It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars

by Newly Enlightened 11530 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Simon

    I didn't notice at the time that the first thing he said was "I haven't raped anyone". But basic statistics + stories from those who escape the sex industry say that the more frequently you use prostitutes, the more likely that you are in fact a rapist.

    Consent from someone who can't freely give it, isn't really consent.

  • Toblerone5
    Canadian French National?

    Yes . sorry ,it would have been funnier

  • Dagney

    Man... this guy! He is so focused on himself and his defense he cannot see the absurdity of the statements he makes.

    He should not have ANYTHING to do with ANYBODY who has suffered sexual/emotional abuse of any kind. He is a predator.

    We knew from the get go here he was a tool, unreasonable and vindictive, to say the least. But he is far far worse.

    Thanks Kim !

    You are welcome! I am still very sad with what happened to TTAT however I’m not sad that people didn’t waste their time talking to lloyd 👍

  • Thisismein1972

    I happened to stumble on something about two years ago that has been imprinted on my brain ever since, and I wish I could unsee it. It was a picture of a Thai girl who had been murdered by her client. This is a reality in Thailand, and it happens on a regular basis I am led to believe.

    So think about this. Lloyd has to be aware that this happens, but he still thinks what he does is acceptable. I work with a lot of Filipinos, they are also exploited due to poverty. Although they are very strong and resilient people, I would never ever dream of exploiting their extremely good nature. Thai people are the same. By the way Lloyd, there were, and are people who are actually more evil than the people you have mentioned. In fact, they are living among us now.

    Take for example. Indian girls were being maimed and killed by a vaccine that was supposed to help them. Then there is the Anthrax attack by the US government on Native Americans. And something closer to home. Filipinos sacrificed because they thought they would be safe in a Kingdom Hall (Faith In Action.) British and American bombs are being used in Yemen, the list is endless.

    It's never a good look to mention a WW2 event when the West has got far more blood on its hands than Germany could ever have dreamt of, oh but they are spreading democracy!

    Don't tweet soundbites when you have no idea about the reality of history.

  • Simon
    It's never a good look to mention a WW2 event when the West has got far more blood on its hands than Germany could ever have dreamt of, oh but they are spreading democracy!

    Please spare us your poor takes and off-base comparisons. The west hasn't come anywhere close to the level of mass killings by socialist Germany, Russia, and China.

    Of course some would say that the holocaust was almost as bad as food allergies ... (if you know the reference, you know, if you don't you'll be thinking "WTF?!")

  • Thisismein1972
    Please spare us your poor takes and off-base comparisons. The west hasn't come anywhere close to the level of mass killings by socialist Germany, Russia, and China.

    Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan, Somalia, and the former Yugoslavia. I have a Libyan friend who hates the US for what it did to his country. I also have friends from Eastern Europe who watched as NATO bombs reigned down on them.

    Then there was the two nuclear bombs that the US dropped on innocent civilians the only country in history that has used nuclear weapons against innocent people.

    What I'm getting at is we tend to use certain narratives in history to label others without realizing that most countries in history are guilty of atrocities and put certain countries on a pedestal. Nothing takes away evil no matter what shape or form it comes in.

    By the way, most countries during the covid pandemic ruled by decree and repeated often "it's for the greater good" which I believe is a socialist doctrine also.

  • Toblerone5

    Imagine, Wally was able to have more Views,more like and comments , with just the last conv. talk than The other "guy " who's video was about the hole friday AM one.

    A 1, 000 more views ! 🤣🤣🤣 Actually 1,207 ! Mores Views then you L.E. 🤣

  • Toblerone5
    I am still very sad with what happened to TTAT however

    I know M.Ortiz would never do it, but one way he could make limonade with lemon, tell the story of Why TTATT will never be release. Talk about how L.E. with just One trip to Thailand was able to completelly destroyed 5 years of hard work.. All those footage of interviews would not be wasted, he could now show them .. Like L.E. could Sued him for doing that . On the other hand , M.Juan Escobedo would maybe have no problem doing this...

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas

    Direct from the Lloyd Evans playbook:

    Rule 2.4 – When attempting to assert intellectual dominance or moral superiority over others, dig up a Christopher Hitchens quote and attempt to apply it to your own situation…

    Lloyd, you are NOTHING like Hitchens. You possess none of his sharp wit, and precious little of his intelligence, be it tangible or emotional. Hitch was not shy to debate others. In fact he regularly showed up to public debates with nothing more than a podium. He debated preachers, extremists, politicians, journalists and all types of fanatics. What’s more, he actually let them speak and didn’t try to stifle what they had to say. That’s how effective of a debater he was. The best you can do is invite the random and hapless JW or Mormon who is brave enough to show up on your channel and poke fun of him.

    Inside and outside your pathetic Twitter echo chamber where only people you do not block can respond, you possess none of the qualities that Hitch had. He was a huge proponent of free speech and freedom of the press. Did you ever read his exposé on Princess Diana? Or his scathing rebuke of Prince Charles ever becoming King? Or how about his hard hitting obituary on Ronald Reagan that pulled absolutely no punches?

    Do you remember how Hitchens railed against human rights abuses in Iraq, Israel, and elsewhere? Would you mind taking a gander at how he might have viewed the human trafficking problem in Thailand and your pitiful attempts to disassociate yourself from enabling those abuses?

    The same kind of criticism Hitch routinely threw at others you’d dismiss as slander if it were ever addressed to you.

    You resort to filing frivolous lawsuits and lame legal threats that make absolutely no sense and are an embarrassment. Hitch would say “bring it on” and if the argument against you was as bad as you suggest, it would fail on its own merits. Not you. You cannot bear to hear a contrary opinion and it is so bad that you’ve relied on a network of goon squad members that attempt to shout the argument down and wear people out.

    Could you imagine if Hitch had hit rock bottom like you did and trotted out an assistant he’d interview personally who would start making accusations against his critics? That was some low ball shit that children in grade school engage in. You actually thought it was an effective tactic to regain your support! You’ve insulted most if not all of the very base you are relying on for financial support. Did Hitch insult his readers? Do you think he would have made a highly manipulative video that begged for donations and threatened to quit journalism if he didn’t get enough money from donors? He didn’t need to beg, nor did he need donations. Companies paid him for the content he was creating and it was both an honour and worth the price to have one of his columns printed in their publications. It’s called “talent”. It’s also called having a real job where you are paid for a product that sells.

    In your book, you waxed on about how your mum would have been proud of you and trotted out your wife and young daughter as people she would have been happy to have met and known. Ask yourself this… What would your mum have thought had she read those vile letters you sent Dijana a year and a half ago? She’d be ashamed of you. In that, she’d find herself in line with the same criticism that has been leveled at you from the exJW community that you routinely swat away as slander. You are a bumbling fool and complete embarrassment. If she were the kind and genteel soul you portrayed her as in your book, I’d imagine she’d invite you to come home so she could attempt to get it through your thick skull that YOU are the problem here. The common denominator.

    You can do without the Hitchens quotes for now. In a less enlightened age you’d be a prime candidate for a lobotomy. In the absence of Mummy coming back from the grave to assist in your “mental health crisis”, you just need a bitch slap and a reality check.

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