Just a thought. If Evans wants to sue me too, my address is 1 Police Plaza, New York City, New York, suit 401. [Okay so not really, but ...]
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened 11530 Replies latest watchtower scandals
So, maybe Evans hasn't filed his court case yet because he's wearing himself out trying to discover "vienne's" address?
Funny ,I went on JLE youtube channels , (was making a parody video,) and I notice he Re-release some old video he made. I vaguely remember him mentioning he was going to make Tibor edited some old videos of his...One that caught my attention was this one ...I had heard of this , on this forum actually,but i didn't know he made a video on this...And why the uploaded that video Now (pretty sure it was either in april or may) coincidence I think Not...
I notice he Re-release some old video he made. I vaguely remember him mentioning he was going to make Tibor edited some old videos of his
I wonder what embarrassing snippets he's removing? All the red flags?
I don't believe he would pay someone to do something that isn't of direct benefit to him.
IMO he's removing things for a reason and the "edited re-release" excuse is just cover.
Or it's a distraction from the fact that he doesn't have any new content now people don't want to work with him.
I think someone here already said that Lloyd will probably make videos based on phoned-in stories people have already left (long ago) on his recorder for him. And, did someone here suggest that he start a Croatian food channel? Oh, well. I’m suggesting it if no one else has. He might find a great Croatian chef and cook with him every week. But really, more “activism” against Watchtower,... no, that seems counter-productive after the revelations these past four months. He doesn’t want to analyze doctrines, does he? He doesn’t want to host support groups, does he? Maybe write another book,.. Apostate Can Cook, Living My Best New Life.
He doesn’t want to analyze doctrines, does he?
I think he has tried in the past but he faces the problem that, since he has no belief in the Scriptures’ historicity nor any proclaimed belief, he’s stuck with just dismissing the whole basis of belief.
As has been previously mentioned some pages back (I think!), his channel is now presenting a JW v Atheism challenge alone. Of course, it’s not that simple and PIMOs are working through a myriad of aspects to belief.
IMHO a forum like this (than you Simon!) has far more substantive value. We can be informed and challenged every step of the way.
Well that’s my .05 cents worth 😎
Ozzie 🍷
If I see Lloyd Evans actually helping Native Russians in Ukraine like this guy I just might change my mind. But I think I'll be waiting a long time for this to happen. Patrick Lancaster is a real hero, unlike Lloyd who is just virtue signaling his way into people's hearts (pockets).
I think someone here already said that Lloyd will probably make videos based on phoned-in stories people have already left (long ago) on his recorder for him.
Wasn't there a porn magazine that used to do something similar? They'd recreate scenarios from people's "real-life" letters that were sent in. Eh, probably not related at all...
As for his trip to help Ukraine refugees, I say good for him. It's sad that he seemed to use it as a publicity stunt, but that means a few more people got help in a time of crisis. Maybe he can find more such opportunities to promote himself and do some good as a sort of by-product. Just, please god... don't find a way for him to screw this up, too.
It is not a good idea to video any of these refugees' faces. No doubt Russian intelligence is looking for specific people and their families. Although this would amount to needles in haystacks, and the majority of these people are of no interest to Russia, it would still be a good practice to censor the video. Sometimes the needle is found, especially with today's technology.
I am glad Lloyd Evans got a van load of people from the Ukraine border. I just wish he would have done it without recording it. A quick mention on Twitter would have been okay, but a monetized video is unsettling.