Anthony Morris the III has been FOUND

by Terry 167 Replies latest jw friends

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    How that feeling of rejection must feel like...especially for someone of such importance & adoration at WT Headquarters as AMIII once had!

    Imagine Anthony pondering the times of driving up the compound gates in the past at WT Headquarters & being waved through by the guards like he's some celebrity. Now, like the rest of us he needs to call ahead for permission knowing he'll likely be denied! For some odd reason it reminds me of this scene from the GodFather...Anthony Morris pleading with WT head attorney Philip Brumley to let him through the gates "for old-times' sake":

    The Gate Guard's reply: "Sorry, Mr. Brumley says can't do it Tony"!

  • TonusOH

    I won't harass the guy, it isn't something that would even cross my mind.

    But I think that a good idea would be for anyone whose lives were affected adversely by WTS policies and practices to write him a polite and heartfelt letter, letting him know of their suffering.

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    Gone bad

    Point understood. And a privilege that offers freedom is opposite an obligation that suppresses it.

  • Ron.W.

    The jw's write letters (uninvited and unsolicited) to anybody they choose.

    They call uninvited to any home/business they chose - even on national holidays and at times when people may be expecting to have a sleep in.

    They have even telephone witnessed to people at home and and work uninvited to aggressively promote their beliefs.

    So yes, of course we must respect and honour AM's privacy.....

  • Chevelle
  • Drearyweather

    Saw this comment on the avoid jw website:

    Paul Bonanno says:

    According to Wayne Kettelle (Susan’s brother) in a correspondence that I had with him on 4th July 2023 he stated: “They are living in a territory which was once an area Anthony served as a CO. They are in a country territory and are enjoying the door to door ministry and the congregation.”

  • SydBarrett

    "They are in a country territory and are enjoying the door to door ministry and the congregation.”

    I was born, grew up in, and currently live in the southeast USA. There are many beautiful places here. But Lumberton, NC aint one of them.

    Damn. What a shithole.

  • just fine
    just fine

    If I had to guess I would think AM is getting a disability check from the VA. I know several “brothers” who served in Vietnam who were awarded a 100% disability that equates to $3000-$3500 a month tax free and free healthcare. The VA thought they were all nuts so the disability was for mental impairment, but they functioned normally with no outward disability.

  • SydBarrett

    f I had to guess I would think AM is getting a disability check from the VA. I know several “brothers” who served in Vietnam who were awarded a 100% disability that equates to $3000-$3500 a month tax free and free healthcare. The VA thought they were all nuts so the disability was for mental impairment, but they functioned normally with no outward disability.

    This sounds like an urban legend. It actually goes completely counter to the other urban legend that Vietnam vets were not cared for. So which is it?

    No one is getting handed free checks. Why are you making stuff up?

    Normal military pension is with 20 years of service.

  • just fine
    just fine
    I guess my first hand knowledge of it would be urban legend then. 2 are elders 1a MS in the hall I was in. The VA sends out annual statements of what was paid and I have seen that statement for one of them.
    And it’s not a pension for 20 years of service - it’s disability. Two different things.

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