What does your name mean?

by pennycandy 89 Replies latest jw friends

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    LOL, HC! An ounce of pretention is worth a pound of manure, eh?


  • jgnat

    I have always liked the idea of being an annoying little fly, or gnat, like Socrates. If I have made somebody think by asking a few pointed questions, it has been a good day.


  • Sirius Dogma
    Sirius Dogma

    My name is a bit sarcastic because I think dogma should sooner be taken to Sirius, rather than be taken seriously.

    It also works with Sirius being the Dog star. It is a relatively close star system and should be the second star system we should visit. I hope my children or their children get to do this.

    And thirdly, it a loose tie to the character of Sirius Black from the Harry Potter series. His name was Sirius and he could turn into a dog. More importantly I could feel a kinship with the character of Sirius Black. Being wrongfully imprisonned in a place where demons haunt you and suck your happiness away, along with your will to live. Taking you to the edge of madness. Yeah, I could relate. Thank you WTS.

    paul aka Sirius Dogma

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    Undaunted Danny Daniel is my real name Daniel 10 11 ""Daniel,' he said, "man of quality, Daniel 10
    11 And [the angel] said to me, O Daniel, you greatly beloved man There you have it,my JW dub missionary parents named me after the great prophet.( I had no control over the selection) DANIEL;means in hebrew"God is my judge" Undaunted Danny www.DannyHaszard.com see for yourself

  • hillbilly

    Hillbilly-- from the Latin "hillus billius" . That roughly translates to "hi, how are you, would you like to come up and look at my etchings?"

    I am really a composite... a hobby farmer, country and western type mis-placed cattle baron....besides "cowboy" is overworked by most and David (a really great Okie who we dont see enough of here anymore) already had it. So Hillbilly was a default go-to name.

    Hillbilly ( i like to ride my pony and shoot my guns class)

  • SwampThing

    jgnat, you stated.....

    If I have made somebody think by asking a few pointed questions, it has been a good day.

    If I were the only living testement to your statement, then you will have a lifetime of happiness. Blondie, too...

    Thanks, Ladies,

    Swamp Rat Thing

  • No Apologies
    No Apologies

    I lurked here for several months before registering. I put a lot of thought into coming up with just the right handle. About that time, the Watchtower did a cover story on "Why should I Apologize?" The little light bulb went off...

    The Watchtower will never apologize for its misdeeds, they are far too arrogant.

    No Apologies

  • Jim_TX


    It's Comanche for - white man who lives in large state.


    Jim TX

    P.S. The state??? Confusion.

  • carefully faded
    carefully faded

    Mine just describes the way I left the organization . . . very carefully. All of my family are still in, so I try to be careful to not get DF'd.

    - CF

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    I took my name from Joe Rutherford's most prominent Uchideshi -- or was it catamite? -- and turned it to acknowledge the angels who whispered great truths to him.


    I am a friend of crows - a year or so ago we had one in our neighborhood that would say "hello" all the time. I can't figure out how he learned to do that; what the circumstances of his experience might have been.

    You are probably familiar with the old, old song "Twa Corbies," but just in case you aren't...

    (gassho to http://www.contemplator.com/child/twacorbies.html for putting the information at my fingertips)

    This ballad is a variant of The Three Ravens which dates back to 1611 where it appears in Melismata. Musicall Phansies Fitting the Court, Cittie, and Countrey Humours by T. Ravenscroft. Child names this a "cynical version" of the original ballad. Corbie is another word for raven or crow. This ballad is a variant of Child Ballad #26 (The Three Ravens). For a complete list of Child Ballads at this site go to Francis J. Child Ballads.

    As I was walking all alane,
    I heard twa corbies making a mane;
    The tane unto the t'other say,
    'Where sall we gang and dine to-day,
    Where sall we gang and dine to-day?'

    'In behint yon auld fail dyke,
    I wot there lies a new slain knight;
    And naebody kens that he lies there,
    But his hawk, his honnd, and lady fair,
    His hawk, his honnd, and lady fair.

    'His hound is to the hunting gane,
    His hawk to fetch the wild-fowl hame,
    His lady 'a ta'en another mate,
    So we may mak our dinner sweet,
    We may mak our dinner sweet.

    'Ye'll sit on his white hause-bane,
    And I'll pike out his bonny blue een;
    Wi ae lock o his gowden hair
    We'll theek our nest when it grows bare,
    We'll theek our nest when it grows bare.'

    'Mony a one for him makes mane,
    But nane sall ken where he is gane;
    Oer his white banes, when they are bare,
    The wind sail blaw for evennair,
    The wind sail blaw for evennair.'

    You can hear it here: http://heatherlands.com/catalog/audio/Festival/corbie.ram

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