I am sorry

by Big Tex 84 Replies latest jw friends

  • cyber-sista

    hmmm...I never noticed you were strange, but then maybe I am too...enjoyed your posts along with the rest. keep em coming...

  • ozziepost
    someone obviously has/had a bug up thier ass and took what you said entirely worng.

    I love the turn of phrase - couldn't have put it better!

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Don't beat yourself up Big Tex.

    You are one of the good guys around here.

    I am sure I will also put up posts that will embarearse me in the future and I have probably done some already if I care to look back.

    Stick around and enjoy our company, as we enjoy yours.

    We all change and what we say today may seem laughable or embarrassing tomorrow.

    I don't know the posts you are referring to, but sometimes it is good to just let it all hang out. It's therapeutic, and you will never find a greater bunch of non-judgemental, forgiving people to share those moments with.

    (((((Big Tex)))))

  • Simon

    Chris. You are defintely one of lifes good guys so pay no attention to what some unreasonable person said.

    Don't beat yourself up over this !

    someone obviously has/had a bug up thier ass and took what you said entirely wrong

    he he he TOO right!

    (I've been told I can't make any comments about 'women' and 'moods' )

  • Puternut


    In case you forgot, you are human like the rest of us.

  • onacruse

    Chris, my friend:

    If I was half the man you are, I'd be twice the better for it.


  • Shutterbug

    Big Tex, I know exactly what you need, you need to come up and help me paint my house. That will get your mind off of whatever is bothering you. Bug

  • LittleToe

    You've got nothing to be sorry about. You acted impecably like the gentleman you are!
    (Even if it IS questionable as to whether or not you have the sexiest legs )


    Not sure what your referring too..seems like everybody here loves ya..even the other kilted guy...

    Darn - "busted"!!!


    I have never exchanged one word with you. BUT I have to tell you that I respect you. Please don't beat yourself up like this - I can't stand it. It is painful to me to see you feeling hurt - I know that sounds corny, but it is true.

    Sh*t, man, even the "ass" has a gentle side that doesn't normally get let out of the box - now I'm gonna shed a bucket!!!

  • Navigator

    You are right about one thing. You are not normal. You are WONDERFUL! Yep! The votes are in and it is official.

  • Dansk

    Hey BT

    I look back on what I have said, and I cringe at how stupid I sound.

    You don't have a monopoly on that, you know!

    There isn't a person here who can't identify with your post. It doesn't have to relate only to this forum, but life in general. We'd all like to be able to erase something we've done or said; to be able to change something. Fact is, we can't - so we do our utmost to be better people; to have learned from what we've done or experienced.

    BT, you're much loved and appreciated here. THAT has got to take precedence over any shortcomings. Your post has hit home with everyone - because we're all the same; we're all pillocks at times!!

    Whatever it is you think you've done wrong you've apologised for in a massive way. That's more than enough! Time to move on, dear friend. This forum needs you!!

    Love to you and Nina,


    Edited to add:

    I just wanted to help.

    You have - more than you'll ever realise!!

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