me that he is fine with whatever, and say my mom never brought it up!

    Gee, if I never used my brain around this house, the bills would never be paid! My husband just doesn't remember due dates and such, so I take care of all of that. I don't mind at all since my background is accounting. We discuss any major decision, and usually I get my way. lol

  • Dragonlady76

    Once again my favorite quote....

    Women are the only exploited group in history to have been idealized into powerlessness. - Karl Marx


  • rwagoner

    Another quick male point of view....

    One of the primary things that attracted me to my now wife (beyond the physical attraction) was her attitude. I called her by the pet name "Matilda" (no reason) but she is affectionately known to me and most everyone else we know as "Tilly the Hun" because she is a strong willed, self assured, powerful woman. She was NEVER a jw nor would she ever have put up with their thinking.

    The first time we met she looked at me and said..."I've heard all about you...and I'm not taking any of your sh*t" was love at first sight. LOL

    We work as a team, each with our strong areas but I love her firey side (red heads are like that) LOL - and she does have her submissive moments too but they are usually involve more role playing than reality.

    I wonder how the statistics would work out on exjw men and the type of women they now find themselves attracted/attached to ? Perhaps another thread idea.

  • diamondblue1974

    On a humourous note I have found out where the family book has been getting its information...check this out for hillarious...cant believe people used to think this way at all.

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