Check out this letter

by unbeliever 85 Replies latest members private

  • GetBusyLiving

    : I also knew that you were fornicating with him. There was something different about the way you carried yourself that I could just tell. You had become a woman without being married.

    Why, oh WHY did we have to be born into a religious cult??

  • czarofmischief

    Looking forward to receiving my first child, I am very nervous about my parents deluging the youngster with their religion... it would be disgusting. They SAY they would respect my wishes... but can I trust them when I can see how powerful the cult's indoctrination IS????

    Please extend my warm thoughts and sympathies. What a terrible exercise in manipulation and power tripping. It is abusive and controlling in the extreme!

    BTW: obviously, from this letter, the parents would NOT have respected their daughters decision to seek another spiritual path, and therefore she was correct to hide her lifestyle from them.


  • JamesThomas

    It's very sad and painful all around. Both mother and daughter are victims here.

    Honesty wrote: "I'm so glad I saw the loving side of those spiritual whores and cut that satanic cult loose to the certain judgment it is going to receive from my God."

    Honesty, I appreciate your honesty;) and understand the feelings and beliefs behind your comment. Yet, when we hate those who hate, where does that leave us? It is this very same wrathful and vengeful idea of a god that has filled the mother with fear and repulsed the daughter, and created the scenario under discussion.

    Ultimately the stories play out and there is no god out there making judgment at all, other than the one we have created in our minds. When all beliefs and mental interpretations of life and individuality are absent, there remains silent, nonjudgmental, pristine, unconditionally loving Consciousness. Our true Identity. The true God?

  • gdt

    Interesting that not one response to this 'mum's letter to a daughter' suggested that the Creator of earth and humans was the one who expected those humans to comply with his directions.

    Whose laws were broken? Whose principles were abrogated? Whose understanding of life and God was violated? It was every Bible writer, Jesus himself, his immediate apostles, NOT any modern-day faith and NOT Jehovah's Witnesses.

    It is a matter then of what is the best way to handle a son or daughter who willingly violates God's principles., especially one who was 'dedicated' to the God whose laws they are now violating.

    How many of you would want your adult offspring to just 'live' with a partner? Maybe all of you, that's why such disrespect is shown to the organization, which did not make the laws but is trying to encourage all to apply them.

    Instead of condemning the mum who obviously loves God and her daughter, please accept my post as support for her genuine attempt to appeal to her daughter's love of God, in whom she once believed.


  • Valis
    Interesting that not one response to this 'mum's letter to a daughter' suggested that the Creator of earth and humans was the one who expected those humans to comply with his directions.

    that is beacuse most of us believe that even if you are Christian you can still love people and not threaten them with shunning to get what you want. As well, you are supposed to support your kids in whatever they do and be happy for them when they find someone to love. Not act like self righteous goons, because if that is an example of the way a parent should treat their child based on biblical principals then I'll have none of it please and thank you.


    District Overbeer

  • wednesday


    i want to scream but I won't. U are as deluded as the mother.your condesending tone will get u know where here, .

    If this mother, and I am a mother, really wanted her daughter back, she would ignore what she is doing b/c she isn't causing harm to herself (she isn't a criminal or hurtng her health) and just welcome her daughter. She will come much closer to winning her daughter back using love and not hate. Do u think Jesus approached sinners in this manner? I doubt he did, it would have been arrogant. To help someone u must meet them where they are at. the mother is not even in a good position to help her daughter, she is throwing her away. There are so many ways she could have said what she did, but she chose an arrogant hostile approach. God would not do that, But the Org. will. We did not dedicate our lives to the Org. but God.


  • ballistic
    Interesting that not one response to this 'mum's letter to a daughter' suggested that the Creator of earth and humans was the one who expected those humans to comply with his directions.

    Sounds like "Jehovah" the God of the Old Testament, requiring people to comply and wiping out those who don't.

    Instead of condemning the mum who obviously loves God and her daughter, please accept my post as support for her genuine attempt to appeal to her daughter's love of God,

    Mother loves everyone, and the daughter is supposed to love this "God"

    Interesting no mention of God loving anyone.

  • frenchbabyface

    first that !

    I know you say that you got baptized too young and consider it null and void but that topic has been rehashed enough. I don?t think we will ever agree on that.

    Not a inch of responsability as parents !

    en then this :

    Some have now taken the steps to no longer communicate with us and call us bad Christians. I don?t know if that was your intention but that is the result. They won?t even listen to our side so we can tell them the whole story. I don?t think you have heard our side or even thought of the pain that you have caused us

    Interesting ... !

    You gave no consideration for our feelings. You would not even acknowledge our concerns. You were too busy building a worldly life for yourself to care about the family that has been there for you

    Even Supa ultra more interesting ... definitly

  • gdt

    A reponse if I may - Valis, a lot may agree with you, but how are your kids cooperating/responding to you? Mine are fine, even those not living as I would like, but if you don't believe Ok however I do, and it was Jesus who said 'Go, sin no more". He did not say 'good on you, keep on living in sin'.And i would be the last person able to throw a stone at anybody!

    And Wednesday, please have a scream with me, i'm just a dad and mostly i agree with you, except that you have read into this mother's letter hate, arrogant, hostility. Why not post here a sample of a truly loving 'mum-daughter' letter?

    Or, for that matter, anyone else want to try?

    We don't know the circumstances too much, so that's a bit rough actually, sorry.

    But let's all be nice eh?


  • Valis

    gdt, my children are very young and I think in their favor I have no religious beliefs. I want my kids to grow up knowing how to be good to themselves and others. Do no harm and I will be a happy man. I would prefer they were ethical humans with common sense versus having some set of rules and judgemental theology they have to live by to make me happy. They get those kinds of life lessons from being involved in school, sports, Future Farmers of America, Girl Scouts, etc, and the loving non-religious mother, who would never do such a thing to her own child as shunn.


    District Overbeer

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