What does your name mean?

by Insomniac 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • ChimChim
    its a band name, a band I cant stop listening to, great for driving music and great for wallowing in self pity music, LOL

    never heard of them, u should send me sum songs

  • ChimChim
    Yeah, when I first saw Chim Chim's name, that song from Mary Poppins kept playing in my mind too.

    I kno the movie, but I don't remember the song at all...lol weird

  • Mulan

    Mulan was a name I used on a hotmail account, for dealing with Asian customers in my marketing business. When I first signed onto this kind of board, I used my hotmail email, and became Mulan. It's close to Marilyn, my real name. I am not Asian.

  • Panda

    Panda means Panda Bear the national treasure of China

  • skiz

    skiz was my nickname as a kid

    My paternal grandma is from Slovakia and my dad would occasionally talk Slovak during my childhood

    skiz is apparently short for skizik or maybe its skiziks and my dad says he can't remember if it's an actual word or just a madeup word

    If there are any Eastern European xJWs that post here, I would love to find out what that word means
    Even if the meaning is embarrassing


  • xjw_b12

    Ex JW Be One Too

  • SanFranciscoJim

    Even though I no longer live in San Francisco (I'm in Pennsylvania now, for the moment), I decided to keep the name as a remembrance. This is the name I used to post under on the old H2O board.

  • oldcrowwoman


    The name Old can come in many different interpetations. The Old has to do with a old soul. I was older than my years as a child. I don't see or view in relation with my physical self.

    Crow energies is an omen for change. Crow signifies a knowledge of a higher order of right and wrong than indicated by the laws created in human culture. Crow energies speaks in a powerful voice when addressing issues that for you seem out of harmony, out of balance, out of whack or unjust. When they show up physically reminds you to be aware. I have a tendency to shut down emotionallly.

    Woman is about reclaiming myself.

    How it evolve with crow was 20 years ago in my beginning of recovery. I was camping with a friend . Early morning hours there were 3 crows cawing on the picnic table. I being irritated by their noise, hollered out at them to stop.

    After arriving home from the camping trip. There were crows cawing outside of my Apt. Looked out the window there were 3 crows. I thought they could'nt have followed me baack to the cities. I did a research and found 3 crows meant a death. Not a physical death but a emotional death.

    In the beginning of recovery being hit with losses of 39 years of life was overwhelming. Learning to get in touch with my feelings. The 3 crows would show up when I needed to face a loss and acknowledge it. At times I was'nt always happy to see them.

    I can share stories about my encounter with Crows over the years. Maybe that can be shared on a different thread.


  • morty

    I'm not telling.....................it"s mine and my husbands secreat code......sorry......


  • DakotaRed

    DakotaRed may sound like more than it is, but truthfully, I own and drive a Red Dodge Dakota. Didn't think RedDakota would sound very cool.

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