How Many Have Sought Professional Help???

by codeblue 86 Replies latest members private

  • one

    Thanks for the nice comments...

    I have the habit of making repply based strictly on the message, not the messenger or his background. I am still learning the hard way.

    I am not forcing anyone, nor i could, to follow any particular opinion (mine was not even a suggestion). BTW anyone is entitled to an opinion. But do whatever works for you, if at the end it really does not work... then keep on looking.

    Nor i should be inclined to debate with someone going throught the issue. The opinions have been printed for all to see. Actual;ly it was my mistake as the original poster was ONLY asking a simple question which was answered by others.

    Like the end of any good story we should 'live happily thereafter'.

  • SheilaM
    No one MAKES you do, think or feel anything (unless they have drugged you or used physical force). Thinking that you have been "brainwashed" (which is very unscientific) just creates a victim mentality and will keep you centered on the past.

    Actually this is not always true. I would elaborate but I should'nt even be on line ...Help I have so many papers to write and here I am typing *shreeaks and runs from the board*

  • logansrun

    Brenda, Sheila M....started a new topic on "brainwashing."


  • BrendaCloutier

    One, thank you for backing off. I felt you were being antagonistic with your posts after your initial reply and opinions were stated. I'm happy to see you are a more reasonable person that I initial perceived(sp). Hey, I have my bad days too when I've vented on my dentist (with drill in my mouth) because a bicycle patrol cop was riding on the sidewalk against traffic and asked me to get out of her way.... (more brummie dots) ....

    Hugs (((One)))


  • Dan-O
    They feared they were leaving the truth and could no find anyother better place.

    I'll agree with One about this part. It's what keeps people trapped in mindless cults. It's what keeps people stuck in dead-end jobs & bad marriages & a host of other situations to which there are solutions ... but people keep themselves stuck because they're afraid to lose what they have (regardless of whether it's actually worth keeping).

    I spotted a line in a business book recently that fits well with this thread: "You can always change the direction you are going, but not if you are standing still." I think the best therapy is to go out & make some mistakes, then pick yourself up & dust yourself off & proceed in a new, more productive direction.

    If professional help is part of a new, more rewarding direction for you, then go for it.

  • justhuman

    I haven't

  • zenpunk

    It's hard to take that step because you're indoctrinated to believe any help outside the "elders" is wrong and will lead you astray. I was out for 7 years and, after a very bad break-down I finally realized that I had to stop questioning whether or not I needed help and I just went. I work with a therapist who is a specialist in Post Tramatic Stress Disorder and has experience with childhood trauma and cults. I have made huge strides since then and honestly have never been happier. Do your research, find the right person with experience, you will be so glad you did.

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    I sought professional help; and went through what was at that time ( late 1970s/ early 1980s) called "deprograming".

    I was not satisfied with the results I recieved from one doctor and "Mental Health" Clinic and switched to another. The second doctor and clinic treated me with, not only pyschotherapy; but also mega doses of vitamins; and excercise. The doctor was an outstanding older British gentlelmen ( hence my reverence for all things UK); Dr. Rice; whom I will forever be indebted to.

    The vitamins were all prescription and had to be taken twice a day. I learned ( so did everyone else around me) what a "niacin flush" was. The doses of the viatamin niacin were so strong that they turned my skin red ( like a severe sunburn) for an hour before wearing off. It was a continual joke for those around me. Frank has had his daily "fix "

    After 2 years the fog lifted and I began a new life. Making new friends and having new "positive" experiences helped immeasurably. I was deteremined to make it all work ; and it all did.

    I never looked back; and never regretted my decision.

  • Grif

    Hello Everyone,

    I just found this site. I am going to jump right in here and tell you that I was "disfellowshiped". I had already disassociated myself. However, it was taken upon the Elders in my congregation to disfellowship me. I met with the no avail. Of course, I was divastated at the time. Going through the process of having everyone in the congregation literally turn their backs on me caused me to have a "breakdown". When thoughts of sucide began to entertain my thoughts I knew that I had to seek professional help. In answer to your question....Yes, I did seek professional help. I really don't think I would have made it otherwise.

  • codeblue

    Grif: Welcome

    Thank you for posting and sharing your experience.... I am glad to know that therpay helped you out of that very painful time in your life.

    I look forward to more posts from you!!!


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