I am sorry

by Big Tex 84 Replies latest jw friends

  • donkey

    Big Tex,

    I have never exchanged one word with you. BUT I have to tell you that I respect you. Please don't beat yourself up like this - I can't stand it. It is painful to me to see you feeling hurt - I know that sounds corny, but it is true.


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    OK Chris before you go any further into the past I want you to find something cold to touch - a piece of metal, the floor, something hard and cold.

    THIS IS TODAY - the present.

    I can't think of one person here who thinks the way your parents did about you. We all have bad days and bad moments that can push us back to the past. But... YOU AREN'T THERE ANYMORE.

    Go find Nina and get a hug.

    Go look at your kids and know this is TODAY - THE PRESENT.

    and even though the past can creep up and bite us we have the power to send it right back where it came from.

    Nina and the kids are proof absolute that your parents were wrong. And believe me I know it too.

    Hang on - have a good cry. Punch a pillow if you have to.

    But this is NOW and you are safe and loved

    ((((to your little kid))))

  • SheilaM

    BigT: What are you speaking of....you are nothing but kind, sweet, intelligent and genuine(((((((((((((((((((((((((((Chris)))))))))))))))))))) Please call if you need to talk


  • jgnat

    Whaaa??? Big Tex, you have never come off as you described, to me. Take Lady Lee's advice ASAP. I want to see you happy and confident again.

  • patio34

    Hi again Big Tex,

    I think you should re-examine the situation. I stumbled onto what you may have been referring to. It was one person's opinion and people have misunderstandings and don't agree. Please don't "universalize" this and let it be defining to who you are as a person. It was one incident. Wouldn't you forgive someone of the same kind of thing? As some others have posted, who hasn't stated things they didn't mean to convey? Please don't take this incident on the other thread as a crushing or complete assessment of who you are. Lady Lee said some good things.



  • TonyT

    Big Tex,

    I can't see where you have to apologize for your posts.


  • seeitallclearlynow


    I like you.

  • bisous


    You have absolutely nothing to apologize for, IMO. You are one of the kindest people on this board. You have gone out of your way to communicate well with me on more than one occasion, taking the time to personally clarify either your comments or situations observed.

    You are one of the main reasons I feel comfortable coming here, knowing that there are kind, caring individuals who also have a shared experience of horror and survival, far beyond JWism.

    From what I have read, anyone with sense has agreed with this view...have you read The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz? If so, remember the agreement of don't take it personally. Nothing others say or do is about you, it is a reflection of themselves and their reality. This has been an important learning for me, one that I have to keep reminding myself as I usually jump to the same conclusion as you have here..."I am dumb, stupid, thoughtless, worthless" ... taking on the accountability for the other person's feelings, reactions.

    If you haven't read the book, take a look. I have found comfort and guidance from it. Let me apologize to you for the hurt that has been caused you here.


    Let me also congratulate your wife for she must be a formidable and deserving woman to have brought a wonderful soul such as you into her life.


    Sincerely and with warmest regards,


  • bikerchic


    We love ya!


  • Joyzabel


    *just wondering......................is this a moon phase we (xjws here) are all going through???? you know, close to the sacred...............<gasp> memorial time??????

    LET IT GO CHRIS.......love yourself!!! Love your family............feel the love that is coming back to you here on this thread.

    You are a cherished, loved person here at JWD.

    Now go get a big wet sloppy kiss from your cute basset hound(s). LOL, you don't seem to wanting kisses from us!!!


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