It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars

by Newly Enlightened 11530 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Toblerone5

    Is that the kind of Porn L.E. is into ? Dominatrix Clown that like to tickle torture? and turn balloon into phallic objects ? I know the guy was weird but , could he be THAT weird...

    by the way I just wrote that, cause I would DIE of laughter,( like Chastity Queen the clown creepy clients ,after she's finish tickling them to torture?) yes I would DIE if Lloyd Evans read that , then he go on Twitter to Rant how some lunatic (that would be me ) Accuse him of being into Dominatrix porn ...CLOWN ... And him saying : I can't be a D.P. CLOWNNNNS watcher cause I'm a Dad with 2 littles girls... šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

  • DerekMoors
    Knowing who you are and feeling free to love is everything.

    Being free to love is kinda hard to do when you're forced into the sex trafficking industry because men like Lloyd will always ensure that industry exists. Fucking hypocritical ass hat.

  • slimboyfat
    Being free to love is kinda hard to do when you're forced into the sex trafficking industry because men like Lloyd will always ensure that industry exists. Fucking hypocritical ass hat.

    Absolutely, he displays a pathological inability to appreciate that anybody matters other than himself.

    Other people being harmed is neither here nor there, what matters is if youā€™ve insulted his inflated sense of himself.

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Other people being harmed is neither here nor there, what matters is if youā€™ve insulted his inflated sense of himself.

    What I find hilarious is how a self described cranky old man got the best of him in his introduction to the forum and you can just tell how personal Lloyd took it.

    Old Goat - Wherever you are - You had ā€œcedarsā€ sized up in just the brief time you engaged with him than what it took years for many to figure out.

    Hereā€™s a few choice quotes:

    Cedars - don't be silly. I no where suggested that he needed my approval for a post. I don't need your approval to express my opinion on this post either. You like this because it gives you a sense of self-justification.
    The one who wishes to stifle debate here is you. Not me. You need to reasses just how important this all is to you. If you are seeking a place where only your feelings, wishes and beliefs are reflected, you've come to the wrong forum.
    I have the impression that you're fairly young. Hey! Everyone's young as far as I'm concerned. But I mean on the truly youngish side. Do not make life harder than it needs to be. People will always have opinions that differ from ours. That they have contrary opinions does not invalidate our beliefs or ourselves. Why do I suddenly feel like I need to parent you? How silly of me. I wish you well, Cedars. I think you have some hard lessons to learn, and I wish I could make that process easier for you. Unfortunately I cannot.
    Cedar, I though you were through with this. Apparently not. If you reasoned as badly as you do here while within the Watchtower organization, you probably had endless anger and never ā€œgotā€ anything right.
    Click on the link above to see how Lloyd responded but I think you already know how that went.
    Click on the link above to see how Lloyd responded but I think you already know how that went.

    Yet again I had to take up the invitation - šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ - based on Lloydā€™s version of history, this was his first postā€¦..omg it could have been written yesterday - textbook cedars šŸ¤£šŸ¤£

  • Toblerone5
    Click on the link above to see how Lloyd responded

    I did any of you notice that all his comments ,and yes I read them all even the one about the cigar ? Anyway not one got a thumbs up or Like , None ..but a lot of his post got some -1... or -2

    On another note , you know what I like about this forum...Is that even if someone post is ,say ...from 10 years ago,you can still like or dislike it...yep you can still push that cute litte thumbs Down ,Dislike what ever... and make a -1 post up to a -2 .

  • Journeyman

    LE was showing his usual chippy, passive-aggressive and sarcastic responses that we've all now come to know and "love" (sarcasm there too, of course!) - but TBH, although he told some truths about LE's attitude, I thought Old Goat was also quite argumentative and a little patronising. I note that several other commenters also called OG out too.

    I don't wish to let LE off the hook, and I'm aware OG might not even be around any more as that thread was 12 years ago (his history indicates he turned 90 six years ago, when he last posted), but I have to call it as I see it.

    Regardless of whether OG (or any other commenter) overdid things though, we can clearly see the LE character traits even from that very first exchange. After all these years of online interaction, he's never grown up, learned or adapted. It's something that Caleb noted about him in his recent summary of LE's online activity - no real growth or progression, just the same attitude, speech and behaviour.

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    I thought Old Goat was also quite argumentative and a little patronising

    Of course he was. He even called himself a cranky old man. He was reacting to Lloyd coming out of nowhere and in his first sentence saying that the point he had made in his email to jwfacts had been lost on some.

    This was his go-to passive-aggressive insult in the early days- ā€œI donā€™t think many of you are getting the point I was trying to makeā€ like weā€™re all stupid and heā€™s here to teach us. Often the point he was making was of such minor detail - such as WT deleting the flags out of a re-creation of the Cedars Point convention. The point OG was making was why would WT want to put the flags into their new video? It would probably lead to bunch of questions and letters written about the prominence of the flags.

    Flags are present at many WT events round the world where they are renting worldly venues. It wasnā€™t any big deal back then and still isnā€™t. WT omitting the flags didnā€™t exactly reek of the cover-up as Lloyd was making it to be, but it was rather one of convenience.

    Another interesting thing from that thread was Lloyd employing quite likely the first instance of his ā€œyou are making it look bad to doubting JWsā€ argument - the exact same one he uses today when people are talking about him and what he has done:

    For your information I only became firm in my understandings about the society a few weeks ago - and YOU are making this sort of site look bad to a first-timer like me

    This post was made in 2011. Now read his account from TRA. Lloyd relates that on New Years Day in 2010 that he wrote his 9 grievances against the WT to his wife where he came to the conclusion that he doubted the WT was Godā€™s organisation and expressed his desire to fade away. It was only until sometime in 2011 that he wrote a formal letter to the elders letting them know he would become inactive. But him being ā€œfirm in my understandingsā€ dated to 1/1/2010 at least. Lloyd had just recently publicly stated he was going inactive when he made that post, but heā€™s misrepresenting himself as someone who had just woken up. That simply wasnā€™t true. He had been a PIMO for at least 1 1/2 years before and if you read those 9 grievances, youā€™d know how ā€œfirmā€ he was in those convictions.

    But it served his argument well to make the case he was just newly awakened and so he greatly exaggerated and weaponised that to use in a forum argument where he felt he was being attacked.

  • slimboyfat

    Yeah itā€™s a wonder to behold. He thinks that anyone expressing a different view from his is an infringement of his free speech - so they better just shut up. Wow. And he is giddy with excitement at the thought of others backing down and apologising to him. From the very start he attempts to enlist others to his side of the ā€œdebateā€ to isolate his opponents. Childish doesnā€™t begin to describe it.

    He attempted to pull rank on the basis of nothing other than his ego, and a weird pretension that somehow he realised the significance of the so-called prophetic conventions that others ā€œmissedā€. Yet when Old Goat pulled rank on LE on the basis that his memory of the religion went back to the 1930s, LE sniffily declared age and experience are irrelevant.

    In fact he just as good as implied that him spotting some flags in a photo was going to bring down Watchtower, and that he was blazing a new trail where older apostates had failed.

  • TonusOH

    I think he took the initial comments from Old Goat personal, then couldn't let the discussion go. As others are saying, it's pretty much what you recognize from him even now-- he overreacts and then will not let go unless he gets the last word in. And as passive-aggressive as ever.

    He is way too sensitive.

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