What is your Favorite Scene from a Movie?

by Sweetp0985 91 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Uzzah

    You folks have listed many of the good ones.

    One other line from Casablanca (there are 43 classic lines in that movie):

    (little weasley dude): Rick, you despise me don't you?

    Rick (Bogey): I suppose if I gave you any thought I probably would.

    So many classic lines from Monty Python: Holy Grail

    Embarassed to admit, I loved Princess Bride. There are so many quotable quotes from that

    Of course many 'inspriational' ( in a guy kinda way) from the first 3 Rocky movies.

    Adrian: I've just never known you to quit before.

    Mick: "Yer a bum Rock"

    Rocky: "I aint no bum"

    Adrian!!!! catch me!!!!!

    Yep definitely I have a mixed taste in movies. Movie recommendation: "At play in the fields of the Lord" Joh Lithgow, darryl Hannah, Kathy Bates. great flick albeit a little long

  • DanTheMan
    If anyone has seen Mulholland Drive. The scene where the 2 women make love. Its very sexy and beautiful.

    Great scene indeed, the sexiest movie scene of all time imo. Fargo - The scene where Marge has the blonde sociopathic bad guy in the back of her cruiser, she's talking to him and he's not responding - "Don't you know that there's more to life than money? Don't you know that? And it's a beautiful day." Frances McDormand was so great in that movie. Star Wars - the scene where Luke blows up the death star A Few Good Men - the courtroom scene, where it looks like Jack Nicholson has Tom Cruise completely befuddled, and the camera slowly zooms on Tom's face, he has the most perfect deer-in-the-headlights expression, great acting. South Park Movie - the Kyle's mom is a bitch song by Cartman

  • Terry

    Just a side comment.

    I think you learn alot about people from their favorite scenes in movies!!!


  • 4JWY

    Kill Bill Volume 2

    Favorite scene and accompanying score: Uma Thurman being buried alive and breaking her way out of the pine box while ten feet under. The deep love for her child and desire to lead a normal life was her impetus.. I related completely as that was me, (ie: my avatar) breaking out of the cult with the same determination. Bill = the WTS and the ruination it brings to lives.

    It gave me a literal panic attack at the theatre, and I was just about to run out - very well done. I know some have a hard time with the title and the satirical violence of the first Volume. I covered my eyes at parts of it, but until you have seen Volume 2, you only know half the story. It's totally different than Vol 1 and is full of dialogue vs. fighting. But, they both make up the whole.

  • GermanXJW

    >I think you learn alot about people from their favorite scenes in movies!!!

    That is what?

  • New Castles
    New Castles

    The Sixth Sense: The scene where we see the first ghost of the movie. The lady who opens all the cabinet doors, and yells, "You cant hurt me anymore"....creepy....also at the end when he tells his mom about his visits with the grandmother, very emotional.

    The American President: When the president gives his speech to the press at the end of the movie, "Im Andrew Shepard and I am the president" I cheered for him

    Independence Day: Again when the president gives his speech, rallying the pilots before their mission. "Today we celebrate our independence day"

  • unique1

    I was a product of the 80's and 90's:

    GOONIES: Chunk: Everything. OK! I'll talk! In third grade, I cheated on my history exam. In fourth grade, I stole my uncle Max's toupee and I glued it on my face when I was Moses in my Hebrew School play. In fifth grade, I knocked my sister Edie down the stairs and I blamed it on the dog... When my mom sent me to the summer camp for fat kids and then they served lunch I got nuts and I pigged out and they kicked me out... But the worst thing I ever done - I mixed a pot of fake puke at home and then I went to this movie theater, hid the puke in my jacket, climbed up to the balcony and then, t-t-then, I made a noise like this: hua-hua-hua-huaaaaaaa - and then I dumped it over the side, all over the people in the audience. And then, this was horrible, all the people started getting sick and throwing up all over each other. I never felt so bad in my entire life.

    CLERKS:It's important to have a job that makes a difference, boys. That's why I manually masturbate caged animals for artificial insemination.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Someone said this

    THE COLOR PURPLE: The abusive husband comes to his senses and pays to have his estranged wife's sister returned to her for a reunion. The arrival of the car, the flowing robes of her sister and children, the evening light, the meeting almost make me faint in exultant tears. Spielberg's most under-rated best.

    Definitely a great one

    Dirty Dancing

    The scene near the end when he walks into the finale and walks over to the family and says "Nobody puts Baby in the corner"

    and then later the dance - the whole thing is great but I love it and always have to whoop and holler when she runs and he cathes her and holds her up in the air.

    Sister Act

    Whoopi does boogey woogey in the church with her black robed butt wiggling with the choir

    River Runs Through it

    The utter peace of fly-fishing. It seems like time stands still and one is so connected to the universe. Feels very spiritual to me.

    any movie where they fight to keep their children - makes me sob - I love them and hate them

  • Ghosthunter

    The end of Shawshank Redemption. One of the best endings for a movie EVER!

    The end of Dirty Dancing. I agree with Lady Lee, I love it when Patrick Swayze says "Nobody puts Baby in a corner". I CRY every time she does the jump.

    The train scene from Risky Business. Tom Cruise, Rebecca DeMornay, Phil Collins. A TRULY erotic scene.

    The beginning of There's Something About Mary when he gets his balls caught in his zipper. I laugh hysterically every time I watch it.

    The end of the movie Crossroads with Ralph Macchio and Jami Gertz. Ralph's character duals rocker Stevie Vai for the old man's soul. The guitar work in that scene is amazing.

  • betty boop
    betty boop

    Breakfast at Tiffanys: Well the whole movie,lol, but i love when she is drunk and Paul carries her up the stairs and The Japanese neighbor is like "ms. go-lucky you have no respect, be quiet" Shes like "now you quiet down, you wanna wake the whole house" as she sprays perfume up in his direction. Its just funny

    City of God: where the 2 little boys get cornered and are about to be shot. That was the most intense scene i have ever seen.

    Titanic: where the orchestra continues to play amist all the panic.

    Forrest Gump: the entire sequnce of him running from one end of the country to another. Just amazing.

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