It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars

by Newly Enlightened 11530 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • ozziepost
    Lloyd's accent is more of a posh Cheshire accent and is nowhere near a proper Manchester accent.

    That fits if, as I understand it, he hails from there.

    Not the “posh” bit though.

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    he doesn’t want other people to see what is being truthfully said about him. The proposed personal mute button simply wouldn’t cut it for that purpose.

    It’s going to be a difficult choice for him to make. On one hand he can no longer make drive-by responses to people he has blocked without starting some shit that will instantly get him ratioed. And it opens up all his tweets to responses that can be read by everyone and if he mutes, all he is doing is blocking himself from reading anything from that particular account. This will become a problem when the court files are released and his followers get to have a taste for what idiocy they paid for.

    Yet for what he does, he needs as many platforms as possible and a complete and total Twitter exit would hurt him as well.

    My guess is he’ll try to mitigate the damage by leaving his main account inactive whilst using the JWWatch account to plug his videos and fight back through various burners.

    And Twitter used to be his domain and he absolutely ruled there. So tragic.

  • TonusOH

    LMsA: And it opens up all his tweets to responses that can be read by everyone

    That's the first thing that came to my mind- he can leave Twitter if he wants, but he'll have to delete a whole lot of his tweets first. Otherwise, people will be free to reply to his older ones and dump all of the skeletons from his closet for the world to see.

    I don't think he has the patience or energy to delete literally hundreds of tweets (possibly thousands). And I know it would just kill him to delete his account. His only option is to pray to Jehovah (or sacrifice a chicken to Elon Musk) that X decides not to make this change.

  • Toblerone5
    if he mutes, all he is doing is blocking himself from reading anything from that particular account

    He's very vindictive, I have a feeling that he takes great pleasure in blocking people on twitter, Sort of a punishment to somebody who dare to disagree with him...On many ocasion when somebody left him a tweet he didn't like he will insult him if he's in the mood to have a hissy fit match or he will just say is usual F*ck off ,than block that person... Coming from a born in JW, elder son...very classy! Most normal people ( what JW call "worldly" ) wouldn't dare to used that kind of language in public ,(in private yes of course ) , but they have at leats the decency to be civilized especially on social media. We have a saying in french :Words fly away ,writings remain .This forum alone is full of Old ''remains" he once tweeted or posted ! You would think that would teach him a lesson..We are in page 1,117 the answer is NO..😆.

    P.S. I said ''elder son" , that was just for him,cause he looooved to brag about that 😆

  • slimboyfat
    I don't think he has the patience or energy to delete literally hundreds of tweets (possibly thousands). And I know it would just kill him to delete his account. His only option is to pray to Jehovah

    He would get Tibor to do it before he’d do it himself. His job is basically to do whatever LE can’t be bothered, which turns out to be an expanding list.

  • vienne

    Look back at Lloyd-boy's past interactions here, I ran across him scolding one of mom's real life friends who was on here as oldgoat. I remember oldgoat. We used to meet him in Portland, Oregon, for coffee and snacks, and he and mom would talk history. Two former professors talking shop. Anyway OG commented on a photo that Lloyd thought showed Watchtower hypocrisy because the convention hall was adorned with US flags. Not only was this long before the flag salute issue, but the flags were left over from a previous event. He ranted at OG for the correction.

    That's Lloyd's style. No one must question him in any fashion or doubt anything he might have claimed as true. Lloyd is boring. And I think that and his mental issues are his greatest fault.

  • Journeyman

    He's still shaking his fists and wailing into the void about Elon Musk's decision. Funny that he should use the word "spoiled" in criticism of anyone else! Pots and kettles...?

    Meanwhile, he seems to have dropped 3 patrons again...

    ... and after I noted the other day that he's not posted any updates for his patrons since 29 July, he's now apologised for not being able to keep up with his "pledges" to them for August.

    Obviously, as I'm not a member, I can't see the excuse reason he gives, but I presume it's something to do with him having been "swamped" with so much work!

  • slimboyfat

    Maybe a refund is in order rather than merely “much thought and deliberation”. If patrons were automatically refunded for pledges not kept, then he’d no doubt deliberate a bit harder before weaselling out.

    He can’t stand his patrons that’s, why he can hardly bring himself to interact with them. He knows by this point that his remaining patrons must either be morons, morally debased as himself, or somehow remain in the dark about his behaviours and haven’t yet encountered his true self.

    Yes his patrons numbers are drifting down yet again after the latest mini beg.

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    I’m sorry, but after much thought and deliberation I’ve realised I can’t fulfil pledges for August…

    What a self-indulgent dolt. What thought and deliberation is there to put into this? He’s lazy and doesn’t want to do the fucking livestreams. He’d rather just skip to the “being paid” part of it. There: I cracked the case. Keep the change.

    These patron livestreams are a chore anyway because they are sparsely attended and he has to jump round like a circus monkey for coins. So let’s hear what Lloyd thinks about Tony Morris for yet another go round. Compelling content.

    He ranted at OG for the correction.

    I loved OldGoat. That was Lloyd’s first ever apostate post. Lloyd went ever further and suggested a bigger scandal than it really was because in a video re-creation of the event at Cedar Point, they didn’t include the flags. OG retorted: “Or maybe they didn’t want all these letters coming in about the damn flags!”.

    OG indeed.

    And look who has an opinion about domestic abuse:

    And this is why the removal of the block feature is going to be a pain for him:

  • Journeyman
    Maybe a refund is in order rather than merely “much thought and deliberation”.

    Good point. I wonder if the three recent losses are related to him failing (again) to keep up with his (let's face it, not particularly onerous) content pledges? He'd been pretty stable at 491 for a little while.

    For all his talk about how much he values and appreciates those who support his channel (including in the recent leaked Patreon video), he doesn't seem to be able to muster up much effort to actually give them what he's promised, and what they're paying for.

    And look who has an opinion about domestic abuse

    Well done, LMSA, for calling him out on that hypocritical comment (and to "nigglebunnies" too).

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