Basically grew up in JW religion. Was baptized @ age 16. Commited many sins after baptism (slut of the Kingdumb Hall as an elder might say). Was publicly reproved @ 18. I hated everything about that religion, but I was still living @ home until the age of 20 when I married a man with whom I committed one of those sins with....(I enjoyed every bit of it!) We both stopped going @ age 22 when we moved to another Congregation, & we agreed they are all alike & why don't we live for ourselves, bunch of shit, etc. I am now 25 & am enjoying being "free", if only I could get rid of my mother-in-law...:-) PS- NO I do not believe in Karma/Recreation as I said in one of my replies to a post... If you do, that is your right :-) I am basically just blah about the whole issue of the God thing right now, & wanted to say something totally off into space---