E-Watchman Has Sent NGO Letters to Over 5000 U.S. Congregations!

by Greenpalmtreestillmine 76 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Bryan
    Nathan: "it will be read by one of the congregation elders and then destroyed."

    This may be true, but I know as many here have experienced, even the elders gossip. I have have had not only Miniseries Servants, but even Presiding Overseers gossip to me about what was going on in the back room.

    I do believe if this letter strikes a nerve with the right persons, the letter may be destroyed, but the lips will not stop.


  • Bluegrass Tom
    Bluegrass Tom

    Recently an Elder in my hall found out about this UN stuff and deleted himself as a result. There are some out there who take a matter like this seriously.

  • cyber-sista

    This is certainly going to cause and stir and will "stumble" some out of the Org I'm sure--I think there are a lot hanging on to the edge of it and this may be thing to pull them out.

    For those on the fade such as myself--I know that eventually the elders will be calling on me--probably before the memorial. I am forming a simple question to drop on them about the whole UN deal--won't tell them all I know and try to be very nonconfrontational about it, but at least get them to thinking ...It may blow my fading cover a bit, but I am now willing to take the risk to get this thing out in the open

  • joe_from_kokomo

    Note to E-Watchman:

    I know you probably read this site, and will likely peruse this posting. So, I direct these comments to you specifically.

    I read your article out loud to my wife and we both loved it. We have been "out" almost a year now, due mainly to the lies and hypocrisy you speak of in your article, which our consciences could no longer tolerate. Child abuse, UN NGO affiliation, fuzzy logic about 607 BCE, the de-emphasis of the role of Jesus, and the self-glorification of the Society, to the point of it taking the place of Jehovah in some passages, were too much to bear.

    This is a truly great letter, very well researched and very well written. I agree with many of your excellent points and admire your courage and mettle for coming out with this. In some ways, I wish I had done the same thing myself. Jehovah will smile on you for speaking out for the truth, no matter what happens in the next few days or weeks ahead.

    Some think that these kinds of efforts make little difference - they remain skeptical of achieving any real and lasting results. I disagree. Just a few weeks ago, I got my letter from the UN and posted it here for everyone to read. This lead to a number of comments from the readers. One of the readers, SeattleNiceGuy I think, suggested that everyone who wanted to, should write to the UN and ask them to post a similar letter on their Web site. And, we now know the results of that: the letter is out there for everyone in the world to see. Search engines have picked it up and everyone can find it now. No one has to wait 9 months to know the truth of this matter.

    My point is this: I was hesitant to post my letter - which was not much different from letters others had already posted (I take no special credit there), but it was a very personal thing. Still, I wanted to share it. This has had a tremendous positive ripple effect, that has helped to bring the truth about the UN matter to thousands of people, thanks to a suggestion inspired by another member who felt it was time for the truth to come to light.

    Your letter also has a tremendous amount of truth in it, and will no doubt have a similar positive effect. Elders, overseers and brothers in the lead will start to ask about this matter, will start to look into it and see the hypocrisy for what it is. This will no doubt bring about some much needed changes in the organization.

    Some have said that the Internet will be the death of the Watchtower Society. It is certainly a media forum that the WTS speaks out against and is afraid. But really, it's the light of truth that they speak out against. It's the truth about "The Truth" that they are afraid of.

    That well-worn scripture, "the truth will set you free" means just that... you have to be willing to speak up for the truth, to stand up for the truth, and take whateever consequences that come with that decision. You have shown others what that really means. This is truly inspirational.

    Thank you again for your wonderful letter. It was the right thing to do. May Jehovah bless you for your efforts on his behalf.


  • sf

    And thank YOU to you and your wife joe, for sharing THIS. {{ hugs }}


  • observador
    I am skeptical that e-watchman signed his own name. He may have much criticism for how the leadership of the WTS has developed some of its doctrines and certain blunders it has made in recent times, but I doubt he would ever risk being df'd from the Org.

    I second that.

    Proof of this is that he refuses to identify himself on his own website

    I couldn't agree more with you! This was my very first thought. I also am very skeptical, as some other people here, that he has sent more than 5000 letter to US congregations. But I hope he's not lying mistaken.


  • Corvin


    After reading all the linked info from the E-Watchman's site, the issue is ever clearer before me. This strengthens my stand and gives me courage and confidence.


  • Greenpalmtreestillmine


    I am skeptical that e-watchman signed his own name. He may have much criticism for how the leadership of the WTS has developed some of its doctrines and certain blunders it has made in recent times, but I doubt he would ever risk being df'd from the Org. Proof of this is that he refuses to identify himself on his own website, and I read on another post at this Forum that he concealed his true identity and address when he registered his domain. He doesn't like the spotlight and would rather remain in the darkness of anonimity.

    I think maybe it's better to give the man the benefit of the doubt since as we all know it is a very hard thing to challenge the Watchtower publicly when we are still in. How many of us put our real name out there while we were still active and had family in the Watchtower?

    I think we should take him at his word unless proven otherwise.


  • Greenpalmtreestillmine

    In his March 28 mailbag E-Watchman has announced that his NGO letter has recently been sent to 400 Canadian Kingdom Halls!

    If nothing else this must certainly be raising the annoyance and pressure levels in the Branches.



    Who are you....Where do you come from?

    I came across your site and as I started peering through it I became very angry and offended that you,one who calls himself a brother could think such things let alone type them. AS THE ANGER RUSHED OVER ME I thought of every ugly thing that I could say to you, but I knew if I said them it would contradict everything that Ive learned from Jehovah's spirit. So now, Im left to appeal to your since of reason or I can leave and pretend that I never set eyes on your sight....and thats something that I can not do.....therefore I will try to apeal to your since of reason since its obvious that you are a man of intelict. WHERE IS YOUR FAITH? If even a fraction of the things that you say is true, do you really believe that JEHOVAH IS INCAPEABLE OF HANDLING THOSE WITHIN HIS HOUSE? do you? If there are those whom you call apostates in our mist, ( and really you are the only one who seems to come across as so) Do you really believe that Jehovah is incapeable of handling such one, the ones whom you accuse of "poisoning the well of truth"? Again I ask you WHERE IS YOUR FAITH? If you say you do have the faith then you condem yourself and those who are foolish enough to listen to you because you, like those who murmered against Moses, MURMER AGAINST JEHOVAH'S ANOINTED ONES. Brother ( if you are one) Where is your faith? Like JOB you speak of things that you do not fully understand. Stand still. Be silent. And let the True God, The one whom is deserving of the title prove to you that he is indeed THE TRUE GOD THE KNOWER OF SECRETS even the darkest of them. If Jehovah, the God whom you claim to worship sees fit to allow these cercumstances that you adimately say is true to continue for a time..... for a time till he sees fit to control it, THEN WHO ARE YOU TO OPEN YOUR MOUTH AND SPEAK AGAINST IT?........WHERE IS YOUR FAITH?............Like satan you to also have obveously exstablished your throne and you set upon it and spew out prophetic utterances. The only insight that you have provided is by your works we are able to see how satan was able to draw many of the ANGELS away from Jehovah. With a smooth toungue and tricky lips. You bring death to your self and those who listen to you. I do not know everything you speak of ...But I do know that Jehovah acts quickly against any who threatens is people whither the source be from men or from demons he is a God of action. Again I ask you WHERE IS YOUR FAITH? where is it!......If you still believe that the WATCHTOWER is the tool that Jehovah uses to communicate with his people by means of Christ Jesus ( Which you stated that you do) You not ony put yourself in danger but all who visit this website. YOU speak against Jehovah Choosen ones. You call yourself one of the Anointed but the spirit in which you operate belies your claim.

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