Back from the Memorial......Special Announcement at the end....

by ScoobySnax 91 Replies latest jw friends

  • outbutnotdown


    We've had a difference of opinion in the past, but I will still do my best to keep my objectivity in writing my viewpoint.

    Why is it that you have the idea that your viewpoint is absolutely right and correct? I haven't contributed to this forum for about 9 months but your personality hasn't changed. You continue to completely disregard any comments that are not EXACTLY like your thinking but accept the opinions of those here who are brilliant enough and kind enough to reply in such a way as to disagree with you without you knowing that they are..

    Don't give yourself that much credit, buddy..... alot of the good people here are just being true to themselves, which includes not insulting you, even though their opinion differs. They would not stoop to throwing insults at you, like you do, and much like I feel the need to do right now. (I am not that spiritually enlightened yet...... teehee..... )

    You are a valuable asset to this forum, Scoob. It allows a lot of us to realize the HELL we lived in when we were JW's and also when we were DF'd JW's that continually tried to get back into it. Take the advice of some here and enjoy the desire you had for companionship, but also listen to your heart when it tells you that it is still not worth 'turning your God-given right of decision-making over to that organization.'

    I honestly hope that you find TRUE peace, bud.


  • SixofNine
    You know something about you Sixy..... and whats kinda funny if it wasn't so sad. You like to speak in the pleural when making your point.....We this, We that, We the other, ...yet you attack singularly.

    Have a look back at your last post. It kind of says something about your reasoning to me. WE don't like him do WE because WE think his viewpoint is invalid don't WE.

    I just had a look at my last post. My usage of "I" and "we" seemed appropriate. Could you point out a specific sentence? For instance, you said "WE don't like him do WE because WE think his viewpoint is invalid don't WE" infering that I had said that in so many words. But I didn't say that not even "in so many words". Maybe you felt like I said that because I was criticizing you, but you can't just go making shit up about what people say, even if what they say is criticism of you.

    Well, actually you can and you do.

    You could always substitute the WE for ME you know, it would sure fit that amazing ego of yours. Sometimes I'm suprised it fits into a box on this forum.

    Which is it? If I "attack singularly", then aren't I substituting the WE for ME? How that makes my ego "amazing" is not clear to me. It seems appropriate for me to not "attack" using other people, yes? OTOH, it seems acceptable for any of us on this forum to mention our collective experience as JW's. No, we didn't all have exactly the same experience, but by and large, everyone of us here had a resistance to any and all reason that conflicted with our ingrained JW beliefs. That's just the way it is. By and large, everyone on this forum could kick themselves for that resistance. That's just the way it is.

    Who are you Six? Ae you really like this in real life? Or are you just BIG behind your screen?

    I'm not acting big Scooby, I'm simply speaking straight with you and everyone else in the discussion. I'd speak this way to your face if there was some sort of congruent "discussion board" type arrangement in real life. This topic has your name on it, you started it, and it's an open discussion board.

    I make no bones about it, people who refuse to think because they put a premium on "feeling" instead, are problem people, imo. They spend their life causing problems, encountering problems w/o ever finding solutions, overdramatising faux problems, exacerbating real problems...etc etc. It's a sucky way to live, with no upside that I can see. It's not as if by looking at things squarely, with reason, one isn't able to experience emotions anymore.

    I don't want to infer that just because so many of us (apostates) say the JW organization has real problems, that makes it true, but OTH, if anything seems arrogant, it is you coming on this board and hand-waving away both the feelings (from experience) and the logic (from so many of us having actually made the effort to understand and study our experience) of so many people, simply because in the freakish little corner of JW land that you have lived in, you haven't "felt" the pain as acutely (or sympathetically, for that matter) as many others. No one can force you to look past your own experience, but it is generally considered a good thing and an honerable thing to do so.

    One point on that last sentence. I can feel you taking insult from here, but simply put, your experience with JW's is unusual to the point of being freakish. You simply can't find very many other people like you in regards their JW experience.

  • 4JWY

    Scoob: You never responded to my PM as others kindly did ??

  • Englishman

    Scooby isn't much different from many people who hold on to a religious faith.

    Basically their thinking operates on 2 separate levels, a worldly one, and, to them anyway, a spiritual one. There is no contradiction in their minds because the 2 levels rarely overlap. I see it all the time in my JW Mum. She will be perfectly reasonable about most things until some trigger point tips her into a "spiritual mode", when she just becomes plain impossible to reason with as she begins to spout Scripture or Brooklynese.

    This is not confined to the witnesses either, most church-goers are of a similar mental make-up.

    Most of us here, however, have had to fuse together our "spiritual" side with our normal way of thinking so that we can look at the spiritual side with some degree of logic. Once we've done this, we are very quick to see others who haven't been able to do this, people such as our pal Scooby. So any conversation with like-minded people will just go round and round in circles as they bounce between their 2 mental levels.

    I don't find Scooby any bother at all personally, he tends to make me smile somewhat I guess.


  • asleif_dufansdottir
    This is not confined to the witnesses either, most church-goers are of a similar mental make-up.

    Excellent point, Englishman.

    It just doesn't annoy us so much when those C of E blokes do it as when a JW does it

  • Latte

    We stayed at home

    Used our time wisely.....we booked a holiday!!! I have to say that it most certainly would of been cheaper to of gone to the KH........but not half as much fun!!!!


    If your happy going to the KH....then good for you!

    For me cultivating 'conditional friends' is a tad waste of my time.......

  • pudd

    I am too tired to read through all the posts on this thread toughly sorry!

    So I apologize if this point has already been made.

    I did go to the memorial last night. First meeting in 9 months,

    The special announcement was the same old stuff about offering new ones bible studies etc as was said in the original post.

    The difference was simply that ?we are pleased to announce a special letter from the governing body? and the whole end of memorial speech was read out,

    Pudd xxx

  • neyank

    Scooby,I'ts nice that you felt good going to the KH for the NON observance of the Memorial.

    It's true that the WTS memorial observance is a very emotional time for JWs.

    Mostly due to the hype and the UNIQUE teachings of the ocasion by the WTS.

    But let's not forget that the WTS is doing nothing but disobeying the Words of the Christ.

    Do this in memory of me!

    I won't speak for anyone else but to me the WT memorial is nothing but a slap in the face of Jesus.

    And let's not forget that the WT memorial is one of the big selling points of the WTS.

    The old saying "Actions speak louder than words" is so true.

    The WTS puts on a pretty good show to those that don't know them.

    But what are the actions of the WTS thruout the years?

    Are they actions of a group of Christians that strive to be Christlike thereby trully showing they observe Jesus as their head or have they been the actions of a cultish group that is far more interested in keeping control over their followers?

    Yeah. I got an invitation to the memorial .

    I disqustingly tore it up and thru it in the trash where I felt it belonged.

    But hey. That's just me.

    If you were happy being there,good for you. But I hope you don't forget what the WTS really is.

    My 2 cents worth.


  • ozziepost
    most church-goers are of a similar mental make-up

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    The so called 'special announcement' was nothing more than the usual sales pitch.

    The conclusion prayer was so long that I had time to catch some ZZZs during it.

    Not many in attendance, just like the same crowd that would attend any given Sunday meeting. GOOD!!!


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