Doodle-v's Awesomely Bad Movies-Part Deux

by doodle-v 94 Replies latest social entertainment

  • upside/down
    Real life doesn't always have a rescue or happy ending

    I hear ya IG, but I'm one of those that goes to the movies to "escape" real life! If I ever make a movie about my "real life", you'd probably love it- it'd make you puke.

    Plus I'm an avid scuba diver and I just thought it sucked- even if it was real.

    Anyway, to each his own... I guess I'm at a point in my life where I'm wanting to see happy endings... too long in the bOrg, where's there's never a happy moment and the light at the end of the tunnel IS a train! Ya know?


  • Valis

    Cast Away w/Tom Hanks was the longest Fed Ex commercial I ever did see...

  • kaykay_mp
    Alos the Blair Witch 2 . Where are the stars of that movie now.

    The fact that the first Blair Witch was a fake-out completely pissed me off and I was definitely dead-set on not watching the sequel. The "stars" of the movie are probably in college or something.



  • MerryMagdalene

    the utterly idiotic and unwatchable remake of Bedazzled the original w/ Dudley Moore and Peter Cook was satiric perfection


  • kaykay_mp
    Cast Away w/Tom Hanks was the longest Fed Ex commercial I ever did see...

    But "jumpseating" is cool. You get to go anywhere--and I do mean anywhere--free of charge if you work for FedEx. I worked in the Memphis Super Hub for two years and I've been all over the country. You get to sit in the cockpit and everything. heh heh, "cockpit". laters kaykay_mp

  • Badger


    ...also recall that Manos was picked as the best episode ever of Mystery Science Theater 3000 (the funniest TV show ever)

    and that reminds me:

    Santa Claus Conquers the Martians: This one makes me think the JW's are right about Christmas. I wouldn't want to celebrate it either if it was attached to this POS.

    Badger, of the Crooooooowwww! class

  • Bendrr

    Attack of the Killer Tomatoes -- So bad it was actually good.

    Top Secret! -- Only a few redeeming jokes. The East German Womens Olympic Team, the exploding Pinto...

    Star Wars I: The Disney Menace -- Vader could kick Darth Maul's ass any day. And Jar Jar? Why didn't Lucas just throw in some Ewoks while he was at it?

    League of Extraordinary Gentlemen -- How about League of Bad Movie Ideas? Tom Freakin' Sawyer?!?! And taking the Nautilus thru the canals of Venice?

    Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle -- What the hell was John Cleese thinking? Did he really need a job that bad?

    Napoleon Dynamite was funny to me. It's one of those movies that's so bad, it's good.

    Slingblade. Did anyone else laugh their asses off thru the whole movie? I did.


  • kaykay_mp
    also recall that Manos was picked as the best episode ever of Mystery Science Theater 3000 (the funniest TV show ever)

    my two fave episode is when they were watching "I Blame My Parents" and "The Atomic Brain".

    "The Atomic Brain": she's so, dang old. she creaks. look at her. she's old---they're yooooung, they're scaaaared----she's old, look at her, she creaks...



  • IronGland
    My Bottom Ten, with some lines:

    10. Point Break

    Whaaaa?? Point Break is great. Possibly even classic. I've seen it many times. Always enjoyable.

  • Leolaia

    I think I taped all the old "Joel" episodes of MST3K. "Santa Claus" is definitely my favorite of them. But there were also some great ones, like a "Forbidden Planet" ripoff with lots of stock footage, and that hilarious James Bond ripoff "Operation Double 007" staring Sean Connery's brother...

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