How do you women feel about acting stupid to please men and the borg?

by Dragonlady76 97 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mecurious?

    Scully, sweetheart.... Have I ever told you that you scare the shit out of me? In a nice way I mean.

    Can I get you anything? A cup of coffee, a blanket, some chocolate, bullets?

    This board just wouldn't be the same without you.

    I'm going to go sit in the corner now and just contemplate why in the hell do I have nipples?

    Big hug,


  • whyamihere

    I don't think the Men liked me in the Congregation. I never was quiet. I spoke my mind...if I had a problem with someone I did not keep it in I went to their face. I dressed nice I wasn't boring and modest! I even one time took of my nylons during the meeting because I was so hot.

    The only difference between the Elders and I was that I had Bigger Balls!


  • Dragonlady76

    Brooke said,

    The only difference between the Elders and I was that I had Bigger Balls!

    I felt the same way sis!


    LMFAO! once again you prove that we women can multitask and lead!


  • Balsam
    *** w99 8/1 pp. 19-20 Show Honor to Others ***

    At 1 Peter 3:7, the husband is directed to assign his wife "honor as to a weaker vessel, the feminine one." He can do this by displaying a genuine willingness to listen and by taking his wife?s suggestions into consideration. (Genesis 21:12) He may give her first choice when no issue is at stake, and he does things for her and treats her kindly. In turn, "the wife should have deep respect for her husband." (Ephesians 5:33) She listens to him, does not always strive to get her way, does not belittle or nag him. She shows lowliness of mind by not trying to dominate her husband, even when she has superior abilities in certain areas.

    I remember this very well. At the time it came out I had known I was going to leave my marriage of 28 years because of mental and emotional abuse of my husband eventually. I remember sitting in the meeting thinking "Yah Right" during the watchtower study. Why do we need to be obedient to evil behaving men we married? At that time there had been two sister who had left their JW husbands due to the treatment they had recieved from them. Of course from my view point them I thought that it was the mens fault that they misapplied the scriptures. I remembering snickering and looking at another sister that shared my viewpoint. We both laughed after the meeting about it. The WTS was making women nothing more than a slave and we were will went right along with it.

  • Dragonlady76


    That is just sickening to hear. I cannot imagine having to deal with an abusive husband that has free pass to treat you like s*#t. I always wondered why JW women would allow themselves to believe such nonsense. I 'm thinking to myself ...geez I'm a kid and I know better, so why can't they see that too?


  • Dustin

    My wife still hates those sexist scriptures too. We have equal rights in our house. Except when it comes to the checkbook. That badboy is hers!!


  • bisous
    ...why in the hell do I have nipples?

    dem things are so's we can drag yo' ass around if we so choose. you are powerless before us ... accept it and move on

  • Scully

    Dear Dave,

    Scully, sweetheart.... Have I ever told you that you scare the shit out of me? In a nice way I mean.
    Can I get you anything? A cup of coffee, a blanket, some chocolate, bullets?

    Have I ever told you how adorable you are when you grovel?

    This board just wouldn't be the same without you.

    That goes double for you, my friend.

    I'm going to go sit in the corner now and just contemplate why in the hell do I have nipples?

    One day, when I'm a widow, maybe I'll just have to show you.

    Hugs, Scully (hums "Goodbye Earl" before things get ugly class)

  • Quotes

    Thanks for the quote, I have added it to the "Women" page at

    Ladies, if you think you are P.O.d now, wait to you read all the other helpful advice from the WT about women.

    Jeesh, that damn WT gives the rest of us guys a bad name!


  • seven006


    ***dem things are so's we can drag yo' ass around if we so choose. you are powerless before us ... accept it and move on ***

    The sense of power is in the mind for the more intelligent and secure man, not the nipples, his or hers. That is only the illusion you women live under because you have seen the power of your own. I refuse to let it have power over me... anymore.

    It has made me sane and has confused women and caused them to realize not all men succumb to the power of the nipple. Some of us (granted, only a few of us) use our brains to think with, not our eyes or any other part of our bodies. Accept it and move on.

    Please, no comments about my fine art subject choices. It was only a momentary phase and I am now back to doing art of fruit baskets and pretty flowers.


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