Bye Ramacro, nice not knowing you!
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened 11530 Replies latest watchtower scandals
... and so another round of the interminable Lloyd Evans saga begins, including a new thread on Reddit. (I wonder how long that will last before it descends into chaos?)
Settle down with your popcorn and snacks, everyone!
I would no longer have tebor and I would be editing the videos myself. I would probably go down to like two or three videos per month.
Two or three videos of what, him sitting on his ass picking apart the convention and other assorted bullshit? The lack of quality or variety in his videos now, he should be putting out several every day.
He couldn't make it any more obvious that it's not about activism, the victims, or making a difference. If he really cared he'd buckle down and churn out more content, not less. But, in addition to being a lazy ass who doesn't want to do any real work, if he doesn't get a big paycheck then everyone can piss right off.
The first reply to the reddit post ripped him a new one. Not much enthusiasm (or patience, perhaps) for him anymore. Or, as one of the responses says "I've given him money before, but I don't feel like he's owed a living by the exJW community - even minus all the controversy in his personal life. He's one of a number of exJW content creators - most of whom probably have actual jobs outside making videos. No one is forcing him to do it."
...aaaand now Lloyd's begging message has been deleted from Reddit. But not before it also got these unsympathetic replies too
Yeah, I don't know who that guy was that ripped him a long one. It's a mystery!
If Lloyd doesn't get an injection of cash soon, why he won't be able to afford the peroxide to bleach his hair and his asshole! Look at him! He already can't afford a razor, what else do you rubes expect of him? If he can no longer bleach his asshole, than he'll be forced to give up his anal sex-play fetish and have to settle for mere self-abuse! The HORROR!!
Las Malvinas son Argentinas
He's gotten another bump. 416 Patrons. A gain of 27 from what it was this morning.
YT comments are being deleted. He had his mods ready. This was his final card and he played it.
YT comments are being deleted. He had his mods ready. This was his final card and he played it.
That pisses me off - he (and his flying monkeys) have written done seriously defamatory, mean and abusive shit on a number of my videos and I have never deleted comments. I guess speech is only free if it’s in favour of lloyd 🤷♀️
Oh and re the locked Reddit post….what a shock (not!). If the comments had been favourable it would have stayed, but because it might bring “reproach on Lloyd’s name”….. locked…. It’s a F’ing joke,