What's the most ridiculous thing you were ever counselled on?

by micheal 142 Replies latest jw friends

  • watch the tower
    watch the tower

    At bethel, there is a rule that you can only put 3 items max on any flat surface. I guess this is so that the housekeepers can dust the surface without much hassle. Anyways I had a boombox with the detachable speakers on my desk along with 2 other items. This is 3 items right? Wrong. I got a call from the home overseer one day and got counseled for having 5 items on the desk. When I told him it was only 3, he told me that the speakers counted as 1 item each so there were 5.

    uuuuugghhhh. Why did we ever put up with this crap??

  • RichieRich

    One time last week (lol), i didn't allow the POs spies daughters to hang with me at the state fair. And then I said I hated them...

    What's so wrong with that?

  • watch the tower
    watch the tower
    I get herded into a full judicial committee for flirting with a clown. I kid you not. On second thought could there be anything worse than flirting with a clown?

    OMG, LOL! I lost it on that one!

  • lucky

    Someone in my pioneer school told me I looked like a JCrew model. I took this as a complement at the time, but apparently not everyone was so keen on the fresh-faced, preppy look. The elders counselled me that I should get my hair cut and get a perm (I had waist-length thick blond hair), start wearing makeup, and not wear such long skirts. I guess they preferred that I look like someone out of a ten year old JCPenney catalog, like all of their wives.

  • Spectre

    I was pulled into the back room once and an elder was absolutely livid with me since he found out that I was taking a life drawing class. He didn't say so but I know he thought that after the class I was going home and masturbating after seeing an ugly naked hippy guy. A week later another elder was added and he was much more level headed about it. However, when I showed up on a sunday to read the watchtower a few weeks later, I found that they had found someone else to replace me.

  • carla

    This is one thread I am going to print! (along with my many others) Maybe I should get it bound up all fancy. Think Bethel could do it for me?

  • SPAZnik

    It's a toss-up between:

    Talking about my problems to an older wiser woman who encouraged me with practical, relevant help.

    Loving someone of another belief system.

  • AuldSoul

    Watching Star Trek. Spock's mind meld ability was clearly spiritistic.

    W. Baker, of a Marietta, GA congregation, once kindly instructed me to "dumb down" my comments at the meetings. He used the example from 1 Corinthians where a visitor might not understand what was being said. Of course, I was speaking English...and the verses in 1 Corinthians were about people speaking in foreign tongues. Looking back on it, I think my comments made him feel stupid.

  • fokyc

    Eric Beveridge from NY Bethel came to our congo to give a special talk with slides,during a short break he quietly asked me if I could get him a glass of water, which I did.

    At the end of the meeting a couple of elders took me on one side to tell me that I shouldn't have got the water as I wasn't a servant in the congo.


  • sandy

    My Dad just told me that my brother was counselled for having his sports team flag on the car.

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