Check out this letter

by unbeliever 85 Replies latest members private

  • steve2
    I spoke out. I said only true things. Now I'm probably an 'apostate' as well as an unrepentant fornicator. They don't want anymore to do with me. Therefore they will not have anymore to do with my children as they came from me.

    Hey there Daughter of Freedom,

    I've been away from the forum for a week or so, and just want to share how wonderfully powerful your post was. You speak from a position of strength and clarity and would be a true encouragement to others who have to endure their parents' condemning attitudes. steve2

  • GentlyFeral

    Steve2 suggested:

    Imagine if the letter were the same in every respect, except it was a different religious denomination.

    OK, I'll bite.

    I have been thinking so much about you. It has been very painful not having you in our lives anymore. This is not a plea for you to come back to the Lord. I know you no longer believe so unless that changes I no longer have hope of you coming back. There are some issues that I wanted to clear up. You seem to think that it?s easy for us not to have a relationship with you. We think about you morning, noon, and night. You don?t realize how much we want to have you in our lives. But it always comes back to that you chose to dedicate your life to the Lord and you broke that promise. Not only did you break that promise but also you are not repentant. I know you say that you got baptized too young and consider it null and void but that topic has been rehashed enough. I don?t think we will ever agree on that.You have told anyone that will listen how we don?t have a relationship with you because you chose to leave a religion. You make it sound so simple. Your statements have made an impact on our unsaved relatives. Some have now taken the steps to no longer communicate with us and call us bad Christians. I don?t know if that was your intention but that is the result. They won?t even listen to our side so we can tell them the whole story. I don?t think you have heard our side or even thought of the pain that you have caused us so I am going to tell you.

    You know what, this is too nauseating to quote in full. So I'll just snip most of it...

    I remember you telling us that you did not want to discuss religion and that we could talk about anything but that. You told us this in our own home. You know that our life revolves around Jesus and his church. So to cut to the chase you told us that if we wanted to be in your company we could not discuss Jesus with you or ask you questions about your unsaved life. Do you know how much you were asking of us when you demanded that? Again you were only thinking of yourself.

    No, I simply can't quote any more.

    But it's much more obvious now, isn't it?

    gently f eral

  • unbeliever

    Here is another letter she has received from her dear mother. The ironic thing is that she just recently started seeing "little one" again. She stopped coming to visit when my friend told her that she was going to be raised Catholic. She did not see her for weeks. I guess she realized that she was only punishing herself by not having contact with her granddaughter. Here is the letter. She also did not attend the wedding.


    I don’t know why I am writing to you. First of all congratulations on your recent marriage. It’s not what I would have chosen for you but XXXXX deserves to have an intact family. I’m very hurt that you did not ask me to watch the little one while you were on your honeymoon. Did it even cross your mind to ask? I could have kept her at least the weekend even if it meant xxxxx’s parents picking her up before we went to Kingdom Hall. Don’t worry I am not going to bring "it" up but I am very hurt you did not ask us to keep her at least part of the time.

    I have been thinking so much about the little one and what the future holds. The recent events in England and with the war in Iraq going on, it’s a reminder of how close we are to the end. I want my whole family to be in paradise. I wanted to let you know that you have been on my mind. Give the little one a kiss for me and I will be by next week to see her. Please let me know a convenient time to see her.



    Let's see if it copies this time. Sheesh.
  • damselfly

    When I received letters like these I burnt them. It was the only way to erase some of the pain. I feel for your friend.


  • jeanniebeanz

    Blind...this woman is just completely, bonkers and blind. I cannot believe this... Why does your friend even continue to talk to her and risk the indoctrination of her daughter? The mom says in the first paragraph that she will not bring 'it' up, and then the following is pure witness propaganda! You just know that this grandma will be teaching the little one the lie as she gets older and the child starts asking.

    She's setting herself up for pure heartache allowing this woman in her daughters life. It was this more than anything which made me completely burn the bridge with my parents.



  • orion

    My letters are very similar except my mom has found a witness sister with boy about the same age as mine and she has told me that when she holds them she pretends they are my kids.......I know she wasn't meaning to hurt me but oouucchhhhhh.

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