It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars

by Newly Enlightened 11530 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Vintage

    David Pakman's interview of Lloyd Evans is still available online. It was posted eight years ago. Lloyd looked and sounded good back then. But I did have to smile at one part of the blurb introducing Lloyd. It says:
    "John Cedars, former Jehovah’s Witness elder and a 2005 graduate of one of the religion’s training schools and Senior Editor of — one of the foremost blog sites in the Ex-Jehovah’s Witness community, joins David to discuss his story and issues surrounding his former religion."

    "... a 2005 graduate of one of the religion's training schools..."? Was this an "elder's school"? How many days long would it have been? Maybe a week long? Probably no more than two weeks long?

  • Jehalapeno
    Was this an "elder's school"? How many days long would it have been? Maybe a week long? Probably no more than two weeks long?

    He’s a graduate of MTS. (Ministerial Training School). Basically Gilead for single brothers.

  • TonusOH

    I'm betting that he had a hand in describing it.

    "Yes, I'm a graduate of the illustrious JW training school. Very exclusive, quite an honor indeed. Few of us even made it out alive..."

  • Simon

    "Those making themselves available for the Ministerial Training School should be motivated by love for their brothers and a desire to serve them rather than a desire for prominence or special status"

    I think they need to work on their vetting process.

    Also, isn't everyone "senior editor" of their own blog?

    I hereby declare myself Lord Chief, um Rabi? Pope? Yeah, King God the Pope of the Forum. Of all the things I'm awesome at, being humble is probably the best.

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas

    Appointing himself “Senior Editor” isn’t even the most egregious example of his self-indulgence. (Being that he started the blog, could there be anymore more senior than him?)

    On the JLE Translation Services page, he listed himself as “Director” and his wife as “Lead Translator”. Not only did he barely know any Croatian and was not qualified in any way to translate, it made no sense for him to be a Director and run the business side of things since most documents are from Croatian to English and a good portion of his clientele couldn’t speak to him.

    And Grundy had the nerve to post on this site that Lloyd could have been making way more off translation than activism. He proofread her translations and took most of the credit.

  • digderidoo

    Just something to add something into the mix,

    If Lloyd is going to try to claim money for damages from anyone in a separate civil suit, then he would would have to prove that monetary loss - ie. make his accounts available to the defence.

    Given his lack of legal knowledge, he probably hasn't realised that one.

  • TonusOH
    Of all the things I'm awesome at, being humble is probably the best.

    Just like Moses!

  • Toblerone5
  • Vintage

    Thanks, Jehalapeno:

    He’s a graduate of MTS. (Ministerial Training School). Basically Gilead for single brothers.

    So, the Org says:

    "During the eight-week course, students undertake an intensive study of the Bible."

  • Simon
    Not only did he barely know any Croatian and was not qualified in any way to translate, it made no sense for him to be a Director and run the business side of things since most documents are from Croatian to English and a good portion of his clientele couldn’t speak to him.

    I love how, in his "about me" back story, he describes how he was distanced from the congregation because of the language and didn't want to be a witness, followed immediately by:

    "This elder pulled my wife to one side at the end of one meeting and interrogated her in the back room, asking questions about my behavior and quizzing her as to our business affairs. My wife and I run a small business, and he and others had come up with a theory that I was staying on as a Witness just so I could exploit Witnesses when handing out work."

    Sounds exactly like what he was doing and that they saw right through him!

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