It Just Ain't Fair

by HadEnuf 88 Replies latest jw friends

  • kls

    Oh thats where the mud wrestling takes place

    Oh no no i cannot get mud in my fur but Candidly -NUTS can she loves to roll in mud, i see her full of it all the time,,,,,,well i think that 's mud all stuck in her feathers,,,,,,,,,ooooo what if it's !!!!

  • devinsmom

    OMG!!!! hadenuf (sp)? You are too funny, I read as much as I could of this thread, (I'm being naughty and not doing school work while at school) and it was about all I could do not to pee in my pants as a result of laughter.

    I also had similar thoughts about posting status, but because of my newbie status I never posted a topic about it because I just didnt think it was my right as a newbie, but anyway thanks for doing it for me, and providing me with a needed smile break from my school work. You are officially my favorite aunt, oh wait actually you are the only one that still speaks to me, but if I had a hundred more aunties you would still be my favorite I'm sure, you are quite a hoot!

    Well, better get back to my studying, check your email, I sent you the newest photos of my litle Devin, take care-April, of the being naughty at school class.

  • candidlynuts

    thats the last time i let a handsome ostrich talk me into rollin around in chocolate pudding with him.

    the things you think that is on my feather kls.. tsk tsk tsk..potty brain!

    devinsmom i'll be your aunty too! my birthday is in november..start saving now! lmao

  • devinsmom

    ok candidlynuts, you can be my second favorite auntie

  • HadEnuf

    Since I like to keep my back room in a spotless condition; I'll have to take YOU TWO out in the back shed where we perform our exorcism's. (Though we have never tried this on monkey's or birds; but there's a first time for everything). I can see that YOU TWO are totally out of control and need more than a mere spanking or given the privilege of mud wrestling. It's TOUGH LOVE for YOU TWO mischief makers. mostest beautiful niece!!! We have to stick together because my other nieces, who shall remain nameless, practice that awful thing called shunning and show me NO RESPECT whatsoever. Forgive us for detaining you from your schoolwork. I got your pictures and loved them. Devin is such a Q-T-PUH-2T!!! Now get back to those books and make us proud. Love...Auntie Cathy

  • mkr32208

    Maybe if they added a line under the picture that said age, member since, number of post, number of topics jsut so you could see it at a glance not that it matters but ya know it's nice to be recognized!

  • HadEnuf

    Yes mkr32208...I too think recognition is a good thing. But I also think that there should be no divisions amongst the posters here. That is why I say: Down with the Class/Labeling System. Not that I'm a rabble (is that how that is spelled? Probably not) rouser or anything...well...maybe I am. I know a whole group of ELDERS that think I am! Now THAT'S something to be proud of! Oh the ramblings of a confused mind.

    Cathy L.

  • MerryMagdalene

    You people are just too much!!! And, as Mae West said, "Too much of a good thing is just about right." So where can I go to get a great sense of humor like you all got and how much is it going to cost me?

    ~Merry (on bended knee, humbly petitioning Queen Hadenuf)

  • MerryMagdalene

    And in response to an earlier post by upside/down... please don't start trying to "behave"! You're one of my favorite JWD bad boys


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