How Many Have Sought Professional Help???

by codeblue 86 Replies latest members private

  • SheilaM
    Unless an exjw has some other mental problem, it should be sufficient to read a couple of good books and browse this site to heal from jw experience. Healing does not mean all effects will dissapear

    Really, isn't this a kinda painted with rather A LARGE BRUSHSTROKE.

  • one

    maybe but i covers most siituations, child abuse maybe something else, but again child abuse is not part of the jw ritual.

    The root is usually a defficiency which happened to be exposed by a jw experience.

    BUT the defficency could have exposed by some other situation not related to jw.

    Most, not all, jw trauma can be worked out, by any balanced individual, with what i just mentioned. The best SPECIALIZED "therapist" are here.

    There are very few who knows what we in this forum know (SPECIALIZED). For the benefits of all readers please name a few from the outside, recomendations required as the best recommendations for the "group therapy" whitin this forum.have been published. Problem is this group therapy is not organized or "labeled' professional. Professional is whatever works.

  • SheilaM

    One you speak about yourself, you can not and should not judge how others choose to seek help and heal. Really what qualification do you have to speak to this issue?????

  • one

    present yours first

    and i still beleive "professional is whatever works"

  • one

    not only that but i think i am qualified to have a beer now, until then..

  • SheilaM

    Well I believe....

  • prophecor

    As a means of healing, I've found it beneficial to have several resouces at my disposal to assist me in my recovery.

    The forum has been a wealth of help, as I too, seek the answers that others have found to get them thru darkened periods of their life.

    Having been one of Jehovah's Witnesses, however, is no small thing to walk away from. The core beliefs that we have been taught in the Kingdom Hall demand that you come prepared to fight as hard, and in most cases, even harder than the faith once held while being JW in the first place.

    The indoctrination is very inticing and it appeals to our most basic of human desires, the want for the answers to the future, life and death, what happens to us when we die? what is the meaning of life? if their is a God, why does he not do something about the evil that exist in the world? These are basic human desires and issues that have a very tight grip on many like myself who want to be good, who truly desire to be close to God, be he Jehovah, Allah, Buddah or whatever god one gets stuck with.

    To scale down the help to just reading a few good psychology books to get to the center of what drives so many of us is just a little off base in my humble opinion.

    The things we once believed ,cannot, in many cases be so easily shaken. Though most of us have been thru the whole JW process of life, baptism, field service, to leaving the organization, waiting around for things to get better in the Hall, yet still keeping close to the Board, we are all in different stages of faith. Many like myself, still believe God exist, while others have totally abbandoned any belief in God whatsoever.

    The Board is an excellent means of getting thru much of what troubles us and as regards books, there are several that have helped me thru the grieving process as well, I.E. , M. Scott Peck The Road Less Traveled, John Bradshaws books on healing of the Inner Child, much of the information presented by Dr Wayne W. Dyer are a few resources that have helped me emensely.

    I agree that there exist excellent information from professionals who are able to assist in the journey out, as well as the forum here being one of the best places to start; ammongst ourselves, because we have all personally experienced the pain of being JW. Many of us, however, will require professional help, as the pain goes beyond the books or even The Boards ability to help.

    Mindless investing of energy was the only thing that was meant about mundane things. It was not meant to put a damper on things we do to entertain ourselves, or to relax and unwind. Reading of the news as well as being a news junky and talk radio junky is one of my penchants, as I normally gravitate to anything that will give me more information. We all need things to help us unwind, to take the edge off of life.

    Nor was it my intent to offend when making statements regarding everyone needing counselling after living as a Jehovah's Witness. Being as passionate as I am about the subject, mental health and the like, I spoke for too many too soon, if I have offend you, I hope that you will accept my apology, as I too will work towards tempering my speech so as not to offend anyone else.

    Much Respect.

  • codeblue

    I actually felt quite good about comments on this thread until I read this sentence from ONE:

    Unless an exjw has some other mental problem, it should be sufficient to read a couple of good books and browse this site to heal from jw experience.

    ... Who are you to set that standard of what is "sufficient" for someone coming out of a cult?...

    I for one have been raised in this cult and am almost 48.......I have read a couple of good books and browse this site. Just because I am seeking professional help doesn't mean I have "other mental problems"....

    One thing I have learned in life is not to expect someone else to do exactly as "you" would do in a certain circumstance. We all have different emotional limits and life experiences seem to hit us all differently.


  • one


    the asnwer to your question is basically the same i gave sheilam, did you read it?

    One more thing, no so called professional can show a exjw that the jw DOCTRINES are wrong

    An exjw needs to realize, understand, that the jw DOCTRINES are no true. THEN can the person feel better without the guilt.

    It has been said HERE multiples times by multiple exjw that they feared. They feared they were leaving the truth and could no find anyother better place.

    But reading material in this board, other websites and books, specially CoC the felt relief, including myself.

    finally those questioning my qualifications should state THEIR qualifications first, can you see why?

  • PinTail

    Between living with a nuttie wife that hung the headship crap over my head all the time, and all the rest of the bloody crap I almost lost my cork.

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