Check out this letter

by unbeliever 85 Replies latest members private

  • outoftheorg

    It smells of insanity.

    The parents and family and friends obey the religions demands and shuns the non believer. Causing the non believer lots of grief and sadness and anger.

    Then the parents, family and friends blame the "non believer" for the grief and sadness and anger, caused by the parents, family and friends shunning the non believer.

    Putting the blame on the non believer, causes grief and sadness for the non believer and if she replies so to the family, parents and friends, they put all the blame back on the non believer

    and and also put the blame on the non believer when other family members shun the original parents, family and friends that started the shunning in the first place.

    Somewhere in there it is all the work of satan. Right?

    Now is the work of satan, the religions demands or is it the parents, family and friends actions to shun the non believer or the non belivers decision to not be a believer?

    It couldn't be satan leading the non believer, since satan is satisfied if the non believer leaves the religion. His work is done.

    Does any of this make any sense to any one????????


  • lovinglife
    I keep thinking how my mother could've easily written this letter. Are all JW moms the same?

    I swear I could hear my own mother's voice speaking those same words to my sister. Its always the same guilt trips and "poor pity me" and "how could you do this to me" and "come back to Jehovah". Creepy...Pitiful.

    I love how she through in there that she thought her daughter had "lost her mind"... uh NO Mom... she grew one. I can't stand how JW's have to use religion 24/7 non stop in their lives and expect everyone to deal with it, that's not normal

    Yes...showing any sign of independent thinking or control of your own life choices is too "mind-blowing" for them. Its all or nothing with my mom and everything she thinks,says or does revolves around being a witness. She doesn't make any decisions before "consulting with Jehovah". She doesn't trust her own judgement... her own words...pretty scary. Best of luck to this woman...she's not alone.

  • what_Truth?

    You have to take a look at it from the Mother's perspective though. Her daughter did a complete about face from the person she used to be and she doesn't know how to deal with it. I mean if your daughter threatened to sue the spiritual mentors that they had looked up to only a few years earlier wouldn't you think that she had lost her mind too?

    And lets be honest here. JW's are not the only ones that act as if a girl has changed into a woman the moment they lose their virginity, nor is it one of their teachings. It's a just a sentiment of American culture in general (albiet a sexist one).

    Admittedly, many of us so-called apostate types can be quite rude when it comes to friends and family that still beleive. Wrong as the org is the daughter was very rude to speak ill of her parent's faith in their home. If she had an issue with the things they were saying she should have left. As much as I'd like to beleive that the mother is the only guilty party here it just doesn't seem plausible.

    While this letter certainly qualifies as emotional blackmail so do pretty much all the standards and teachings of the org. It doesn't mean that she was specifically counselled to write the letter. I went to meetings for 16 years and never once heard that kind of counsel from the platform. Can anyone here honestly say they have? Have any ex-elders specificaly instructed a parent to write such a letter? I sincerely doubt it.

    Who knows. Perhaps her daughter's actions will be the spark that makes the parents reconsider their own faith (unlikely, but lets pray for them). No doubt they've kept the letter, hopefully they'll look at it with different eyes later.

  • 95stormfront

    This is part and parcel of the type of mental manipulation JWs engage in. They never take any responsibility for their actions, instead expecting even demanding that everyone else bow to their every whim since there's no possible way that they can be wrong.

    You have told anyone that will listen how we don?t have a relationship with you because you chose to leave a religion. You make it sound so simple. Your statements have made an impact on our worldly relatives. Some have now taken the steps to no longer communicate with us and call us bad Christians.

    Turnabout is certainly fair play I would say. The very thing they are doing to her they now want to bitch about when it interferes with the relationships with "worldly family" they enjoy. Talk about wanting to have your cake and eat it too.

    They won?t even listen to our side so we can tell them the whole story.

    What "side" do they want to tell.....that they're being judgemental and shunning but don't feel that their actions should require them to be judged and shunned because they're choosing to cling to an often wrong organization masquerading as Jah?

    I think it was very selfish on your part not to be up front with us and tell us that you did not want to be a witness anymore..................I know you said that we would not have left you in peace and we would not have respected your decision but I don?t think that would have been the case.

    That is exactly the case....and she knows it. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. She's an even better liar than she accuses her daughter to be. Matters not if she's sitting in front of "elders"....only JWs feel like they're obligated to tell them everything about their lives.

    I remember you telling us that you did not want to discuss religion and that we could talk about anything but that. You told us this in our own home. You know that our life revolves around Jehovah and his organization. So to cut to the chase you told us that if we wanted to be in your company we could not discuss Jehovah with you or ask you questions about your worldly life. Do you know how much you were asking of us when you demanded that? Again you were only thinking of yourself.

    Another instance of the pot calling the kettle black. Agreeing to disagree seems not to be an option for this selfish should just listen to their veiled condemnation as long as it suits them, let them beat your self -esteem to a pulp under threat of death and destruction until you surrender yourself, "come back" to the organization, and live your life as they would have you live it.

    Then that inevitable day came that we find out you were pregnant and then you getting disfellowshipped. You were as defiant as ever.

    And if she's with a man who loves her, or not for that matter, why not be defiant rather than crushed under the thumb of WT psychobable. What the mother see's this is as a perfect time for kick her around at her weakest moment, and when the situation didn't materialise to her satisfaction, she reverts back to heaping on the guilt.

    I am very grateful that you allow us contact with your daughter but you have those conditions attached. Again you ask us not to share our beliefs with our grandchild.

    As the PARENT should attache conditions to anyone they allow the see THEIR child!!! Here is where the mother, in true JW fashion, attempts to supercede the authority of the parent even to the point of implying that her beliefs to be superior to that of the parent with the belief that she has every right to do so.

    This letter reeks of the guilt ridden baggabe JWs are known for in their attempts to inflict as much pain as possible to get peoploe back to meetings.

  • xjw_b12

    Is their a link on the official WT website to a form letter these loving, kind witnesees use. So borgish.

  • minimus

    Sadly, this letter shows how anguished the parents are because the daughter disfellowshipped THEM! She threatene the elders and anyone else with legal consequences. She made valid points to others and others won't give the parents a hearing because they can see the obvious. I think this letter is leas, "Come back to Jehovah" than it is, "You stinker...You got to us before we could get to you".

  • Honesty
    Your statements have made an impact on our worldly relatives. Some have now taken the steps to no longer communicate with us and call us bad Christians. I don?t know if that was your intention but that is the result. They won?t even listen to our side so we can tell them the whole story. I don?t think you have heard our side or even thought of the pain that you have caused us so I am going to tell you.

    I'm willing to bet that "Mommy dearest" still believes she is a Christian just because she obeys without question those apostates on the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses and their unscriptural practices. I'm so glad I saw the loving side of those spiritual whores and cut that satanic cult loose to the certain judgement it is going to receive from my God.

    How well I know the pain and suffering the daughter is going through to have blood relatives choose an organisation that is eventually going to cast the parents off as garbage when they get too old to participate in spreading the lies from the WTBTS.

    I just hope that the daughter, parents and 'worldly relatives' are around to see the filthy Watch Tower god see its earthly apostate cult destroyed by the God of the Bible.

    Imagine the audacity of the mother to condemn the daughter for threatening a lawsuit against the untrained floor sweepers and window washing elders. I hope that people do start suing those idiots for defamation.

    If the daughter was baptised after 1985 it was an unholy act perpretrated by the spirit directed organisation and was neither valid or binding on the daughter in God's eyes. Where do these self appointed voices of god get off making their outlandish rules and regulations on innocent human beings. I hope the bastards are sleeping well because they may have to either get used to it or the other alternative. It is madness like this that makes me wonder if there is a real place of conscience eternal torment reserved for the Governing Body and their brain damaged and hard-hearted followers.

  • unbeliever

    I will print off the responses and give them to her. The letter got her down but she bounced back quickly.

    The dubs provide the best witness by their own behavior.

  • kaykay_mp

    I know a guilt trip when I see one. My mother better not try any of that **** with me. Good thing she's cool like that.



  • cab1000

    I too recieved one of these letter of guilt. It was soon after I moved out and moved in with my girlfriend. I just keep mine in a box. I find it when I look at old stuff...rarely.

    Since then, my mom has passed on, and now I would love to get a letter from her..any by that I mean...try to love through the crap...if you have to pretend to be interested in religion to be with your be it...make her happy..she wiped your ace first....


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