Ex-JW Mother attempts suicide with children and fails! My Family Tragedy

by Utopian Reformist 1241 Replies latest members private

  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    November 23, 2004

    Talia's overall condition has not changed, regressed or improved, thus, she is currently at a standstill. Another child passed away last night in the pediatric ICU. It was heartwrenching to watch the parents crying and suffering in the hallway, outside of the door in the family lounge.

    It was around 4AM and the place turned into a silent chamber of morbidity. No one spoke and the faces were long and dejected. It gave me minor palpitations and made me a little nervous/anxious. I keep thinking my turn is next and I am the next one in line for this fate.

    I am trying to politely ignore the tragic situations around me and trying to concentrate on Talia. The ICU is sad, dreadful and a melancholy place. Thanks to the wonderful supply of cards, letters, gifts, toys and other mail that Talia received, she appears to be the most nationally and internationally popular patient with friends and real family (non-JW) from so many places.

    I can't thank you all enough and can only imagine the look on her face when she is awaken, cognizant and realizes all of the support she was receiving while under medical paralysis.

    Marina did not call me at the end of the night as she usually does and I know it is due to the inflamed rhetoric that transpired inside Talia's room last night, in the presence of my ex-mother-in-law. Of course, the JW in-law could not resist meddling and adding fuel to the fire. I am glad we both have our regularly schedule therapy this evening at 6:30PM and hopefully, some progress will be made.

    Today, I am going to donate blood and have asked Marina to do the same. She did agree, despite the presence of the her JW grandmother, which did impress me for a moment. I know if these doctors will not cooperate or contemplate using elastagel/collagen and other alternative treatments for burns, we may using a lot of blood to get thru the typical skin graph processes.

    I am trying to work with some of our JWD friends to get the right info to the right doctors so that Talia does receive the actual best treatment and not just the prescribed, agreed upon, negotiated, insured treatment offered by the hospital according to it's relationships with medical supply manufacturers and pharmaceutical companies.

    This is going to be a tough battle. Thank you all for your amazing support. Later today, my once ex-girlfriend Laura from Malibu Beach, CA (we used to live together after USMC and during my undergrad years) is flying in to offer me assistance and support since my sister is now gone back overseas to her family. Believe me, I need the support and presence of non-JW supporters.

    I will post another legal update later this morning concerning some developments with Tonya, the marital property and her mental status as it is being determined by the mental hospital.


  • Little Red Hen
    Little Red Hen

    {{{Mario}}} {{{Marina}}} {{{Talia}}}

    My heart is broken for all three of you.

    Marina needs to get away from the JW influence. Girls and Boystown in Omaha Nebraska offers residential treatment and schooling for troubled young people, and is open to anyone. Here is their link:


    This would get her away from family and around others her age. They do offer intense counseling, and are strongly anti-cult.

    Marina may think she knows what she wants out of life, but at that age, didn't we all? You are the Daddy, she is the child. She may curse you and hate you, but you are legally within your parental rights to send her to where ever you need to for her benefit. Away from the hateful influence, with the professional help she needs, she will come to see you as her father who loves her unconditionally, and who would never ever harm her.

    Please take care of yourself too, Mario.

  • candidlynuts

    i'm thinking of lil talia today and sending my best most heartfelt good vibes to her.

    mario , we're with you in spirit hugs.

  • Mystery

    I just wanted to let you know that you and yours are thought about today in Alabama.

    You have received a lot of advice regarding Marina; I realize that you are her father and that you are under more stress than anyone rightly deserves. A JW did this to Talia. Please do what you can to take Marina out of their influence.

    My ex-husband gave up on my son. He disowned him (legally through the court system). I am soon going to be a grandmother. My son's biological father will not be his grandfather. He lost every right when he turned his back on his son.

    Are you willing to lose all rights to Marina because you are turning her over to her grandparents? Two things my son will NEVER forget.

    1) His father turned his back on him.

    2) His mama fell down with him, rose up with him, fell down again and again and again; but was there for him no matter what.

    Which will you be to Marina? Like my son's sperm doner or his unconditional mother? I am not a saint - believe me in the past 4 years i felt, more than once, like just saying "to hell with it..." and letting him end up in a mental hospital or jail or dead.

    Finally, I took him away from his friends. His school. His girlfriend. I took him away from everything that he knew - I HAD to save him.

    There is something about his smile that kept making me believe in him. Something about the sound of his voice that made me believe in him. Something that i knew was still in his heart that made me believe in him.

    I am glad today that i believed in him. That i did something about it. That i didn't give up like his father did.

    Don't give up on Marina. Take her back.

  • kj

    Hi again, Mario

    Thank you for keeping us all updated about Talia. I said a prayer for her. I have to agree with some of the others about Marina, she is too young for you to give up on her. She may hate you now for choosing for her, but you are her father and have every right to say what happens to her. Get her away from the JWs. Far away. She didn't get warped overnight, so it will take a very long time and a lot of work to get her un-warped. Take care of yourself, you're in a lot of peoples' thoughts and prayers.


  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    Thx Red Hen, KJ, Mystery, Candy and others.

    I have to admit, after reading the response from MYSTERY about her son, my conscience has been "pricked". It is true. Marina's smile, her willingless to be helpful, and her love of people in general have always amazed me and kept me in awe of both of my girls. I do really need to assess priorities and find a way to save her from the JW influence.

    I need to continue fighting and not give up hope everytime a speed bump appears in the path. I am trying, it is just very hard and very sad every day and it has not benn getting better.

  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    This morning, and for the last 36 hours, Talia has neither regressed nor improved her status. I guess accepting no change is better than dealing with a setback, therefore I will continue being patient.

    Tonya's Social Worker contacted me again from the mental hospital (Eleanor Slater Memorial Hospital - located on the Institute for Mental Health and Adult Correctional Institute campus in Cranston, RI, a.k.a. IMH & ACI).

    The social worker needs personal, legal, marital and financial information about Tonya in order to complete an application for medical assistance. Naturally, Tonya is refusing to answer any questions and will not provide any info at all, thus, I have been contacted to supply the info so that Tonya will receive proper and paid medical treatment within the facility.

    I am debating my role with regard to assisting authorities in dealing with Tonya. I am so tempted to sabotage all of her chances at receiving any services at all, and then, I have to remember that she can apply in the children's behalf and provide them coverage as well.

    I hate these overlapping situations where contact (even administrative contact by paperwork thru intermediaries) is being forced upon me. I want to be done and finished with any dealings with Tonya.

  • candidlynuts

    why is it your responsibility? let her parents do it. it'll keep them to busy to brainwash your older daughter!

    its not mean to turn it over to her parents.. your divorced. they are her next of kin , its THEIR responsibility.

  • LoverOfTruth


    I would like to send Marina a note with a Teddy Bear. Can you provide an address? I'm thinking if she gets words of encouragement as Talia is receiving, she will see the good in people outside of the Borg.

    I remember when my daughter Jessica was 13 to 17 years old. She was very difficult. She cut herself with Razor Blades, Ran Away for a Month....You get the picture.

    This all coincided with my divorcing her JW Father and his rejection of her as a non-JW.

    I kept at her. I told her over and over how much I loved her even when she acted as if she was ignoring me. I

    Today, at age 21, she is emotionally free of her JW Father and the WTBS. She has apologized profusely for how she treated me during that period. She is married, taking college couses and has given me my first Grand Child Alison Rose.

    My prayers continue for you and the girls.

    Much love,


  • bebu

    LoverofTruth, here's the address:


    ((((((UR)))))), thanks so very much for keeping us updated on Talia's condition. You impress me by the way you are trying to do not what simply feels best for you, but what would really be best in the situation, even if it is very, very hard emotionally. You really love your both your daughters so much!

    There is so much heartbreak around ICUs... but the ICU is the only medical hope for your daughter as well. The best that can be done is being done. You've done all that you could, and it was a lot.

    Take care of yourself. Know that many are still thinking of you and praying for you and your girls. We all want the very best for you!



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