I am sorry

by Big Tex 84 Replies latest jw friends

  • LyinEyes

    Chris , I too found nothing offensive at all that you said. I don't even understand why this all has gotten blown out of porportion the way it has.

    You are a great person,you and Nina both, and you wouldnt hurt or even say a harsh word to anyone. I really hope that you can work this out, you will feel better when you can talk it out.

    Hon,,,,,,,,,you are as normal as any of us can get. I wish I was as normal in my thinking as you are. And Chris you know all the times you have sent me PM's , just to see how I was, or you felt in one of my post I was upset. You always have had an insight about you that sees when someone eles is hurting, and I am sure many here will say the same thing I am saying about that.

    Honestly, I know so many of us know that Big Tex sends us PM's when he is thinking about us, or wants to tell even something a little more personal if it will help us. There are certain people on this board that go that extra mile to encourage others,,,,,and are so ready to listen any time day or nite.

    So Chris and Nina,,,,,,,,,,hugs to both of you...........Nina , tell him not to dare change a thing about the way he is on this forum and in real life. Love ya both,,,,,,,,can't wait to see ya in May!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Joyzabel

    oops, I posted under Joy, see my comments below.


  • outnfree


    Having met you and reading through the comments on this post I am sure that you actually have nothing to be sorry for!

    (Was that condescending of me? )

    We love your good heart, Big Guy!


  • Valis

    I knew Joy was a crusty redneck!


    District Overbeer

  • jst2laws


    I'm glad you started this thread, so you can be assured how everyone regards you. The comments here have this crusty redneck crying. Really.

    Don't let anything change your sensitivity.


  • wednesday

    Chris this sounds a lot like PTSD, a phrase i'm sure u are familar with. I use to get the same kind of reaction during a job preformance reviews-I felt like i was sitting before a JC meeting. U know it is the hear and now, and u are none of the things u said. None of your posts were out of line. U are an excellent mod and a teriffic person. Even if a person makes an out of line post, they still get to live. We are all human. U are a human being with feelings, and a very nice human at that.

  • nilfun
    We are all human. U are a human being with feelings, and a very nice human at that.

    Couldn't have said it better. ((BT)))

  • LoverOfTruth

    Big Tex,

    I was extremely touched by your post and if possible would have given you a big hug. Please don't ever put yourself down like that again. That's how so many of us felt when we were put on the outside of the Organization; that's a hard habit to break. You are one of the regular posters I have a great deal of respect for.

  • Angharad


    Please be kind to yourself - you are a good person.

  • Rabbit

    Big Tex,

    As so many people have already said, you represent stability, kindness and love here. I think you are a true father figure in the best way possible. I don't know what's happened, but, I hate to see anyone hurting like you seem to be right now. As people have noticed, too your sensitivity has helped many people, remember tho' that same quality can sometimes make you more vulnerable to being hurt, too.

    You and some others that were once Elders, to me exemplify what a true 'Elder' was supposed to be... "the voices of reason." Now you're out of the 'JW's', you and them help us in the 'X-JW's'. I got cross-ways with a poster once and you helped me see, dispite my error, the other guy had an 'agenda' he was dealing with. You helped me feel better about my response. Thank you.

    I for one have respect for that and need that "Voice of Reason."

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