Being a JW Woman - Was It Really That Bad?

by eljefe 74 Replies latest jw friends

  • happehanna

    Yes I had to avoid at all costs independent thinking. I was a stepford wife.

  • Joyzabel

    Being a JW Woman - Was It Really That Bad?


  • Hecklerboy

    My mom is a single parent (dad died when I was 8) and I always thought it was silly for her to have to put the covering on her head when we had our Watchtower study at home. It really bothered me when guys she watched grow up became a MS or elder and then she had to be submissive and show them the upmost respect. I kept thinking to myself, man my mom used to scold this guy as a kid and now he's trying to tell her what to do. Forget that.

  • Seeking Knowledge
    Seeking Knowledge

    See! Learning something every day. I can only speak from the outside, but clearly my ex's new wife runs the roost between the two of them. They do, however still live with HIS parents and she seems to be quite happy with that. I've had a couple "moments" with her, and he sits there like a lump saying nothing. She is so not submissive or respectful.

  • Odrade

    Wow, third page and we still don't have a reprint of that WT article calling women cows. Amazing. Yes, being a woman as a JW sucked. If you were married, you were invisible. If you were single and older than 20 or so, you were invisible. In one hall I attended, they always made sure a brother was assigned to come down and conduct the meeting for field service so the women wouldn't usurp their position. What position???

    I've been counseled on occasion by my baby brother that I should not criticize the brothers, one time was when I once called him on making the comment that the only place God's Holy Spirit is available is at the KH.

    I've sat in my living room during a shepherding call while the brothers talked to my husband and barely addressed my concerns.

    ALSO, it seems to be a hard thing to let go of, the status and disregarding of women. I've sat at gatherings of x-jws on at least two seperate occasions, where a man will ask the group (men and women), "so, were you an elder or MS?" I always answer. "I was a woman." Most people know exactly what I mean.

    I've been to hundreds of meetings for service where the elders all go together in one car, and send the women off by themselves with all the kids, even when they have repeatedly ask for support in the cargroups from the spiritual "shepherds." bah.

    eljefe, there are hundreds of threads on this board about the JW practice of suppressing and oppressing women. I'm surprised you even asked the question. BTW, I have rarely been treated so disrespectfully in my professional or ("worldly") social life, as I was subjected to on a daily basis as a JW.


    btw Bradley, I hope you were joking.

  • eljefe

    ElJefe, in regards to this thread and your attitudes, your name sez it all.

    That was a nickname I picked up in Spanish class in high school. Nothing to it. By the way, I am not Spanish and don't have the machismo ego. However, I was in a Spanish Cong. where women came last, if at all. I didn't like it.

    eljefe, there are hundreds of threads on this board about the JW practice of suppressing and oppressing women. I'm surprised you even asked the question. BTW, I have rarely been treated so disrespectfully in my professional or ("worldly") social life, as I was subjected to on a daily basis as a JW.

    Personally, I treat women as equals. Even as a JW, I tried to not demean them. I realized early on that many of the older sister knew more that the people giving talks (my grandmother being one of them) and elders.

    Depending on how you read the question, you could impune a different motivation or prejudice towards women. I believe I treat women as equals. This was an honest question, I didn't realize JW women felt that way. I don't mean to offend anyone.

  • Joyzabel
    I tried to not demean them

    still rotflmao even more!!!! *tears running down my eyes*

    You have no clue.

  • Bill Bloggs
    Bill Bloggs

    Just new at the posting, my wife says that the smartest woman will never be as good as the dumbest "baptized" male.......

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    What do you mean by that Bill?

  • blondie

    Actually, they don't even make it above an unbaptized male publisher.

    Think about this:

    Young unbaptized brothers can sit next to the school overseer and do the timing for him...not a baptized sister.

    Young unbaptized brothers can hand out the talk slips or KMs after the meeting to the students...not a baptized sister.

    Young unbaptized brothers can run around and give the publishers their magazine allotment and/or literature they ordered at the request of the literature/magazine servants.

    I wish I had a dollar when an elder assigned an unbaptized brother to read at a book study or take the group out when he couldn't be there.

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