I'm gettin me a couple more wives!

by gumby 117 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • gumby

    I figure since Jehovah had no problem with the faithful men of old having more than one wife, he wouldn't mind if I got me a couple more and won't kick my arse at armageddon.

    Polygamy was practised without criticism in the Old Testament. In fact, it was regulated by law. It was legal and moral and was clearly within the limits of the law. The Levite practice of marrying the wife of a deceased brother in order to ensure the family line would require a man to be bigamous if he was already married. How precious!

    And concubines.......I can't wait till my sweetie goes through menopause!

    Seriously though.....did you ever wonder as a dub or christian, WHY god put up with such a course when it was clearly stated by himself and his son, that having more than one wife was NOT gods plan?


  • codeblue

    good question: the answer is NO....I couldn't figure out why God would have ever allowed it pre-Christ era....

    I was raised as a JW...and never thought it made ANY sense why he would ever allow it....

  • gumby

    Codeblue...it's intresting that we never made an honest search as to why.

    Here's an example of Jehovah taking WIVES from one man, then giving them to another.

    2 Sam 12:11

    Thus saith the LORD, Behold, I will raise up evil against thee out of thine own house, and I will take thy wives before thine eyes, and give them unto thy neighbour, and he shall lie with thy wives in the sight of this sun.


  • Stefanie
    Seriously though.....did you ever wonder as a dub or christian, WHY god put up with such a course when it was clearly stated by himself and his son, that having more than one wife was NOT gods plan?

    Yes, and that is one of my main beefs with bible!

    Im with you gumbeneedsmorewives need to get me a couple myself.

  • xenawarrior

    hmmmm. Can I sign up just for the partying part?

  • gumby
    hmmmm. Can I sign up just for the partying part?

    You betcha! I'm thinkin that's what ol' horny Solomon had in mind with his 1000 wives. That's 3 wives per night a year......yummy! Even if half of them had headaches at night....that'd still leave one and a half wives per night. I'd take the one wife and give Shotgun the half a wife. I might become a damn Mormon after all! Gumby

  • RunningMan

    Having had a wife for a considerable length of time, I have to admit, I'm not sure what the appeal of multiple wives would be. Although, I suppose they keep each other on their toes.

    Now - slavery, that's another matter altogether. According to the Bible, I can have a slave from my own country (Canada) but I have to set them free after seven years. However, I can keep an American slave indefinitely. And best of all, slavery was never retracted in the new testament. If anything, it was reinforced.

  • LittleToe

    Gumby:I think you've got the question the wrong way around - why does Christianity not still accept the OT practice of Polygamy?
    I understand that there are a few minority Christian denominations in Africa that permit it. They only restrict monogamy to office-bearers, since Paul specifically mentions Elders being husbands of one wife

    What did you say about Toes?

  • shotgun

    Gumby it's good to see you searching the scriptures, meditating on the more important things. Getting a firm hold on the real life as Peter said...especially in the shower.

    Maybe we could release a new insightful book which looks into the OT bible entitled MY Book of Horror Stories.

    The first man mentioned in the Bible as taking two wives was Lamech who also boasted about killing people...go figure..the same things and people that make the papers now made the papers back then. Killing, rape, incest, destruction, war and lots of strange sex stories...they needed this in the bible or people would have stopped reading everytime they came to a long winded account which started with son of and carried on for 40 generations.

    Besides Gumby were supposed to argue over one woman and then Valis offers to cut her in half to see who really loves her..problem is just like many bible stories go, someone goes and opens up a couple bottles of wine and invites the Moabites twins from next door and we all start dancin ring around the rosy of the Texas long horn...couldn't find a calf damn-it.

  • kat2u

    I actually researched this subject at one time for a return visit.

    I good ol bound volumes as I recall explained it as having to do with the need to increase the numbers of his followers durring that time in history. And hey what better way use a male who has a almost unexhaustable ability to reproduce with as many women( who get tired of being pregnant and giving birth over and over again) as possible.

    Seems maybe it was hard to find a good god following man back then so needed to take full advantage to make more.

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