What does your name mean?

by Insomniac 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • Garnet

    Well Garnet is my Birthstone, but it also means "Fiery Ember" - I can get a little Fiery when I get angry...but no sweat...it takes a real lot to push these buttons. My real name means "Strong", Mom says she picked that one out on purpose

    Just curious, does anyone have an Avatar for Dummies instructions? I tried to download one off the net and it never showed



  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    I'm a girl.


    I live in rural Franistan.


  • Vivamus

    My name comes from "Dum Vivimus, Vivamus!", from R.Heinlein, "Glory Road".


    Blue Bubblegum Girl

    (And that comes from me and my friend inventing the slogan "and the world shall tremble in the wake of the Blue Bubblegum" when we were stonedrunk....)

  • Badger

    CG: NOTHING is better than a country chicken!

  • wednesday

    wednesday, from the old nursey rhymne , part of which says wednesday's child is full of woe. , However, i'm thinking of changing to either Tuesday , Friday, or saturday. I'm tired of beng full of woe, i've moved on.

  • Eric

    It means I'm Eric.


  • IronGland

    My real name is not listed on the behind the name website.

  • Adam

    My name means that my parents saw fit to name me Adam.

  • Gretchen956

    Gretchen is seemingly self explanitory, but is not. My name is not Gretchen it is Sherry

    I took Gretchen one day at work when the whole company was forced to take a 2-day safety training course where the topic was how to do "caring interventions when a coworker did something unsafe", very touchy feely stuff. I signed in under my correct name to get the credit and then saw that we all had to wear these cheesy nametags. (did I mention there were 11,000 of us at the company?) anyway I didn't know anyone but I HATE nametags. So I wrote Gretchen. It's appropriate since I'm German by ancestry. At any rate, its sort of been my alter-ego ever since. My evil twin, so to speak.

  • Teela

    Teela as in Teela Brown a character from a Larry Niven novel called Ringworld. Her life was controlled by luck and in lots of ways my life has had a lot of good luck in it, also it has changed my direction in life .

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