Flat earth vs round earth

by Jrjw 315 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • _Morpheus

    Oh you want the source.. no problem! It was the first result google popped up for me when i searched “who benefits from lying about the earth being round”


  • Island Man
    Island Man
    Walk me through it!

    Ok Kairos. Here's an easy way to explain it. A tennis ball is smaller than a soccer ball. If you hold a tennis ball close up to a camera mimic the effect of being on the tennis ball or very close to it, and you then proceed to view a soccer ball 20 feet away, the tennis ball will appear larger because of its closeness to the camera. Take a picture. Then go outside and place the tennis ball on the ground. Then place the soccer ball 20 feet away also on the ground. Then go a distance of about 50 feet away and, using a camera, position yourself such that the tennis ball and soccer ball are directly in line of sight like an alignment and zoom in and take a picture and you will see that the soccer ball now appears larger than the tennis ball even though you're now further away. Because you magnified the image with the zoom feature. It's that simple!

    Why are there no stars? The exposure is reduced when taking the images because the brightness of the earth's and moon's albedo effect would distort the clarity of the details. Reducing the exposure also has the effect of making the stars invisible. The ambient light from the earth is strong enough to overpower starlight of stars in close visual field proximity so you wouldn't see them even if the exposure was not reduced. As proof of the fact that the exposure was reduced, note how the moon looks dull rather than the bright color we see in the night sky with the naked eye.

  • _Morpheus

    Along with island man, its the same reason theres no stars in the picture i took last night of the moon. In order to capture the bright moon i had to dial the sensitivity way down (iso) so the moon didnt wash out into a blob of light. When i did that the moon became detailed but the dimmer stars vanished. When photographing planets its the oposite. The sensitivity has to be up a bit and brighter and objects like the moon become washed out. Cameras simply cannot do what the eye can.

    *please note, no insults or sarcasium. Just an explanation.

  • Island Man
    Island Man

    Kairos, I find it very difficult to believe that you're actually this stupid. If you're truly this stupid there's no way you would have escaped from Watchtower's clutches. I believe you're trolling us. Admit it.

  • kairos

    Again, I was indoctrinated along with all of you. There was a globe in my classroom, too.
    You're just telling me the official story we ALL know and can recite and I have no intention of arguing 'doctrine' with any of you.

    I'll just drop bread crumbs.

    You pick them up or you ignore them.
    Red pill or Blue pill, if you will.
    ( feel free to ignore me. This ain't my thread )


    I never enjoyed being told what to think or believe as a dub.
    Like so many, I never researched the WTBTS history until I quit the meetings.
    After that I researched for 6-12 hours a day. 1000s of hours and ( gasp )
    YouTube videos! I was forced to honestly admit that it wasn't the truth as much pain and loss that would cause me. Being DFd sealed the deal.

    Think about the response you might get from a PIMI dub if you blurted out all the failures of Watchtower. Total rejection with a side of shunning!

    I'll not tell you what to believe.
    That's for you to decide.

    For me, I don't know what was more troubling, awakening to the truth of Watchtower or the Geocentric model

    I woke up from the Matrix only to find myself on the Truman Show.
    I'm still trying to prove this as wrong. I can't unsee the truth.
    I have opened my mind to the existence of a creator again and I enjoy bible verses I never paid attention to or even remember.

    Maybe this is what 25 years of being in cult will do to a person.

  • kairos

    For those following along at home, listen to this:

    My loudest laugh of ALL will be watching that spinning globe on JW Broadcast.

  • OrphanCrow

    Methinks kairos has checked out of reality

    He has decided to run his own show

  • atomant
    Kairos do you believe the sun travels in circles at a constant speed under the laws of the geocentric model?
  • kairos
    Methinks kairos has checked out of reality
    He has decided to run his own show

    Quite possible. I give you that.
    Good thing, too.

    I recommend you live life to the fullest. Chase your dreams.

    Ironically, it seems I'm viewed as a reality apostate on a JW apostate web site!
    First JW apostate DFd from my congregation and local area, too. ( admitted apostasy, even! )


    Do I run around spewing flat earth nonsense in my day to day?
    Nope. I'm fairly anonymous here. Although I do not 'hide who I am'®, if you want to know who I am. There's an easter egg for any of you bored enough.
    Plus, after losing some good friends, I don't bring it up very often, if ever in the real world. PIMO, among society, if you will.

    Put all of that in your pipe and smoke it!!

  • kairos
    Methinks kairos has checked out of reality
    He has decided to run his own show

    I'm changing my story.
    I'm actually Geoffrey Jackson, trolling you all!
    It's a psyop to get you apostates off my ass after my lies at the ARC.

    You heard it here first.

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