does honesty need to be harsh?

by Ravyn 210 Replies latest members adult

  • teejay
    TJ treads water wearing lead boots... -- hillary_step
    TJ treads water wearing lead boots...and a concrete babushka. -- hillary_step

    Any moron can post dull insults like "your mother wears army shoes". -- AlanF

  • teejay
    Did I miss something Teejay? I thought you had been arguing the "effectiveness" of harsh vs. mild not what was "allowed". -- xenawarrior

    XW, Are you truly interested in understanding my thoughts, or are you just making a comment?

  • teejay
    Yes, my reputation there is legendary, I'm proud to say. -- teejay

    That comment, dear sir, puts many miles between you and me. I'll understand your future posts with a different perspective. -- onacruse


    You are free to make judgments of my future posts however you wish. I regularly do the same. Every day is a new day and every post -- regardless of the source -- is judged on its own merits. Despite how off-putting my hyperbolic, self-aggrandizing "boast" might appear on its surface, in the matter of on-board posting etiquette here the space between your and my position can be measured by the width of a piece of notebook paper... your current reservations to the contrary.

    As a side note: As you now go about reading my future posts with "a different perspective," please do disregard AlanF's hyperbolic, self-aggrandizing "boasts" that not too subtly hint at the (supposed) "many" he has helped escape the Tower's evil clutches over the years, in stark contrast to the scant few that others have so helped. I do hope his comments will not affect your reading of his future posts in any way.

  • Dansk
    I've seen Teejay over on that "other" board

    "Other" board! Where do you guys get the time?!


  • DanTheMan

    The only comment that I have to add to this thread is that I once worked at a place where I was subjected to conservative talk radio for most of the day.

    I will never align myself politically with such bombastic, bellicose people. But then again, what I consider to be unnecessary sarcasm and bombast is, to a true believing conservative, just telling it how it is.

  • teejay


    You either condone the use of abusive language, on the board, by boffins with an IQ above 175 on the grounds that they are trying to get us to "think" ..... or you dont. ten thousand posts by you in this thread and you slip around like an eel, hinting, implying, not committing.

    Abusive language by professorial eggheads. Which is it? Yes or no?

    (Squirm around on that one for another 20 posts.) -- refiners fire

    I can't say that I agree with your every post, RF, but on this point you and I definitely see eye-to-eye. You don't know how hard it was to pin down HS on this issue but, at last, he committed.

    I think.

  • teejay
    If one wants to call names though, he or she is free to do so.
    I try to avoid it as much as I can.
    I think constructive criticism should be used instead.
    Not that I'm so good at it. Lots of posters are though, and by calling names
    I think they're wasting their energy.
    Wish I had energy to waste. -- avengers

    Beautiful, Andy.

  • Prisca
    Beautiful, Andy.

    Glad you put that comma in there, TJ. lol....

  • onacruse

    teejay, please don't take my comment as being a judgment of you. I was only trying to say that you, apparently, perceive your reputation in a db environment very differently than I do mine. I said essentially the same to HS; it helps me immensely to better know "where someone's coming from" in their posts.

    As a general comment: I literally cringe, and my heart hurts, whenever I see the words "moron, idiot, dipfuck" etc used in a post. Alan knows this. Farkel knows this. I think that there is some merit in pointing out that the "rules" of this forum would seem to preclude such (imo) personal and derogatory terminology. However, Prisca and rf, you've both recently, without using those specific terms, posted things that set me back none the less. Nevertheless, you are who you are, and, as I said above, I'll continue to look for the good in each of you.

    Perhaps, someday, such speech will not affect me. More likely: someday, I'll just say goodbye to this forum. I've been tempted to do that more than once.



  • Abaddon


    Could you clarify something for me? You threatened me yesterday to stay out of ‘your threads’.

    Does this apply only to threads you start, or is it a blanket threat against me taking part in any thread you have posted in?

    I would PM you, but am afraid you might reply using capital letters like you did when you started threatening and insulting me yesterday. After you did that the thread was locked, and I don’t want to antagonise someone with the obvious anger management issues you have, or you will go all CAPSLOCK again… how ever did you know I found capital letters so frightening?

    Anyway, assuming you will let me post on this thread without repeating the threats, insults, and sexual innuendo you directed at me yesterday (and me so insecure about my sexuality … it got me all a flutter), I have a question to ask you.

    I really think your ‘salt of the earth’ routine is very funny. “Ooo arrr, by gum, us poor simpletons can’t be doing with big words”. Unfortunately it doesn’t sit well with your boasts about your experience with cults, and about how you are very good at manipulating people. You obviously think you are at least as clever as the people you are criticising.

    How can you tell when it’s okay to use insults? Apparently, it’s okay when you do it (this presumably extends to your buddies) but not okay if someone you feel inferior to does it (I assume that’s what’s behind the chip on your shoulder). Please clarify this. Surely someone who has (so you say) infiltrated cult-type groups in the past is not that inadequate!

    Could you also clarify the use of threats? I have never, ever, been threatened on the Internet before, and am sure that you have some justification for your actions. Perhaps you need help; typing threats into a screen is charmingly futile – or do you find it normally works? Is this a technique you picked up during one of your cult-type group infiltrations?

    Obviously, as you have had the decency to admit yesterday you lie if it suits you, I have no reason to believe a word you say in reply… but I am sure despite all the signs to the contrary you are not the sort of person you have made yourself out to be, and are in fact a quiet inoffensive person who wouldn’t say boo to a goose that likes playing with puppies.

    P.S. If you really want I can send you a photo of me in drag... big boy...

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