How Many Have Sought Professional Help???

by codeblue 86 Replies latest members private

  • Golf

    This topic came up a few years ago and I had suggested a couple books to view, one was, "The Road Less Traveled" A new psychology of love, Traditional values and Spiritual growth by M. Scott Peck, M.D.

    Another was "Emotional Intelligence" Why it can matter more than IQ by Daniel Goleman.


  • codeblue

    Wow...the responses I have just read from : Wednesday, Winston, Prophecor, Bem, and Fideliteus are wonderful!!! Thank You!!!

    Yes, it takes courage to even "dial the phone to make the appointment" for a counselor!!!

    I keep telling myself I am too smart, I can deal with this PTSD!!!...but after 1.5 years I find myself not moving forward!!!

    I am happy to know that people have found help....and as stated, being raised as a JW and living it for years is quite like living in a different world, possibly a different planet!!!

    Fideliteus: your post number 2 was totally accurate of the life of a JW! Your words were exactly as I saw my life growing up as one!!! Thank you for sharing that in detail like you did. I think MANY on this board can thoroughly relate to what you have wrote!!!

    Thank you, everyone of you for posting....I do feel this board is very helpful in our "unique" religion/ experience we have shared.

    Golf: I have read "The Road Less Travelled" is an excellent book!!!

    hugs to you all for caring


  • GermanXJW

    My first contact to professional help was approaching a service that the company I worked for. They paid a fee-per-head and employees could approach them with whatever every-day-life-question you had.

    The lady did not have a clue about JW but she helped me to see some things more clearly.

    The next thing I did was attending a workshop by Dieter Rohmann. He has a cult-background (being with the Children of God for six months) and is a studied psychologist. This really changed my point of view and helped me a lot.

    Concerning "One": I have met some people who stated "I do not need this. I do not have a problem."

    In my humble opinion that were those who needed professional help the most. And I guess subconsciously they know it and denie it.

  • Puternut


    It's perfectly normal to seek professional help. Perhaps you might still have lingering thoughts from the borg, and feeling guilty about seeking help. I know that for years we were thought that seeking help is not always advisable. We were thought at one time that all the answers to life's questions could be found within the borg, and there was never need to seek answers or help elsewhere.

    Well, that was the 'boxed' life we led. Now you are free, but it can take time to cope with PTSD. I know it can be frustrating and painful. The positive side of this, is that it's good to go through this in order to heal. Peel the layers of the past of, like burned skin. Painful but in the end....a whole new YOU.

    Love ya and Nodenial to pieces.


  • codeblue


    Great seeing ya post!!!

    Thanks for your's kinda embarrassing to tell many people your de-programming isn't going well. I am enjoying the responses from all and the sincerity with what each person has written.

    NOdenial and I miss ya and love ya too, hey are you still using your hotmail email address??? Just we can keep in touch.



  • one


    I'm happy to see you are a more reasonable person that I initial perceived(sp).

    thanks, it sound like good music to my ears, it made my day today.

    a quick reply, such as mine, may not convey the message properly, in fact since we all think much faster than we can write, the tendency is to overlook. Really unless i proof read (3 times at leas unless one is a real good professional writter) i ALWAYS make a few mistakes. I just try to contribute with my 2 cents whenever i think i can.


    Concerning "One": I have met some people who stated "I do not need this. I do not have a problem."

    In my humble opinion that were those who needed professional help the most. And I guess subconsciously they know it and denie it.

    I agree, but if the person has a friend who is knowledgeable person and real good friend it can be of great help to prompt the person to do something about it.

    AND unless medication is required, your best "doctor" COULD (possibility only) be, in this case, a good real "knowitall" exjw.

    For example, Imho deppression is a mental condition that is best treated when the person can open his heart to someone else who can LISTEN and be of real HELP


    depression, also imho, is more likely to happen to individuals who are NOT extrovert (sp), worry too much and do not accept and adjust to reality.

    AND to make it worst, depression can lead to a whole new set of physical and other mental illness.

    All of which can get even more complicated if the person does not care about NUTRITION.

    To a great extent "we are what we eat".

    The first, and probably the best book i ever read on nutrition, mental health etc is titled LETS GET WELL" by Adelle Davis.

    TG, I think following the suggestions i prevented a brain chemical unbalance that most likely may have require "mental medication", based on jw trauma and what i have seen that happened to many others around me.

    To give you an example some people declared totally insane may be due to only a lack of defficiency in a tiny amount of iodine (?),

    Totally confused individuals are cured in a instant by a good vitamin B complex.

    PROBLEM IS, most doctor do not beleive such a simply remedy, they study too many years to get a license to prescribe over the counter vitamins AND the pharmaceuticals are just like the oil companies,

    You can run your car just using water (hydrogen) but they dont let you and wont teach you how to doit yourself...


    The second good book is "STOP WORRYING AND STAR LIVING", cant rembember the author, too many years ago.

    After i read the bookS decades ago i rarely have any health question.

    THEN, the third book IS CoC and ISCF, the first two books do not deal with JW TRAUMA.

    The three books have something in common, easy to read, full of references or real case scenarios.

    IGNORANCE is the our worst enemy.

  • codeblue

    ONE: thanks for sharing "your thoughts"

    but...I take a ton of b-6 and b complex...and it isn't fixing my problems...

    I am a healthy person...I know how to eat....

    Maybe you are a "rare" individual that has escaped any after effects of a cult. Very "rare indeed"...

    I am truly happy for you.

    You sound a lot like me about 6 years ago as a total JW....

    When I went thru my divorce it made me more empathetic.............and if a person needed "help" in directions I didn't need, I had more sudden empathy. A divorce is much worse than death.

    And I have been thru plenty of a young age....

    Please realize that not all see the "world" like you do..............and that simply eating right, taking the right vitamins or reading the right books will erase traumas....

    Please learn to learn from others...........I realize it is hard to understand.........but WHEN you have gone thru as much as me and some of the others on the will "get it"...

    take care,


  • BeautifulGarbage

    Anyone that grew up like that knows the kind of people I'm talking's like a little evil, secret kingdom...where uneducated losers have the power to rule the lives of others all in the name of the Watchtower and that order. People, especially children, are terrorized into submission by fear of psychological public stoning and abandonment. You were always excluded at school, couldn't participate in anything. You were always ashamed and embarrassed. You lived in fear of things being "demonized"...from music, to movies, to pictures, to even your own toys (does anyone remember the Smurf scandal???). For those of us that had a bad congregation, if was double torture...because you have nobody in the Kingdom Hall and yet are still unable to associate with those "worldly" people's a life plagued by loneliness and isolation. Now, consider this as your life year after year after year...during your formative years where you are suppose to be learning about self confidence and social integration with your peers. I believe it's the rare adult that comes through that perfectly normal. I'm successful now, but I will have these psychological scars for the rest of my life. Therapy is a bandaid, and a reasonable one for anyone who feels inclined to pursue it, but it will never rid us completely of our pain. It's something you will have to always struggle to conquer, and you HAVE to keep up that struggle.


    I do believe that this example would answer the question of why an individual might seek professional help. This is not about getting enough vitamins, or the revealing of false doctrine. This is about an individual, who from childhood, was indoctrinated in the cult ways of the WTS. All of us have various experiences. Some being extremely harsh and traumatic. It is not that these people come out of it mentally ill, but psychologically impaired, sometimes severely, to live their lives to their fullest potential. Having the support of XJWs for some of us IS enough. However, for others, it isn't. Professional therapy can help these individuals immensely to build a sense of self and to help them become the director of their lives, not a bunch of old men in New York, or some punitive sky daddy that will kill you don't tow the JW party line.

  • one


    I AGREE with you 100%, that is why i said my opinion is a::

    (possibility only)

    A possibility is something that may not work, specially if it about a BIG trauma. Each case has to be analyzed individally AND usually there are many factors involved.

    I am just trying to contribute the best i can not being dogmatic = (not accepting anyone else's opinions)

  • codeblue

    Beautiful Garbage: I loved your reply!!!

    You must have been thru a lot in your seem very empathetic!!!



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