Charging $150 To Tell Your Stories

by Bangalore 178 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hecce


    This was the description of the person involved:

    digo... ser(por cortos dias, finalmente renuncie) un traductor oficial de parte del libro de Cedars? renuncie por considerar una injusticia se pusiera muy duro con la distribucion gratuita de su libro en ingles del Apostata reluctante. tenia yo una copia escaneada del libro (en ingles). por andar de bocon, dije que ya tenia una copia. el se irrito y armo todo un escandalo par aperseguir al creador/distribuidor de la copia. personalmente, si usa los servicios GRATUITOS de otros compañeros, para evitar pagar un servicio que su valor superaba llos 5 mil dolares, no debiera ser tan quisquilloso sobre que circulen copias de su libro gratuitas.

    Google translation

    I say ... be (for short days, finally give up) an official translator for part of Cedars' book? resign for considering an injustice would get very hard with the free distribution of his book in English of Reluctant Apostata. I had a scanned copy of the book (in English). for bocon walk, I said I already had a copy. He got irritated and set up a scandal to pursue the creator / distributor of the copy. personally, if you use the FREE services of other colleagues, to avoid paying a service whose value exceeded $ 5,000, you should not be so fussy about circulating free copies of your book.

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas

    Lloyd Evans: “...because if the copyright was breached I obviously need to act on that”

    I seem to remember Lloyd starting a Reddit attack thread on the COC copyright holder for “acting on that”, singling her out because she sent him a Cease and Desist letter. In the mind of Lloyd Evans, only he can act on copyright violations when they are done on his book. When someone else does it for copyrighted work he has breached, it’s a “witch hunt”.

    According to Lloyd himself, copyrights can only be breached if you are selling it for profit. His Spanish translation team was obviously not selling this for profit; in fact they were doing pro bono work for him translating his for-profit book from English into Spanish. See his comment below:

    Thus according to the eternal wisdom of Lloyd Evans, he himself has nothing to complain about due to the fact that no profit was gained from the sharing of his PDF.

    Hecce: Please forward this screenshot to your Spanish group. They are doing nothing wrong (according to him) and Lloyd is either being stupid or a hypocrite. Probably both.

  • John Davis
    John Davis

    To make it clear copyright is not limited to just making money. There are a number of factors that come into play with copyright violations, including if it diminishes the market for the copyright holder.

  • Hecce



  • jp1692
    According to Lloyd himself, copyrights can only be breached if you are selling it for profit.

    This is not correct.

    That's like saying it's okay for me to take someone else's personal belongings and give them away just as long as I don't sell them for a profit. Most people are smart enough to recognize this is stealing!

    Theft is theft. What a thief does after they take something that doesn't belong to them changes nothing.

    The intricacies of copyright law can be complex and difficult for non-attorneys to comprehend, but the basic principles are simple: If it's not yours, you cannot redistribute it in any way, shape or form. Whether or not money is involved in the transaction is frankly irrelevant.

    I've come to believe that most people that claim they don't understand copyright law are dishonest and just want to violate it.

    Interestingly, as with Mr. Evans currently, when it comes to their own copyrights those same people suddenly become "experts" on the subject.

  • slimboyfat

    He asks translators to work for free? While charging people to include their stories in his book?

    Seems like he's a bit of a user and people are getting wise to him.

  • Hecce
    He asks translators to work for free? While charging people to include their stories in his book?
    Seems like he's a bit of a user and people are getting wise to him.

    sly: it looks like this group at the Spanish forum are not getting wiser to him, they try to justify his antics as needed for the cause of the "resistance"; the man can do no wrong. I am just getting tired of their arguments and about to give up.

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas

    The Resistance?

    I believe Lloyd missed his calling as a Political Commissar of the People’s Liberation Army of China - Prison Camp Division. It always takes a special someone to convince prisoners to think they are making a difference towards the cause with forced labour.

    Jesus Christ. That IP from the “offender” you provided comes from Hermosillo, Mexico. I’ve never lived or worked in Hermosillo, but I think I can confidently say that translating The Reluctant Apostate into Spanish for free and have to deal with that shit is not too business savvy or emotionally beneficial.

    It’s like he’s running a foreign sweatshop. He takes pictures in Venice (just last week) and has no shame in stiffing the foot soldiers and demanding names of potential copyright offenders.

  • Hecce


    You nail it.

  • captaingrl
    what a greedy a-hole. WTF did he ever do for the exjw community?

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