It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars

by Newly Enlightened 11530 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Journeyman

    Toblerone - those multiple "Faces of Lloyd" you posted earlier made me think of a 'popular' JW image: The foretold Seven-Headed Horny Horned Beast of Revelation!

    I'm no expert in Photoshop or Gimp - (I mean the graphics program, not the sort of thing he is probably into) but here's my attempt to capture what I had in mind...

  • Thisismein1972
    That I care should be obvious. When I spoke up it was also out of concern for your reputation, which is undermined every time you ridicule another person.

    May I ask, why are you using psychological tactics to try and emotionally manipulate people?

    And as you still have not answered this question, we invite you to go to Lloyd and ask him to come to the table and apologize for his ten years of abuse. It all ends when Lloyd admits to his wrongdoing.

    May I ask, why are you using psychological tactics to try and emotionally manipulate people?

    Sounds like something lloyd would do 🤷‍♀️

  • Thisismein1972
    They "blocked" me and refuse to apologize

    Wait, are the GB on Twitter now, do they all have personal social media accounts that we don't know of?

  • ForeverAlone
    Lloyd, since you are reading this, do yourself and all of us a favor. Publish a video with the result of the court case.

    It is going to look very bad if we are the ones to publish the results of the case and not Lloyd. His supporters are not going to take kindly to that.

    I'll help with financial assistance as well.

  • Toblerone5

    sorry ,part two;

    They "blocked" me and refuse to apologize.

    Blocked ? they block you from Warwick? Patterson ? social media ? They refuse to apologive , we are both female here , you really think that the Governing body would apologive to a women ?

    now wherever I go on earth there are people who because of the GB/FDS/elder slander will not interact with me.

    There's that slander word again , did you see Lloyd livestream ? when he said and Libelous! It was so funny... sorry it make me think of that. You make me think of him ,but your a women... since we are both women , I can say this .aren't you been a little bit dramatic here, pms ?.. You mean to tell us that if you would go let's say Australia , and go to a cong there , not Sydney , Stanley Tasmania , the elders as soon as they see you would say , oh no that's sister Audrey that the G.B, warned us against ? Afica? Poland , The Croatia Coast ! If you go now you will see Lloyd ,he's on holiday ... and yet he still go on social media to insult people . people he Block! Anyway ,like I said I'm an introvert , and a French one too... So don't forget to give me your number for the Patreoff pool...

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    And as you still have not answered this question, we invite you to go to Lloyd and ask him to come to the table and apologize for his ten years of abuse. It all ends when Lloyd admits to his wrongdoing.

    It’s why I asked her that, knowing she would never do such a thing because she knows the pushback she’d get from him.

    It’s a relatively new Lloyd defense tactic - admit, and then deflect. She admitted to Lloyd’s poor behaviour, claimed she was put off by it, but immediately shot off several paragraphs about how she was even more offended by the reaction to it.

    His few remaining defenders on Reddit and Twitter employ this tactic all the time because they know they are outnumbered. They spend way more time trying to set his critics straight than they do Lloyd, despite claiming to be equally offended by both sides of the issue.

    We should adopt this strategy as well.

    I know we are a bit harsh on him and such, but no one was killed. No seal cubs were bludgeoned by the hands of any Lloyd Evans JWN thread participant. We didn’t separate families. We didn’t nuke a kitten sanctuary.

  • Toblerone5

    Journeyman are you kidding me? THIS IS PERFECT ! WOW ! OMG please tell me you will post this on twitter so i can like it again and repost it .!

  • Toblerone5

    by the way thanks Journeyman for putting a Prostitute that is older then "20 ''years old...

  • Thisismein1972
    We didn’t nuke a kitten sanctuary.

    Hey, speak for yourself. Shit, my therapist keeps telling me to stop being so reactive!

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