What's the worst sin that you knew a JW commited? Espec. Elders, Bethelites

by FreeofGuilt 79 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Uzzah


    Nice attempt to deflect but those are all situations that I have first hand information about,

    [edited due to having too much personal info in the post]


  • shera
    a false witness that launches forth lies, - that person who got DF'd must have been demonized, you know she sleeps with smurfs

    Hehehe,sorry but I had to chuckle over that.

  • KGB

    Ive been waiting for this a long time. My mother and step father are JW`s. Baptized in 1975 and in 1979 with pictures as evidence my mother had sex with another woman while her JW husband watched. They also smoked pot and they smoked it with me. But I was not a JW. Today she is a gossiper in a bad way. For someone who has done all these things and hardly attends meetings it suprises me that they still aloow her in their church.

    Its funny that when I was preparing to be baptized I had to walk the straight and narrow in order to be baptized but I guess once your in you can do all kinds of nasty things and still be apart of it.

  • KGB

    Oh and thank goodness someone was watching over me because I never did get baptized hehehehe

  • heianderen

    SOJ, you missed the point here. The truth is that JW are like the average population, not better, not worse (althought here in this board there are some that will desagree with me at this point) the image that portrait the society about itself is simply false. JW are not better that the others religious groups.

    And a lot of people here know first hand about this crap, the hipocresy of some of the JW (not all). The experiences that has been written in this board, not all are gossips, may be some are untrue, as you tried to ilustrate (someone who was somewhat somewhere), but a lot are true.

    Greetz heianderen

  • Hamas

    I knew a Ministerial Servant in my congregation that seemed to be all 'sin' rolled into one.

    He conned me out of lots of money, then turned it around to make out I was the guilty party. He was a crook, a lier, hypocrite and a bastard, and If ever I saw him again I would not think twice about kicking the crap out of him. I would not feel guilty in the slightest, he made a wedge appear in my family that has never healed. Yet he still gives items EVEN AT THE ASSEMBLY and makes out that butter will not melt in his mouth.

    I hate the guy. I shall get revenge.

    For all those that want to know who he is, and what congregation he attends, look here:


  • searchfothetruth

    One of the Elders of a local congregation started up his own business and decided to 'borrow' some money from the congregations savings, as he had access. Of course, he was rubbish at business and borrowed more.

    The overseer came and wanted to see the records and it transpires that he stole the whole lot, nearly £60,000.

    He was disfellowshipped, his wife left him and he ended up in a mental hospital because of the guilt.

  • JustUs

    This happened about 35 years ago. I was very close to the family this happened to. They were given the privilege of preparing a meal for the visiting circuit overseer and district overseer, and the district overseer's wife during the district convention. The circuit overseer's wife had died a couple years before this incident, but he remained in the circuit work. The circuit overseer was staying in the home where the dinner was prepared, and the district overseer and his wife were staying in another witness home that was about a 30 minute car ride away. After dinner and some visiting, the district overseer asked the brother, an elder, whose family hosted the dinner, to drive him and his wife back to the home they were staying .The circuit overseer in the meantime excused himself by saying goodnight to all, and went upstairs to the bedroom they provided for him. The wife of the elder who prepared the dinner decided to wait up for her husband to return, so she went to the kitchen and started cleaning up the dishes. About 10 minutes after her husband and the district overseer left this sister was frightened half out of her wits, when the circuit overseer crept up behind her at the kitchen sink and wrapped his arms around her and began to attempt to kiss her while touching her breasts. She said she was horrified and couldn't speak. She began crying profusely as she turned around and attempted to block his advances with her forearms in his chest. Then he tried to calm her and told her Jehovah understands he has needs and that there were several sisters in the circuit that helped him in his time of need. At this point she ran from him and locked herself in the bathroom until her husband got home.

    As soon as her husband walked through the door and learned what happened, he put the kids (who were in bed sleeping) and his wife in the car, and drove back to where the district overseer was staying. After telling the DO what happened, the brother who’s home the DO was staying at, and the DO followed the brother back to his home, went upstairs and talked to the circuit overseer, and led him out the door and put him up at a local motel. The next day at the district convention, the circuit overseer was noticeably missing from the program. In fact he wasn't used for any of the parts he was listed for in the program for the rest of the convention. The elder and his wife never heard another thing about this circuit overseer, or what (if anything) happened to him because of this incident. They asked my wife and I to never tell this story to anyone. We needed to protect Jehovah’s name from reproach. You know what? This is the first time I've told this story to anyone in 35 years. I'm happy it is on this forum.

  • Martinelli

    It is certainly not my place or my intention to preach or give a lecture on "sin". The Bible is pretty clear that we all have fallen short and that is precisely why Christ had to die on the cross. None of us is without sin and God knows how black my sins are so while I may have a fun time pointing out other people's sins, especially of JWs who harmed me and members of my family, I have to remember that Christ died for them too and is waiting for their repentance as well. There is no one righteous, not one, according to Paul when exhorting the Romans. He said in Romans 3:9-12 that we (Jews and Gentiles) are all under sin; no one is righteous; we are all unprofitable; no one does good; all fall short. The good news is that we have the Blood of Jesus to save us and that goes for all who will come. It profits us nothing to point at and dwell upon the evil of the JWs. Indeed it only fosters an attitude of unforgiveness. Forgiven people ought to be forGIVING people. How are we any different from those who have transgressed against us is if transgress right back by speaking ill of those who continue to deceive and create treachery, like the JWs. Jesus even said that he came, not for the righteous, but for the unrighteous ( Matthew 9:13). He came to save those who need repentance and grace.

    I can count the sins of many in the organization who wronged me and damned me, and it has taken years to forgive. I still harbor resentment and uneasiness when I think of them. However, I know that my Heavenly Father did much, much more than forgive me. He forgave sins past, present, and future. I deserve hell; we all do. But by grace we are saved, not by works that anyone should boast, as Paul says. But that grace applies to ALL people regardless of what they have done. God's mercy and grace are infinite and He says that our sins are as far removed as the east is from the west! (Psalms 103:12). Imagine that! We can't. It's as if He pressed the "delete" button on the heavenly keyboard and erased our sins for us. These Biblical references keep me humble and in a forgiving mindset when I think about the JWs. I have to remind myself of what God did for me and I force myself to remember all the terrible things He forgave and I am humbled.

    It is my hope that my father and brother will escape the web of lies and deceit they have been living in for 30 years. I escaped at the age of 19 when I was disfellowshipped. Then feeling shamed and outcast, I was reinstated only to be betrayed and then disfellowshipped again. I was wronged in a terrible way and I can tell you stories about it; it's tempting, believe me, but I won't. Did they sin? Yes. Have I? Yes. Finally, at the age of 40, I can try to reformulate my feelings about the incident that occurred, the way my brother and father were stolen from me, the way my mother died, but alas, Christ has helped me. I alone do not have the strength to forgive these people, but I can do anything through Christ who strengthens me (Phillipians 4:13). Telling stories would do nothing to edify the body of Christ. That was an exhortation Paul did give. All that we do and say should be for the edification of the Body. We do know that many JWs log on to this website and I'm sure that they know that if they were caught, they would suffer consequences. I would like to think of this forum as a "ministry" of sorts. A small means of conveying truth to those JWs who may be crying for help but feel trapped. This may be the only forum in which they can actually ponder and think through the Scriptures themselves. Telling stories that don't edify or inspire encouragement, can only deflect them from us. I would like to see them escape. Let's give them a reason to re-think their teachings, not by recounting incidents of sin, but by the Word, the Sword, the Bible.

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    Googling someone else's house (because they're going to get killed by jerhovar) is about as "out there" as I've heard with any human behaviour - I have little doubt in their ability to be talked into just about anything.


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