Being a JW Woman - Was It Really That Bad?

by eljefe 74 Replies latest jw friends

  • heyfea

    The treatment given to women among the JWs is bad, sad and upsetting too.

    However, there are also a few families in which the wife professes to be submissive to her husband, when in reality, behind doors, she is the one wearing the pants.

    My mom was one. She looked like a humble, never-hurt-a-fly, goody-two-shoes, lamb, but when she got home, she would tear my father appart with her nagging, telling him what he should have said to so-and-so, or why he said what he said to so-and-so, why didn't he say something to so-and-so, etc........on many occasions over their marriage (my dad passed)...I've seen my mom kick my dad under the table when she didn't think my father should open his mouth to say something.

    She is not the only one....I've seen other "submissive" sisters do the same to their husbands.

    You know what's ironic? The elders in our cong. didn't think my father qualified to be an elder. Gee, I wonder why?

  • Scully

    Just about every JW Elder? I've ever known pronounces "nuclear" as NEW CUE LAR.

    Need I say more?

  • Mecurious?

    However, there are also a few families in which the wife professes to be submissive to her husband, when in reality, behind doors, she is the one wearing the pants.

    She is not the only one....I've seen other "submissive" sisters do the same to their husbands.

    Good point, I have observed this quite a bit myself!


  • coffee_black


    My Dad designed electical and nuclear power stations for a living. He was an elder, and I learned to pronounce it correctly from him when I was very small. I work in a field where I encounter architects and engineers on a daily basis. You would be amazed by how many of these extremely intelligent people pronounce it "nu cue lar" It's one of my pet peaves too, but I wouldn't say it was any kind of measure of intelligence.

    Sorry didn't mean to side track...


  • Fleur
    Just about every JW Elder? I've ever known pronounces "nuclear" as NEW CUE LAR.

    Need I say more

    ROFL Scully! "You can't say nuclear, that really scares me..." (a'la JibJab's "This Land" parody) hugs to all the other women who lived in fear of their 'loving' JW 'heads'. Too bad so many of those 'heads' resided so far up inside so many a$$es. I will never be subject to a man again, period. I am an equal, and any man who doesn't like that can kiss my boots as I walk out the door. And my mother thinks they're reinstate me...LOL not on your life. Interesting point too raised (welcome to the forum btw!) by heyfea about the women running the house. I knew of cases like that. My mother was one of them but she always complained that my dad never took the lead, anyway. If he'd tried to lead her spiritually she'd have mowed him over. *shudder*

  • hawkaw
    Just about every JW Elder? I've ever known pronounces "nuclear" as NEW CUE LAR.

    Need I say more?

    No ... you have said enough .. Does that include our dear friend Larry ... you do remember Larry don't you ... who has this unique habit of getting on the stand in child abuse cases and lying his friggin face off ... such as in Regina v. C.T.C. down in Brockville I am curious how JW elders pronounce the word nuclear and Florida up in the Ottawa Valley eh! ....

  • kat2u

    It had nothing whatsoever to do with my decision to leave. I think women should be put in their proper place.

    ????? Hmmm what exactly does that mean? I think it means you are easy to wind up... Hmmm maybe so.. it did hit a nerve for some reason.

  • ApagaLaLuz

    Yes it was! Where I was from, the women pretty much RAN the congregation, and the only recognition we ever got, was the occasional "women are a large army" comment.

    A simple occurance happened once that put things in perspective for me, and ultimately started the ball rolling in my mind. I was a grown adult. I was also engaged. One night my fiance and I went over to another couple's house for dinner and a board game. I wasn't very good at the board game, and I kept saying "man this sucks". No one said ONE thing to me. A WEEK later, my fiance approached me and said that a brother who was in attendance came to talk to him about me. He told my fiance that his wife was offended by me using the word "sucks", and thought my fiance should explain to me where the word originated from, and counsel me for using it. Man-oh-man was I pissed off. If they thought I had a foul mouth before, saying "sucks", they should have heard me then.

    It was at THAT moment that I knew I could not spend the rest of my life being dominated and talked down to because of what was between my legs!

  • ApagaLaLuz
    My JW mother was a single parent... that caused all sorts of problems in the organization. She spoke her mind and she had no "head" for the elders to tell to reign in your wife... she was the head of the household being the single mother. She got into hot water all the time for being outspoken.

    Amen to that! Single mothers, were kind of looked down on in our congregation for that reason. There was no MAN for teh elders to run to if her or her kids got in trouble. Most single mothers in my hall were outspoken, and for that constantly counseled. God Forbid, an intelligent woman should speak her mind. None of that! Get back in teh kitchen and make me some PIE!

  • JustTickledPink

    his wife was offended by the word "sucks" ... hummm... we can pretty much tell from that comment she would be offended by the act as well.

    I remember being counseled on the word "stud" us girls would say, "tom cruise (or whoever) is such a stud" and we were counseled how the word "stud" refers to a male that is used for breeding purposes... you know like on a farm there is the stud bull or stud horse or whatever... I kept thinking, WE DON'T LIVE ON A FARM! I think I was 14 or 15 and couldn't comprehend that the word "stud" meant sex for breeding purposes only.

    Although at that time I would have had Tom Cruise's baby.

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