a friend in need

by OldSoul 604 Replies latest members private

  • AlmostAtheist

    You should have visited the site, AFIN. I think you'll like this bit: (from a letter to the bodies of elders in the US, February 2002)

    "Reminders Regarding the Handling of Cases Involving Child Abuse: (1) As directed in the July 1, 1989 , letter to all bodies of elders, you should immediately call the Legal Department for direction if you learn of a case of child abuse. Child abuse would include sexual abuse, self-evident physical abuse, and extreme neglect involving a minor. (2) If the alleged victim is now an adult but was a minor at the time of the abuse, please call the Legal Department. (3) If you become aware of a past case of child abuse and you are not certain whether the elders involved at the time called the Legal Department for direction, please call the Legal Department for assistance as soon as possible. (4) Child abuse is a crime. Never suggest to anyone that they should not report an allegation of child abuse to the police or other authorities. If you are asked, make it clear that whether to report the matter to the authorities or not is a personal decision for each individual to make and that there are no congregation sanctions for either decision. That is, no elder will criticize anyone who reports such an allegation to the authorities. "

    Pretty clear, eh? It's interesting that the *elders* are not to contact the police, or encourage the victim to do so. They are to contact the Legal Department. Why? Why not call the police and let them handle investigating an alleged crime? That's their job.

    As RS pointed out, they go on record as saying that the elders should not "suggest to anyone that they should not report" the matter to the authorities. And "If you are asked", the elder is to point out that it is a "personal decision" to report it to the police or not. (Note that this isn't to be volunteered, but only mentioned if you're asked.)

    Without going into all the things that aren't being said here, the main damning comment is "call the Legal Department for direction". If you had a leaking toilet, would you call the Legal Department for direction? Or a plumber? So, if you have an allegation of a serious crime, who do you call?


  • RebelliousSpirit
    May I ask, why do you feel that you need an organization to direct your relationship with Jehovah?

    Good point.

    (John 14:6) Jesus said to him: "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

  • a friend in need
    a friend in need

    RS .. you really shouldn't have gone to all that bother. As soon as I saw Bill Bowen's name I lost all interest.

    In the event of any unlawful act ... Report it to the police ...

  • Sunspot
    As soon as I saw Bill Bowen's name I lost all interest.

    There are none so blind as those who will not see.


  • outoftheorg

    FIN don't you at times ask yourself "does the wbts really have Gods blessing and direction"?

    This is the same question you ask us of our beliefs. Do you? Or do you just blindly follow their instructions with no analysis?

    This is your opportunity to look into and examine the beliefs of others and make decisions.

    Up to this point you only deny any and all opportunity to re examine your current belief system.

    Regarding the child molestation problem in the wbts, let me tell you the story of my daughter.

    In 1990 one of my daughters cousins told us that she had been molested by an elder as a child.During this conversation my second daughter began to cry. Then she tells me that this same elder, her uncle, had also molested her.

    I, having been a sheriffs deputy went right to the police and then told the local elders. The elders were disturbed that I had contacted the police and wanted to take care of it within the congregation.

    The statute of limitation had expired and although the police took down all the information, they could not take action.

    Word got around although I was told to tell no one and finally a total of 5 sisters made accusations against this elder. Exactly what they were I do not know. There was an investigation by the elders and they refused to even talk to the cousin as she was not a jw. I guess she didn't matter in their eyes.

    The elders contacted the wbts legal desk and finally were told to drop it and leave this elder in good standing.

    This devastated my daughter and when I informed the elders of her feelings, I was told that it was my responsibility to make her accept this.

    About 5 or 6 years went by and two of my daughters were asked to talk to the elders again about this elder. My daughters did so and it was clear to them that more accusations had been leveled to this elder.

    Another 5 or 6 years go by and I learned that the crap had hit the fan again regarding this same elder.

    This time the mother of the afore mentioned cousin and thIs same elders daughter, went to the elders again.

    This elder was finally disfellowshiped.

    About the same time I began to receive e mails from an attorneys office about this same elder and accusations from young women in another state that this elder had lived in.

    It is obvious that this perp had used the wbts policies and their wanting to keep these illegal activities hidden, to his advantage. Leading to who knows how many young girls were molested.

    When I told the elders, who so strongly wanted this hidden at the request of the legal desk at wbts what I thought of them and their conduct, I became a marked man. The elders in two kingdom halls were out to disfellowship me.

    I was an angry man and I let them know this. I was df'd for fits of rage.

    As a result of this I lost all contact with my brother and two sisters and eventually lost my marriage due to the stress of being df'd in a jw family.

    Your unwillingness to take a good hard look at the wbts could very well put you in the same situation.


  • a friend in need
    a friend in need

    AA ... what are saying ???? Your own quote "(4) Never suggest to anyone that they should not report an allegation of child abuse to the police "

    What have I been saying all along????

  • kls

    AFIN SAID,,,,,,,, As soon as I saw Bill Bowen's name I lost all interest

  • AlmostAtheist

    Don't you meet good people in field service that just happen to belong to a "blood guilty" organization? According to the Watchtower, Christendom is responsible for untold deaths, thus they bear bloodguilt, as well as any associated with them. "Get out of her, my people, or you will share with her in her sins".

    You said:

    In the event of any unlawful act ... Report it to the police ...

    And that's good. It's a good attitude. But can you see how it's the same view people take when they are part of "babylon the great"? They say, "Well, the church may or may not have been involved in something untoward, but *I'm* not involved." But the Watchtower says they ARE involved, that their membership makes them party to the sins of organization.

    So it's not enough to say "I'd call the police". You need to know if the organization you belong to would do so.


  • wordlywife

    Why can't the society to say: report the alleged crime to the police immediatley?? It would absolve them from any responsibilty in NOT directing someone to the police, that is, if and only if an elder is asked.....

  • RebelliousSpirit

    RS .. you really shouldn't have gone to all that bother. As soon as I saw Bill Bowen's name I lost all interest.

    In the event of any unlawful act ... Report it to the police ...

    Thank you for reminding me why I could never possibly see my study through to its intended end. If I were ever to become so programmed, close minded, and self righteous as you, I would just as soon shoot myself.

    My JW MIL warned me not to allow JWs like you to stumble me - but I am afraid that you are the rule rather than the exception. My sense of principle does not allow me to overlook that fact.

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