What does your name mean?

by Insomniac 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tatiana

    I named my daughter after a vampire character in an old scifi book my "anointed" uncle gave me. Fantastic Universe Omnibus. (Copywrite 1960.) The story was called "She Only Goes Out at Night" by William Tenn. Her name was Tatiana.

    I use my daughter's name. My real name is April.

  • sutor

    My name means shoemaker in latin :)

  • Flowerpetal
    Ex JW Be One Too

    I'm glad you explained that! I thought it was B12 like the vitamin....

  • Flowerpetal

    I think my screen name is self-explanatory---plus I llove flowers!

  • Badger

    I love badgers...I've been told I resemble one...small, irritating, tenacious and cute.

  • tinkerbell82

    i love pixies, and tink has always been one of my favorite characters. plus i've been told i resemble her....we both have snub noses and blonde hair, and we're both really short :P

  • Loris

    A loris is a small furry animal. A lemur that lives in SE Asia or in zoos. They are really, really slow. Not in a hurry to go anywhere. Really laid back.

    My avatar is Bill The Cat from the old cartoon strip Outland and Bloom County. Bill died in a car crash after a wild cartoon party and was cloned from the only part left at the scene, his tounge. He was never quite the same after that but in spite of his condition he went on to become a folk hero and even ran for president.

    There you have it. I am laid back and weird.


  • Sassy
    I'm not telling.....................it"s mine and my husbands secreat code......sorry......

    Sounds like a challenge??



    <---- SweetNSassy

  • reboot

    I had to change my name and re-start of my life here on the board ...and my computer's really crap so rebooting is an enforced hobby of mine.

    It's also the only tech.speak I know - thanks Ballistic.

  • JH

    J = letter10

    H = letter 8

    (10X8X8) + (10+8+8) = 666 the number of the beast

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