Secret Santa II......

by Gadget 210 Replies latest jw friends

  • reboot

    youre welcome Country Woman -hope you like it- theres something in there for Viv too...

    and I know it's the wrong thread...but my cards are going out tomorrow-sorry-promise

  • morty

    yes Sassy, I am way worse then the kids....I am the mom that wants the kids to have all their gifts as I buy them....Then I am rushing out the day before x-mas to buy all new ones....( maybe thats why it costs me so much.)


  • Sassy

    lol Morty..

    Well I got my present today from cruzanheart !! Nina, at first I thought maybe you accidentally shipped two of the things I ordered when you had the 'raise some money for JWD" deal.. so I didn't even unwrap the outer covering. I was going to pm you and make sure everything was cool..........Then I thought, wait, I don't know who my secret santa is..... hmmmm.. and the box is a different I took off the outer paper..

    and low and behold was a box in Christmas wrapping!! GiftYes

    so I put it under my tree.. Christmas Tree where there was only one present.. One I have waiting for my boyfriend (who doesn't celebrate Christmas because he doesn't believe in Jesus.. so I have a WINTER present for him there).. so this is my very first ever Christmas present after I have my very first Christmas tree..

    how special.. from a very special person!! I will wait till Xmas eve to open it..

    that is when my dad's family opened presents....

  • mouthy


  • SheilaM

    I received my Secret Santa gift (yes I opened it) not sure who it was from postage says Netherlands or something. It was the prettiest little snowman ornament for my tree. Who ever sent it THANK YOU

    Thunder still is waiting I am praying it is not a Harley or a sword LOLerrr I just checked with Thunder he didn't get a name to send something too....eeks wonder if he was included.

  • Sassy
    It was the prettiest little snowman ornament for my tree.

    hmmm.. I never thought about that.. if it was a xmas item..then it would be nice to open early huh.. other wise the gift can't be used for a whole year!

    Now I don't know if I should wait to open it!

  • mouthy

    bttp I have to keep this near the top else I cant find it..... Sorry mods!!!! Old age.... I want to find out what everyone gets. Bet its not as nice as what I got LOL

  • cruzanheart

    Hmmm, what to do without giving it away. . . . Okay, there's a Christmas ornament in there but that's not the only thing in the box, so I'll leave it to your discretion as to whether you want to open it or not! And I hope you like your gift!!!



  • xjw_b12

    Grace You are very welcome. Glad you enjoy them so.

    Elsewhere said:

    also like to collect interesting items from different cultures and religions.

    I have some WTS publications in Swahili, does that count?

  • Country_Woman

    Sheila you have a PM

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